**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

back to work im out
Man...just looking at those pics...I still CAN'T believe Melo's in a Knick uni. Looks like a photoshop.

Anyway, the Melo M7 looks 100000% better with a Knicks uniform.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Alright, here's what it is. Dudes in here gonna have their blood pressures rise to unhealthy levels if we don't realize certain things.

1. Our offense is a work in progress. Forget everything we've done this season before AS break. This is a brand new team. Everyone is learning how to play.

2. We will be a .500 team until we get the right players around our stars.

3. I don't know who's to blame for our defense anymore. I'm inclined to say the HC though.

Bolded for this recent banter about Fields.
couldnt comment during game time. About to go watch on MSG cause it wasn't working for some reason. I saw it on BSPN though...

Billups was doin the DAMN thing though. I was still uncomfortable with the lack of scoring options though... It was pointed out here earlier about the rest of the team scoring 20pts... not acceptable.

We need some more scorers. I also felt that even though we out rebounded them, it still feels like we were seriously out rebounded .

Most important thing is the W at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by viiheaven

Good eye, didn't notice that. My opinion, firstly Melo & Chauncey have been getting the ball in their hands a lot more in order to get used to to offense. And secondly, Felton loooooooooved Landry. If he wasn't looking for Amar'e or Wilson, he looked for Landry. That was like his safety blanket at times. Chauncey doesn't know who to trust the ball with outside of Melo & Amar'e. Hell, he gave the ball to Turiaf on occasion (scary sight!).along with Bill Walker and Anthony Carter.

No way in hell Turiaf touches the ball outside of a pick & roll and Bill Walker doesn't touch the ball unless he's 5 feet away from the 3-pt line. I think it'll take a few games and a few practices for him to get a feel for Landry. He isn't quite the spot up shooter that JR Smith was.
Honestly, now that u mention it, I do notice that Billups doesn't feed the ball to Landry as much..I remember there was one possession where the Knicks were in transition and Landry was open for a 3 and Billups looked him off and waited for the rest of the team to get back on offense..If that was Felton, he would have kicked the ball to him right away..I guess we gotta be patient and allow Billups to gain more trust with Landry and have faith that he can hit those open jumpers.

Also, do you guys think maybe Fields is adjusting to losing his teammates? I know him and Rautins have that mini-bromance, but you could tell on the court that he had a close relationship with Chandler/Gallo/Felton..He is a rookie and he seems like a very good-hearted guy so maybe he's feeling a little
now that he's going into the locker room n not seeing those same faces...With time he'll learn to accept this part of the NBA business

ATGD7154xBBx[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)],[/color] I agreed with a lot of what u said but idk how to quote multiple people
I usually another tab and paste it in to the main post or quickly edit.

Yuku needs a multi-quote tab.
Lebron has to feel like $%*& getting booed at home by Knicks fans and basically not having a real home advantage when they play NY
I'm hype for tomorrow's sport shows. See what kind of hate or love we get.

I lover Landry, but he has to be consistent. He's been putting together strings of game like this all year.
Fact of the matter is, with this team we have right now.. games we win, will have to be grinded out. But I'm looking forward to this last stretch of basketball.

As I said

GOOD $%$#!%% WIN, nonetheless.  Rest up for Orlando.

I'll leave the passages/essays/obituaries/extra analyzing to the rest of you. 

I will say this though, look what happens when we play defense 86 points for Miami? Sheesh
I don't think the media gave enought recognition towards the acquisition of Chauncey "big shot" Billups. He hit that monster three pointer towards the end of the 4th to give us that 1 point lead. And he was a few feet from that 3point line. He's the only guy on that roster with a championship ring, if I'm not mistaken. A definite upgrade from Felton. Felton could be an up&coming all star,put up good numbers as a knick, but Mr.Billups is an established, seasoned vet. In summary, great trade for the Knicks, and a great victory as well.
It's so damn tough to see Chauncey in another uniform. Glad he's still playing at a high level, though.

Not sure if this has been posted in here yet; supposed to be a wallpaper...


That was sofa king hype. Nearly chipped the ceiling.

Anthony Carter actually asked his way INTO the game telling D'antoni he could guard D.Wade. 
 It was true though...
Fields wasn't out much cause he was off the whole night, missed mad shots

Anthony Carter did good out there last night, it was a real good win for us
you guys are goona love this one

jon barry went on the colin cowerd show a little while ago, and the first thing to come out of his mouth is that lebron was fouled and the refs missed the call on that amar'e block. says he thinks melo fouled him

guy is a @*#+@+% joke. first of all lebron wasn't fouled. second, the refs missed a bunch of calls especially on chauncey
Originally Posted by DubA169

you guys are goona love this one

jon barry went on the colin cowerd show a little while ago, and the first thing to come out of his mouth is that lebron was fouled and the refs missed the call on that amar'e block. says he thinks melo fouled him

guy is a @*#+@+% joke. first of all lebron wasn't fouled. second, the refs missed a bunch of calls especially on chauncey

refs were swallowing their whistles when it came to the knicks
no calls for us. there was a play where two dudes fouled amare on a layup and nothing was called
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