**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

For those who were watching on MSG, Clyde's comment about a shot that Wade took in the final minute or so.  Said he shot it nervous although I don't remember the exact line.  When the king of cool says you're nervous, you're nervous. 
This IS just one game. But its one HUGE game......pros and cons yes, but the pros seemingly outweigh the cons by a good amount.

We WERE down 15. We DID give up 30 whatever in the first. and that inbound play to Walker has HORRIBLE.

With that being said...... Melo BEASTED. Amare did the damn thing and came up with the huge block on Bron on the last possession. and Chauncey showed the 4th quarter is his, even if he's not necessarily ballin durin the first 3.

Shawne Williams HAS to dunk that fast break pass from Billups in the 4th. Oh and my stance remains that Bosh is soft as "toilet tissue". That's it for my random gathering of statements.

Anthony Carter 
 He showed he's going to be useful since he's the only real POINT GUARD off the bench and he plays his ++$ off on D. I was about to flip out there was so many times when Douglas brought up the ball and didn't find the open man or took forever to move the ball. Toney needs to be strictly an off the ball player  for now on.
Why was Bill Walker getting so much burn and Fields on the bench? Fields has been lookin kinda nervous out there since Melo came on the team...
wilbon and jon barry couldn't even stay until the half tie report of the second game. must be crying in each other's arms
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Anthony Carter 
 He showed he's going to be useful since he's the only real POINT GUARD off the bench and he plays his ++$ off on D. I was about to flip out there was so many times when Douglas brought up the ball and didn't find the open man or took forever to move the ball. Toney needs to be strictly an off the ball player  for now on.
Why was Bill Walker getting so much burn and Fields on the bench? Fields has been lookin kinda nervous out there since Melo came on the team...
Walker wasn't allowing anyone to score on him when he was guarding them today.  Hell, he made it tough for Lebron and even Bosh to score when he played D on them.  Dude is big enough and quick enough to guard people out of his position.  Now if he only put it all together and remained consistent on that end at least with the occasional 3 hit. 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by viiheaven

Originally Posted by viiheaven

As far as predictions go: objective side of me says we lose, probably by 8 or so.

Knicks fan in me says we win by 4, Chauncey Billups has a huge game and ultimately wins us the game since Miami has such a tough time against good PG's.

X-factor: Billups/Free-throws
Not bad, huh?
Nostradamus over here
I'm happy I'm one of the few optimistic Knicks fans in the world..I stopped checking into this thread during games because you guys deflate any tiny ounce of hope I ever have when a game is close or if we're down a few points

So nobody is going to point out the DEFENSE we played ? After all that sh.it Jon Barry and Barkley has been talking recently. If we come with this commitment and effort on defense every night, we can be a great defensive team. I KNOW nobody is going to say "Wow, D'Antoni had them playing tough on D."

I was shocked and kind of mad about the Carter substitution. I didn't see how he was going to guard D.Wade and at first it looked like they were going to exploit that, but he was able to end up playing Wade pretty well. He also hit some key shots. Gave us a 2 buckets, but solid overall D.

Melo's presence on the team is what gives us a chance to win games like this too. He made those big time moves when we needed a bucket. He becomes aggressive in those cases and attacks the basket. Gets to the line. He rebounded very well for us too. Doing basic #'s again 29 and 9. Basically what he been avg. so far.

Billups was big again with the big pull up 3 that started the 16-0 to end the 1st half. Then in the second half getting fouls called and hitting that big 3 with a minute left in the game. He's always going to be a problem for Miami as long as they have the players at the point that they have.

Amare played tough, but the ref weren't working with him tonight. They made it rough for Amare to have a big game, but he still had an impact. Especially with the big block at the end. MVP play right there.

I loved the effort they showed tonight on the defensive end. We throw Jeffries in that mix with the effort, we could end up shocking people in the playoffs.
Good Win
. Can't hate on D'Antoni tonight, they really did look like they worked on playing defense today, and he stuck with the guys who were hustling for rebounds and playing d (Shawne and Walker).

I wonder if D'Antoni keeps Shawne in the starting lineup vs. Dwight on Tuesday...
With our Big 3 I see us beating the Magic even if D12 has a big night cuz Hedo, Nelson, Arenas, and JJ aint about that life. When Dwight's out that rebound situation aint gonna be the same as the last game.

Just hope we can start that winning streak.
Originally Posted by DubA169

wilbon and jon barry couldn't even stay until the half tie report of the second game. must be crying in each other's arms
It was the only reason I waited through the last minutes of the half to make sure I saw the halftime report. Those lame bums and their bold statements.

