Official 2009 NBA MVP Thread vol Congrats to LeBron

Originally Posted by CP1708

Last night we saw Bron go for 51, 4 boards, 9 dimes, 2 steals and 3 blocks.

CP3 with 30, 6, 9, and 4 steals just cuz.

And now today Wade goes for 50, with 10, 9, 4 steals and a couple blocks for fun.

I mean, damn..........
great times in the NBA. no knock on dwill either - 30, 5, 13 today

1a,b,c - bron, wade, kobe (depends on how you order)
4 - paul
5 - dwill

Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by CP1708

Last night we saw Bron go for 51, 4 boards, 9 dimes, 2 steals and 3 blocks.

CP3 with 30, 6, 9, and 4 steals just cuz.

And now today Wade goes for 50, with 10, 9, 4 steals and a couple blocks for fun.

I mean, damn..........
great times in the NBA. no knock on dwill either - 30, 5, 13 today

1a,b,c - bron, wade, kobe (depends on how you order)
4 - paul
5 - dwill

Dwight Howard and Tim Duncan have something to say about this list
What do they have to say? 20 and 10 with decent records?

No thanks.

D12 can get the 5 spot.
D Will gets the 6
Billups and Duncan can fight for the 7-8
Ray Allen gets the 9 from me
10 gonna be.......Dirk. Why not?
Originally Posted by CP1708

What do they have to say? 20 and 10 with decent records?

No thanks.

D12 can get the 5 spot.
D Will gets the 6
Billups and Duncan can fight for the 7-8
Ray Allen gets the 9 from me
10 gonna be.......Dirk. Why not?
billups and ray allen top 10 players
Did I say Billups and Allen top ten players?

Oh, nooooooo, I didn't. Top 10 most valuable, yes.

Billups should be fairly obvious. Though they are hurting his stock right now, but he changed that team into a threat (for about 55 games or so) they appearto have hit a lull.

Ray Allen has been the most solid of all the Celts this season. He has been there night in, night out. For that, he deserves some mention. It's not likeI put them in the top 3, 7-8-9 is not that bad.

I put McGrady at # 437 roughly, though if the Rockets get the 2 or 3 seed, he might win the award since his departure has carried his team.
MvP or not, I Just appreciate and feel extremely lucky that I have one of the best player in the world on my Fav team.
Originally Posted by heat23

MvP or not, I Just appreciate and feel extremely lucky that I have one of the best player in the world on my Fav team.

co sign... i cant say it enough... it feels good to be a heat fan from what we had to go through last year...
billups is doing a good job in denver...he turned that team around...
Originally Posted by CP1708

D12 can get the 5 spot.
D Will gets the 6
Billups and Duncan can fight for the 7-8
Ray Allen gets the 9 from me
10 gonna be.......Dirk. Why not?
Sounds about right to me.

Originally Posted by CP1708

I put McGrady at # 437 roughly, though if the Rockets get the 2 or 3 seed, he might win the award since his departure has carried his team.
If Wade beats LeBron, and my guy Kobe for the MVP, I'd have no issue with it. I'm glad he's bounced back from a terrible 07-08 campaign.
lebron and wade have the same supporting cast? you NT'ers are fools.
as a kobe fan, wade def. deserves it. just look at the way he can control/take over a game.
but honestly, lebron is going to win it. why? look at the way mo got into the ASG.
dude even got a NBA rule changed because of him.
that+media = lebron for mvp.
and i pretty much agree with that mvp list up there. where cp3 at though
CP3, in at #4 man. I figured everyone knew that the big 3, plus Paul = top 4 voting.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mo Williams (Whether you want to admit it or not is an All-Star), West is more than average point guard, Big Ben was defensive player of the year and does
his job, and Big Z has been an All-Star.

You try too hard. "Was"?? Okay, let's go with "was". Jamaal Magloire was an all-star like Ilgauskas was an all-star. And unlike Ben
Wallace and Ilgauskas, Shawn Marion and Jermaine O'Neal were considered top 10 players in the league at one point. Certainly ranked higher than Ben

Like I said, Wade has the numbers, Kobe has the record. LeBron has both. You can use either the stats/wins argument against Wade and Kobe, what argument are
you going to use against Bron? Since you couldn't argue against his stats or his team's record, in hateful desperation you tried to take the "Cavs
are still a good team without him" route as an argument against the FACT that LeBron is the MVP this year. Well, guess what? That argument doesn't
hold water. The Cavs are +14.7 points with Bron on the court and -10.5 with him on the bench... An even bigger on/off differential than Wade with the Heat. So
Bron has the stats, team's record and the fact that his team is considerably better with him than without him working for him. You have no case whatsoever.
Give it up.

Hateful desperation? Naw buddy, don't let your hatred for Kobe belittle your argument. Lebron is going to win the MVP this year I mean Lebron is going to have a *$*+%@ rule changed because of him of course he's going to win! I said D-Wade DESERVES IT and I still believe that. Dwayne wade scores a full point better than Lebron and averages more Assists, and has lead his dismal team to a position for home court in the first round of the playoffs. Sure Wade doesn't have the "record" but he has everything else, you guys making it sound like he's 400 games under .500, his team is in position for home court! Lebron does have the record, sure but he plays in the East, while Kobe plays in the West. You can say "Well the Cavs have a 21-4 record against the West" Yep, they do (2 of those loses against the Lakers, but I digress).

