Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Sucks to see both teams beating the hell out of each other and Dallas had that sweep.
yup.. whoever comes out of this is going be on fumes
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Phil Jackson is a great coach. Would love to see him coach a scrub team like the Kings and see how he will deal with Cousins. His greatness can get us one ring right?
Nah man, haven't you heard? Winning titles is apparently predetermined. Might as well let Westphal stay on and watch the titles roll in.
Originally Posted by PMatic

I'm downloading the game bhz. I'm going to look for you. 

at me being put in Twitter Jail last night.

 I was wondering why I didn't see you on Twitter.

I was the 5th or 6th seat towards the aisle closest to the bench. The loudest the forum got was when Perk shot those two FT's at the end of the 4th. I knew for a fact he was going to miss both because it was just too loud and he was already a terrible shooter. When Conley jacked up that wild shot, I was like #$%% the game over
 . I thought it was meant for us to win though after Vasquez hit that 3 in OT. Great game though. I can't even be mad about it.

Its going to be another battle Game 5 though. I think it goes 7 either way.
theres no limit on how much you can pay a coach right? if so Knicks should spend w/e they can to get Jackson IMO he can turn that team around
I really don't see the hype with Phil man...

Jerry Sloan would have led those teams to damn near 11 rings.

No way in hell those teams only accumulate 6 rings if it weren't for Phil.

So Phil Jackson goes and coaches the Pistons back in the day, Pistons win 4 or 5 instead?

I don't buy it. Sorry.

Bhz, what's your twitter?
Originally Posted by CP1708

What is twitter jail? 
It's when you can access your page, but can't tweet for a specific period of time. Usually occurs when you tweet too much, but I barely tweeted yesterday to begin with. Happens every so often to me.
There is a thread somebody made on here a couple months back.

Gotta search for it though.

Considering how trash yuku search is...GL!
JapanAir21 wrote:
I really don't see the hype with Phil man...

Jerry Sloan would have led those teams to damn near 11 rings.

No way in hell those teams only accumulate 6 rings if it weren't for Phil.

So Phil Jackson goes and coaches the Pistons back in the day, Pistons win 4 or 5 instead?

I don't buy it. Sorry.

This is probably going to get me in trouble........

Perfect that you bring up Sloan.  The same coach that P-Jax worked over time and time again.  Couple years back, during the playoffs, I mentioned in the game thread something I thought was weird as @#$%. 

Game goes to start the 4th quarter, Jazz come down the floor, make a pass, another pass, do something, something happens, ball outta bounds.  Still Jazz ball.  12 seconds elapse off the clock.  Sloan subs somebody in.....


  What in the blue @#$% are you subbing for, 12 seconds in?  Wasn't no mismatch he was tryin to get too, he brought a guy from the end of the bench in, not a starter or anything.  Phil had the exact same lineup he ALWAYS started the 4th with, so it wasn't like he did something tricky.  And Sloan used to be a guy that was a regular minute/rotation type guy with Stockton his whole career.  Sloan was just trying to coach by the seat of his pants.  And when you do that, like a George Karl, you get caught up.  You go off emotion, you base things off being scared, or need, or even anger.  Those guys might be considered good in game coaches, where Phil is not a "great" in game coach.  But Phil does his work before a game, after a game, during a series, so his team is PREPARED for whatever comes at them. 

Sloan had 2 guys that were first ballot hall of famers for 15 years, and the only time they got anywhere was when everyone else out West was gone.  (read Simmons for that discussion, it's solid) 
Karl has always had great players, but he never got them over the edge. 

Phil didn't win these coaching for 57 years or something, he won 3, 3 again, 3 again, and then 2.  How in the world do you keep a team from getting bored after a while?  Seriously, how do you do it?  We don't even know do we?  No other team/coach has come anywhere close too it.  Pop is considered a great coach and he is, he could never one time repeat a title, just ONCE.  Never.  How do you explain that?  Pop has had hall of famers his entire career, why can't he get to even half of Phil's?  Why does Pop always lose to Phil, if Pop is so great? 

