He's the best coach that ever laced them up imo. He should never ever, ever ever be questioned as "only coached elites" Pat Riley had a lot elites, he didn't get half of 11. Red won all his titles with like 8 teams in the entire NBA.

That's all I read because that's all I got time for, I got lecture soon.

We'll never know because it's all what-ifs, but I just don't see how any good coach wouldn't have gotten the 6 with Michael, and the 3 with Shaq/Kobe.

I've already said he's undoubtedly the best coach, but I still stick to my statement... Jordan, Pippen, Shaq, and Kobe made Phil, not the other way around. Shaq was a BEAST by himself in Orlando, got to the Finals pretty much with Nick Anderson at his side. He upgrades in LA and wins 3 in a row.

So why didn't they win 4 in a row? 5 in a row?

Was it because they were out-coached by Greg Pop and Larry Brown?

Those Jazz teams were NEVER as good as the Bulls.

And the post-2000 Jazz were never touching the Lakers as far as personnel goes.

Is Phil a great coach?

Yes, best of all-time, but there's also a reason why he's only coached legends.

Jordan, best SG, best PLAYER of all-time.
Kobe, second best SG of all-time, and probably when it's all said and done, Top 5 player ever.
Shaq, one of the best Centers of all-time, dominated his period.
Pippen, one of the best SFs of all-time.

Phil coached in a time where the game was dominated by Jordan. Phil also coached in a time where the game was dominated by Shaq.

The last two championships, as I said before, I give him a ton more credit for.

But those other 9 rings? those were happening.
can of worms it always opens with one way or another is how much did the players do for him but it also is how much did MJ, Pippen, Shaq and Kobe have their careers enhanced by him? If Hakeem gets Phil for 5 prime years, does he have more than 2 rings? Shaq doesn't have Phil, what is he left with? Etc.

I guess you could say it just was a true 2 way relationship and neither parties succeed to the level they have without each other.
JapanAir21 wrote:

So why didn't they win 4 in a row? 5 in a row?

Because it's impossible. 

Unless the NBA goes back to less than 10 teams.    

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I agree with what CP said about Phil but maybe Sloan subbed in a guy cuz he got poked in the eye?
  No, I woulda understood that.  At the time I thought maybe the guy didn't something wrong, but he wasn't involved in those meaningfull 12 seconds, he didn't have anything to do with the play, it was just bizarre to me.  I mean, 12 seconds?  Who rests for 12 seconds? 
I agree with what CP said about Phil but maybe Sloan subbed in a guy cuz he got poked in the eye?
Originally Posted by Al3xis

can of worms it always opens with one way or another is how much did the players do for him but it also is how much did MJ, Pippen, Shaq and Kobe have their careers enhanced by him? If Hakeem gets Phil for 5 prime years, does he have more than 2 rings? Shaq doesn't have Phil, what is he left with? Etc.

I guess you could say it just was a true 2 way relationship and neither parties succeed to the level they have without each other.
Hakeem won two rings because there was no MJ to take those two rings away from him.

Hakeem and Drex (two of my favorite players btw), weren't going to make noise if Jordan was around.

If those players didn't have Phil, Bulls would still at least win 5 rings, and Lakers would have 3.

These last two were on Phil's shoulders, but I just don't see Jordan/Pippen not getting theirs, no matter who the coach was.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Al3xis

can of worms it always opens with one way or another is how much did the players do for him but it also is how much did MJ, Pippen, Shaq and Kobe have their careers enhanced by him? If Hakeem gets Phil for 5 prime years, does he have more than 2 rings? Shaq doesn't have Phil, what is he left with? Etc.

I guess you could say it just was a true 2 way relationship and neither parties succeed to the level they have without each other.
Hakeem won two rings because there was no MJ to take those two rings away from him.

Hakeem and Drex (two of my favorite players btw), weren't going to make noise if Jordan was around.

If those players didn't have Phil, Bulls would still at least win 5 rings, and Lakers would have 3.

These last two were on Phil's shoulders, but I just don't see Jordan/Pippen not getting theirs, no matter who the coach was.

What if I told you there was a story about how Phil was the reason Mike came back eventually?  

It was in the Simmons podcast a couple weeks ago.  When Mike first retired, Phil didn't beg and plead with him to stay, he said he was happy for him, but to remember that the world was losing a gift by him leaving.  That it was a gift to watch him play. 

Mike left shocked that his coach didn't beg him to stay, thinkin of himself, but rather that he showed Mike a way of looking at his career, his life, etc etc. 

Interesting, is it not? 
My whole point is, a good coach...

Chuck Daly, Pat Riley, Greg Pop, Larry Brown, if these guys had Jordan and Pippen, and Shaq and Kobe all those years?

Their resume would look a whole hell of a lot like Phil's.