Barry said Melo plays no defense so Bron is gonna go off for a triple double and then look what happened
Wilby that's right Wilby is just a Bulls homer and be putting on that fake objectivity when he talks Knicks but he be hating hard on his show. JB just salty.
We got more rebounds and less turnovers than the Heat tonight... thank you Coach D'Antoni for emphasizing defense in your most recent practice.

Way to go big guy.
I meant to ask when we were discussing him before but do yall watch the MSG post game show when they interview Pringles? and the other players.

I forgot about AC going to the scoring table and then going back to the bench in the Cle game
I'm not ready to give D'Antoni all the credit. Of course he was going to emphasize on defense when you just had an embarrassing loss against the League's worst team and had an enormous game against one of the best teams in the league?

They briefly mentioned it on ESPN Radio or WFAN earlier in the day but they were saying how there are a lot more veterans on the team now. Veterans always talk about how important defense is. With a guy like Chauncey barking orders at you to play defense, its a great culture to bring.

I don't think defense becomes our forte but I think during crunch time, we won't be embarrassing.
Something Clyde always talks about is not necessarily being a great defensive squad, but getting stops when you need them can be as important. If we can do that, we will be a lot better.
I think a big part of what some people are missing is that a coach can preach defense, but only the players can play defense and only the players can choose how much effort they going to put into the defense.

I think we are about to come into the period where we find out if Amare and Melo really want to change the attitude of the team and become complete players with tough play on D.
Here's one thing that bothered me though...Carmelo: 29 Amare 16..Billups 16..Walker 10...That's 71 points..For the game, Knicks scored 91..The other players need to contribute more offensively..Don't get me wrong, I love what those guys did on defense..But there aren't many games u can win when u shoot in the low 40% from the field

Also, what happened to my man Landry? I can't even say it's a chemistry issue because he had a few good looks today and just bricked em (with the exception of 1 corner three)

Today's game: Landry- 5 points/6 Reb in 27 minutes..Against the Cavs: 11 points/3 Reb in 31 minutes..Against Milwaukee: 7 points/6 reb in 43 minutes.
With numbers like that, he's gonna have his minutes cut drastically..he needs to step up all around..I know Melo is a pretty good rebounder for his position, but I just don't see Landry's usual hustle the past few games
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Also, what happened to my man Landry? I can't even say it's a chemistry issue because he had a few good looks today and just bricked em (with the exception of 1 corner three)

Today's game: Landry- 5 points/6 Reb in 27 minutes..Against the Cavs: 11 points/3 Reb in 31 minutes..Against Milwaukee: 7 points/6 reb in 43 minutes.
With numbers like that, he's gonna have his minutes cut drastically..he needs to step up all around..I know Melo is a pretty good rebounder for his position, but I just don't see Landry's usual hustle the past few games
Good eye, didn't notice that. My opinion, firstly Melo & Chauncey have been getting the ball in their hands a lot more in order to get used to to offense. And secondly, Felton loooooooooved Landry. If he wasn't looking for Amar'e or Wilson, he looked for Landry. That was like his safety blanket at times. Chauncey doesn't know who to trust the ball with outside of Melo & Amar'e. Hell, he gave the ball to Turiaf on occasion (scary sight!).along with Bill Walker and Anthony Carter.

No way in hell Turiaf touches the ball outside of a pick & roll and Bill Walker doesn't touch the ball unless he's 5 feet away from the 3-pt line. I think it'll take a few games and a few practices for him to get a feel for Landry. He isn't quite the spot up shooter that JR Smith was.
cant wait to see the game plan for dwight/magic....

and there has to be a highlight somewhere of carters block on wade....
I been noticing Landry's mini slump but I've kept quiet. I'm just waiting for that key rebound-dunk from him. Don't think he's hit a wall but maybe he's lagging from ASW.

He's been showing some good moves in the Mil and MIA games but they just weren't falling plus I notice he never gets a foul call when he goes in the paint unless it's blatant. I feel he should be driving more but he rarely gets that extra step on his own. I think he'd be best as far as displaying all of his ability in a motion offense like Sacramento use to run with Aldeman, Webber, and Divac.

What Mo said also factors in. I'm sure Landry's touches have dropped since the trade. It'll take time for Chauncey to get that chemistry going with him.

Landry's the type of guy who can spot up, work well off the ball to get open along with his strengths in rebounds/put backs but taking guys off the dribble, finishing in the paint, above average passing, and creating his own shot is something he'll have to work on over the summer. Hope he works hard.
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