The year MJ left, what did Phil do?  Where did he take that team?  He was maybe a play away from getting to the finals possibly.  He sat his SUPERSTAR on a final possession, to call a play for his rookie Euro, and the guy hit the shot. 

In 06 he had NO BUSINESS taking the Suns to 7 games, and he was one rebound away from winning that series, and you know how?  By taking his superstar out of the equation, using the rest of his stiffs to make plays, and have Kobe close.  Then, when he had the chance, he unleashed Kobe for game 6 since Raja was nice enough to get his @#$ suspended, and Kobe went for their throat after 5 games of playing it cool, one board, and Phil wins that series, with 2 decent NBA players and nothing else. 

The guy can coach his face off.  I've watched him sit thru 18-0 runs against him and not move a muscle. 
  I've also seen him up 20 see a basket scored against us, call timeout, and then call another one 20 seconds later.  Why?  Teaching.  Hammering a point home.  He's called timeouts down 5 with 2 seconds left in the game, just to let the crowd scream at his team on the road, to prepare them for later in a season/series. 

He continually, continually uses his bench to win games.  He gets the most out of every player he coaches, Pax, Kerr, Horry, Fish, Ron Harp, whoever. 

In 91 LA stole game 1 from the Bulls on the road.  They were the vets, the Bulls the kids.   Rest of the series, he puts Scottie on Magic, hounds him so bad Magic has to give the ball up all the time, only LA doesn't really have another ball handler to move the offense.  We stall for the next 4 games.  He may not make a great adjustment during a game, but between games, he's a damn beast. 

He tried to calm Mike down, lessen his minutes, lessen his scoring load, let him rest more during seasons, Mike just didn't want too.  So Phil said, ok.  And trusted his player to do his job and get it done. 
Kobe allowed him to lessen his minutes this year by FIVE full minutes, Kobe as hardheaded as he is, trusted Phil to work him the right way.  Same hardheaded Kobe ran Phil out on rails in 04 cuz he was "bored" within the triangle and wanted to grow.  A year later, he came begging Phil to come back and lead him. 

Yeah, other coaches can do that.  Sure.  That's why it happens all the time, in ANY sport. 

And I won't even need to get into how he interacts with them off the court.  

Phil has lost what, 8 playoff series in his career?  Something like that.  And won what, 50 something +........

2 of those he had garbage teams 06-07, 2 of them his team was attempting their 4th straight playoff run 03-11, 08 he played without 2 starters, 94 without Mike, 95 with an 18 game Mike, and 04 he lost with a torn apart locker room and no PF due to injuries.  I'm not saying he should have won all of these series, or even could have, but with a bounce here, and a bounce there, he coulda won more.  But, to a degree, he's had plenty of lucky bounces go his way too, so I guess it all evens out so to speak. 

He's the best coach that ever laced them up imo.  He should never ever, ever ever be questioned as "only coached elites"  Pat Riley had a lot elites, he didn't get half of 11.  Red won all his titles with like 8 teams in the entire NBA. 



Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Prime example that JA types far more than he ever needs to, and it gets him confused and into even more conflict.

QFT.  Take a break from the keyboard man, you're just rambling and sounding ridiculous now.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I really don't see the hype with Phil man...

Jerry Sloan would have led those teams to damn near 11 rings.

No way in hell those teams only accumulate 6 rings if it weren't for Phil.
hater in the house!
CP it's pretty easy to understand why those teams didn't get bored

MJ and Kobe are clinically insane when it comes to the determination to win. Shaq's fat +@% DID get bored. but yeah he's definitely not overrated.
As said though, MJ and Kobe would also wear out teammates if unchecked.  And how many times has Phil put the role players in a position to make a play and they come thru? 

Not saying the leaders didn't help, but they ain't the only 2 leaders in the NBA either. 
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