I know you're a member of the Team Lakers clan and that on the day you joined Team Lakers you took a blood oath to hate on LeBron in every way possible in as many posts you make. So I know it would be a waste of my time to try to stop you from fulfilling your obligations as a member of Team Lakers. So I'll just try to make my post into an explanation of what makes an MVP in general. Like I said, Wade has MVP stats, but no way is he going to win it unless the Heat pull of a miraculous end run to hit 50 wins. I just read an article on Yahoo where it said that the last time we had an MVP from a team that won less than 50 games was in 1982 when Moses Malone won it on a 46 win team. And the question is whether Wade's team is even going to win that many, let alone 50. And I bet that the list of MVP candidates was pretty thin in 1982, unlike this year where you have a great candidate that fits all the criteria in LeBron. But if Wade deserves it based on stats (him averaging an assist and point more than LeBron), then can you explain to me how Kobe won it over LeBron last year, when Bron averaged not one but TWO points AND not one but TWO rebounds AND not one but TWO assists than Kobe?

Imagine if the Cavs were in the West, I can guarantee they wouldn't have the same record as the Lakers, even our cupcake teams (Warriors, Clippers) have played the Cavs tough. Don't fool yourself about the record buddy. Once again though with all that said, Lebron will win the MVP and will win many more. However, D-WADE deserves it and is playing like a true MVP, scoring, passing, game winning shots, the whole thing. He'll just have to hang his hat on having his Finals MVP.

P.S. We need Ralph Nader to mail the NBA about this "Crab Dribble" being allowed

I really love it when you Lakers fans go at LeBron and try to put a negative spin on his record cause he's in the east. Do you even check your facts, because you're about to look like a DAMN fool. You're gonna love this. Guess what? The Lakers have a 35-7 record against western conference teams and a 17-6 record against eastern conference teams. The Cavs have a 30-9 record against teams from the east and a 22-4 record against the teams from the west. In other words, the Lakers have a better record when playing teams from their own conference, while the Cavs have a better record playing teams from the opposite conference. How do these facts fit in your "Cavs are lucky to be in the east" thesis, honorable member of Team Lakers?

This team laker thing means nothing, i'm a laker fan, would my opinion mean any less if I didn't have that in my sig. Don't take your personalvendetta against Laker fans and use that to fuel your argument, you sounding mad. I can't hate on Lebron he's good so you need to take this assumptionthat Laker fan's have some extreme hatred towards Lebron and forget it. D-Wade is by far the best player this year, the most valuable player this year, andbecause he doesn't have the luxury of having a great complimentary crew we should not hold that against him. Think about the award, do you see what Wadedoes every #%*+%$* for his team? He isn't driving and kicking to all-stars like Mo Williams or Gibson, he does everything, he isn't passing it to Cookto shoot the freethrows at the end of the game, he shoots them. He is by far the best player and most valuable player this year, but since Lebron has bementioned for MVP since the tipoff of this season he's going to get it, and fun boys like you can cream your pants. However, you can't deny that a"TEAM LAKER" who hates the Heat and Dwayne Wade, can appreciate his play and that he is the MVP this year.
most of this #%!* is as useless as the IMDB rankings for celebrities, after #2 does it really matter? If I had a ballot mine would have Lebron, Kobe, thenWade. My mind changes between Bron and Kobe after each game, if Wades team wasnt trash(which is why some say he deserves it more) he'd have a legitimatechance. My definition on what the MVP is the Best Player on the Best team...
I feel really bad for the player that doesnt get it. Wade and Lebron both deserve it right now but its going to be really close and imo I think the nba willgive it to Bron because they see him possibly winning it all this year.
I tried avoiding this discussion, but....

Not to take anything away from Wade who's having an incredible season, but not only is LeBron's team tied for the best record in he league, but he isalso leading his team in every category on both offense and defense, except free throws and three-pointers

[table][tr][td] Scoring[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]28.6 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] Rebounds[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]7.5 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] Assists[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]7.2 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] FG%[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]48.7 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] FT%[/td] [td]Mo Williams[/td] [td]93.7 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 3PT%[/td] [td]Mo Williams[/td] [td]43.2 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] Blocks[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]1.3 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] Steals[/td] [td]LeBron James[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [/tr][/table]


If that isn't MVP worthy I don't know what is..
^^^^ wade is leading lebron in points, assist, steals, and blocks..... lebron is a leading wade in rebounds...
Did I see someone write, Lebron cast is the same as Wade's ?


I'm done with this discussion, cause the MVP voting is already in(Lebron will win). I may not like it, but that;s what it's going to be.

And I'm not mad at him for getting it. I just wish the voting was actually based on the player and not the player on the best team

But hey, it is what it is.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

^^^^ wade is leading lebron in points, assist, steals, and blocks..... lebron is a leading wade in rebounds...

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Not to take anything away from Wade who's having an incredible season, but not only is LeBron's team tied for the best record in he league, but he is also leading his team in every category on both offense and defense, except free throws and three-pointers
^^^ yeah i know that... the cavs are a good team... best player ON THE BEST TEAM WINS MVP.... i just pointed out what he said.. saying that leading his team inevery category is MVP worthy....
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

^^^ yeah i know that... the cavs are a good team... best player ON THE BEST TEAM WINS MVP.... i just pointed out what he said.. saying that leading his team in every category is MVP worthy....

WRONG Jordan won his first MVP and he was NOT on the best team...
I posed this question earlier this season.

Who are the first team ALL NBA guards ?

Is there any way its not Kobe and Wade ?
I think its CP3 and Wade

Kobe on 2nd team...

(puts flame suit on...)

BTW WILLINC, I think that debate is good enough for it's own thread
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