Originally Posted by jcbacall

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Was this posted?

DEAD @ the jamario moon part.
 @ the only player over 3 ft is this racist  chicken
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Also wonder if Ska still thinks Dirk is soft as he lays waste to any Laker with the audacity to attempt to guard him.
I'm all but done hearing any of that nonsense at this point...

Also... Where all yall dudes that were poppin off 8 months ago about how Pau Gasol was better than Dirk?
  Come out, come out, wherever you are.
bhzmafia14 wrote:

I tried to warn yall. I was getting so tired of hearing Pau was the best PF in the league.

He barely makes top 5, let alone best. I would easily take dirk over him. Aldridge, Stoudamire, David West when healthy, Zbo hell even Garnett. Its others I would prefer over Gasol if I was starting a team, but they arent necessarily better.
I could understand Z-Bo and even Garnett to some degree, but Aldridge, STAT and West. 
Also... Where all yall dudes that were poppin off 8 months ago about how Pau Gasol was better than Dirk? Come out, come out, wherever you are.

After his season last year plus his Finals performance people had no issue calling him the best PF in the league. Especially after Dirk's 1st round exit. He never has been more talented than Dirk though.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

After his season last year plus his Finals performance people had no issue calling him the best PF in the league. Especially after Dirk's 1st round exit. He never has been more talented than Dirk though.
He was never the best power forward in basketball.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Also wonder if Ska still thinks Dirk is soft as he lays waste to any Laker with the audacity to attempt to guard him.
That really has nothing to do with being seen as soft or tough though. Unless being called soft means not trying to score/not doing what you usually do on offense.
hitting a fade away doesn't make you tough. unless you mean mentally tough enough to be "the guy" in the 4th quarter.
So what makes someone tough?

Is it taking over late and dominating close games? Check.
Is it taking dudes down onto the blocks and attacking them relentlessly? Check.
Is it playing through injuries and pain? Check.

Why is he soft? He's not getting killed defensively like he used to and he hasn't for quite awhile now.
"tough" in the NBA doesn't have much meaning anymore. you can't even give someone a proper hard foul without getting a flagrant 2.

boxing out hard, getting offensive rebounds, setting vicious picks, not scared of taking a charge. I guess that is what I would consider tough nowdays. Tough kind of means someone with great hustle to me in this era.

I want my power forward and center to bang down low and have a mean post up game. I want them to intimidate. If Rose comes through for 7 lay ups a game knock him on his +!% 7 times. Most aren't built like that now. huge part of that is the rule changes.
The injuries and pain is part of it but the rest is irrelevant. Tough as in not backing down basically. Dirk is not the type of guy to drive in the paint, take a hard foul and then get in a guy's face cuz he felt it was excessive.

Dirk has a soft image. Same with Pau.

Being tough or soft in the NBA doesn't have much to do with your skills and/or talent in the NBA. It's more to do with personality and how you carry yourself in different situations throughout the game. I thought even the common fan knew this by now.

It has nothing to do with offensive aggressiveness. It's the little things like when you let a guy stand over you after he blocks your shot or flagrant fouls you, backing up your teammates when you feel a foul was excessive, being intimidated or being the one that intimidates, etc.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Dirk is not the type of guy to drive in the paint, take a hard foul and then get in a guy's face cuz he felt it was excessive.  
So is Blake Griffin soft?
People use the word "soft" to describe anyone with a finesse game. That or it's used synonymously with white or European. Either way, it's nonsense.
Dirk's longevity will make him surpass KG, fairly easily...but if they both retired tomorrow? ehhh..I don't know. 
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

People use the word "soft" to describe anyone with a finesse game. That or it's used synonymously with white or European. Either way, it's nonsense.
usually anyone white. i havent heard anyone call a black player soft
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

People use the word "soft" to describe anyone with a finesse game. That or it's used synonymously with white or European. Either way, it's nonsense.
usually anyone white. i havent heard anyone call a black player soft
chris bosh?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Dirk is not the type of guy to drive in the paint, take a hard foul and then get in a guy's face cuz he felt it was excessive.  
So is Blake Griffin soft?
Don't watch enough Clippers games to say definitely which he is. I mean the league isn't black and white where all players are either soft or tough. Players usually do something to separate themselves from that ambiguity and place themselves in a category of soft or tough.

B.Diddy constantly coming to his rescue this season isn't helping any rep of him being tough though

I'm not sure what that line from twitter has to do with anything since Dirk's rep is more synonymous with being a choke artist than being soft and that hasn't been proven to be wrong yet. At this point in his career he's gonna need to win a ring.

There's a good amount of soft black players in this league. Thing is they're usually not stars or important. Edddie House is a marsh mellow, a loud one to boot.
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