OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Come on Billingsley
Schmidt on the DL, he finally told the staff he's been having shoulder discomfort

Joe Torre said this might be it for Jason

Elbert to start Sunday, Kuroda Monday .... let's see how elbert pans out.
wow umpires are dumb... how are you going to call a strike and call an out on the runner end up having runner 1st and 2nd.. wow...ill take it.
Bills has been in a mighty long slump since ASG.

He's been fighting it in this game again with his control, luckily the offense has helped him out.

This should be his last inning, give it to the bullpen.
i only know a little spanish but i could see cuss words coming out of dudes month in spanish
ump figured it out to
Im watching the Yankees and Giants Im not paying attention. Why is Billingsley out of the game after only 78 pitches? Injury?
Originally Posted by dland24

Im watching the Yankees and Giants Im not paying attention. Why is Billingsley out of the game after only 78 pitches? Injury?

I think due to the way he twinged his leg his last time out they're being cautious

Kemp though
I really don't think its Bills hammy as they're saying.

He's having problems with that left leg, the same one he got surgery on.

Maybe the wear and tear of the season is catching up to it.
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