OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

are u !+#++$+ kidding me? i leave the house for the night and where up 5-4 and i look on the phone later and we lose 9-4

stupid !+#++$+ fat *!$ BUM
don't tell me this soft $!% fatboy got another blown save?!?!

Isn't that 5 blown saves (which I'm sure is up there in league leaders) and maybe 4 of them being on Bills pitching? I've had it with this @%%++who just doesn't have the nerves to be a closer

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Give the role to Sherrell

I will put money on it Sherrill and Broxton will switch places soon, very soon my friend.

I'm reading the box scores and Elbert went in to pitch? And gave up the HR?
what is going on.

This is patheticcccccc.

& I still won't understand how Joe chose Kuo to warm up in place of Bills injury, could have 2 injuries alone right there

Then when Kuo gave up the leadoff walk, the HR blast then the save from Kemp he gets the hook for Sherrill? Very strange, should have warmed up Sherrill tobegin with.
& the talk of "dodgers have the best record in baseball" can stop for a little while now
These dudes need to stop sitting on their laurels and get to *%!% ing business.

These shenanigans need to stop.

They're not fooling a soul since the All Star break.

That's why I never bought into the discussion that they're the best team in baseball and blah blah blah.

Put up or shut up.

I feel you 562, blame deserves to be tossed at every player, manager, coach, GM etc. in the clubhouse.

The players a majority of how poorly they've been with RISP, our pitchers not being able to get deep into games and what 2nd in the league in walks? Youcan't always allow runners on base and expect a quality outcome.

I love what Torre has done with the club, but there are so many head-scratchers going on ... no examples needed I'm sure you know what I'm talkingbout.

Sprinkle some blame on Ned for not being able to get a starter to help out our guys, Bills injury looks more serious than we think ... if that's the casethat's no bueno.

Anyways, like I said a couple pages back - its time to run away with this division, don't even make it a race.

Update: Billingsley's leg not feeling good
By Vincent Bonsignore on August 7, 2009 11:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

Joe Torre suggested the injury that ended pitcher Chad Billingsley's night in the sixth inning against the Braves Friday didn't appear serious, at least after an initial evaluation.

Billingsley suffered a mild strain in his left hamstring legging out a single, and was pulled from the game to start the top of the seventh.

Billingsley will be re-evaluated Saturday, and while he didn't dispute what Torre said, he sounded slightly less convincing about the severity of the injury.

When asked how he felt, he resounded: "Not good at all."

Billingsley added he didn't think the injury was serious, but he was in obvious discomfort by the time reporters spoke to him after the game.
Here's the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Kemp, CF

Loney, 1B

Hudson, 2B

Abreu, 3B (first big league start in two years)

Ausmus, C (day off for Russ after the long game last night)

Kershaw, P
Kevin from The Office is also in attendance as well as Billy Ashley
. Hes on that househusbands show now apparently

Opie is dealing
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