All I'm saying.
And all those guys had just as many great players, and they don't have half the resume Phil does. 

Riley had just as much talent in LA that Phil ever had. 

Pop, same thing. 

Daly and Larry didn't have the players, so I dunno what they could have done. 
Pop had great players, but only one guy can be considered to be one of the best @ his position. David was almost done by the time Pop got into town. Outside of Manu and TP, those teams WEREN'T that good.

Plus, comparable to Phil, how many years has Pop coached? 4/13? Not as good, but Pop never had Shaq and Kobe either.

Riley coached for 9 years with a great team.

And by the time he coached Kareem, dude was old as hell. Still great, but a shadow of his former self IMO.

In the years he coached the Lakers, he won 4 out of those 9 years.

Not to mention the competition in the 80s was nothing like it was for Jordan in the 90s, or especially the Early 2000s for the Lakers.

No offense to Knicks fans, but no one was touching the Bulls in the early 90s. An era dominated by Jordan. Jordan+Pippen>>Ewing+Starks.

4/9 years coaching in LA.

Phil won 5 in 11 years in LA.

Comparable? Hell yeah.

If Pat ended up coaching the Heat for the next 10 years or so, and they won 5 rings, he'd be right up there with Phil...

Also, check your twitter dummy.
i also seen Phil's team lose by 39 in '08 in the Finals and failing to call a TO when they were up 24 until it was down to less than 10 points. Lose to Dallas by 30 something.
Losing in '04 and failed to make adjustments.

Simply he has always had the best player in the game at one point.

Those role players you named were well established. Don't know what the hell you talking about

I agree he is a great coach, but JA has a valid point
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Not to mention the competition in the 80s was nothing like it was for Jordan in the 90s, or especially the Early 2000s for the Lakers.

No offense to Knicks fans, but no one was touching the Bulls in the early 90s. An era dominated by Jordan. Jordan+Pippen>>Ewing+Starks.
no offense taken at all. over the years i have realized that Ewing overachieved. that's right. who the !*%% was his number 2? the kid that used to bag groceries? thugs that wouldn't be aloud to play in the league in this era?
Originally Posted by Statis22

Personally I think Sloan is overrated but that just may be me.

I agree, if he was great he would have won something in 20+ years.
Great coaches don't win without players and players don't win with dumb @+@ coaches.

It takes both, so that argument wears thin with me real quick...

The only time Sloan had great players was in the absolute hardest era of all-time to win a title against the great player ever, the greatest coach ever and the great team ever.

Jerry Sloan is a damn good basketball coach. You don't keep a job that long without being really damn good at what you do.
Agreed with Dirk, Sloan might be an overbearing $#$+%#* but the man breathes basketball knowledge. Dude almost made the playoffs during the height of the Western Conference with an absolutely horrid Utah squad.

And it wasn't his fault Karl Malone was a @!*%@.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

He's the best coach that ever laced them up imo. He should never ever, ever ever be questioned as "only coached elites" Pat Riley had a lot elites, he didn't get half of 11. Red won all his titles with like 8 teams in the entire NBA.

That's all I read because that's all I got time for, I got lecture soon.

We'll never know because it's all what-ifs, but I just don't see how any good coach wouldn't have gotten the 6 with Michael, and the 3 with Shaq/Kobe.

I've already said he's undoubtedly the best coach, but I still stick to my statement... Jordan, Pippen, Shaq, and Kobe made Phil, not the other way around. Shaq was a BEAST by himself in Orlando, got to the Finals pretty much with Nick Anderson at his side. He upgrades in LA and wins 3 in a row.

So why didn't they win 4 in a row? 5 in a row?

Was it because they were out-coached by Greg Pop and Larry Brown?

Those Jazz teams were NEVER as good as the Bulls.

And the post-2000 Jazz were never touching the Lakers as far as personnel goes.

Is Phil a great coach?

Yes, best of all-time, but there's also a reason why he's only coached legends.

Jordan, best SG, best PLAYER of all-time.
Kobe, second best SG of all-time, and probably when it's all said and done, Top 5 player ever.
Shaq, one of the best Centers of all-time, dominated his period.
Pippen, one of the best SFs of all-time.

Phil coached in a time where the game was dominated by Jordan. Phil also coached in a time where the game was dominated by Shaq.

The last two championships, as I said before, I give him a ton more credit for.

But those other 9 rings? those were happening.
People really believe this, it's going to really suck if for the rest of my life people are telling this to me.
I don't think he is top 5 yet, Top 10 but not top 5. SG-wise I mean I'd say he is neck and neck with The Logo prolly all-time, who else do you have above him?
at least 15 other people, but I'll just say the least controversial ones.


This is without the championshipless players who I think are better and the various players still playing that I think peaks have already reached higher.
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