Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

It's not slavery GOOD LORD.....

If you don't want to do it.. DON'T, simple as that.

If you don't want to do it then fine, I guess you ain't going to college.
I am going to take this time out and ask you, CAN YOU READ? Seriously, have you read what you are responding to. THERE IS NO CHOICE NOT TO DOIT, THAT IS MY ENTIRE POINT. Its not "simple as that." Its either do 50 hours of community service A YEAR ( not total, but every year) for middleschool and high school, or you don't graduate. Then you move on to 100 hours a YEAR, NOT TOTAL, if you want to get your degree.
nnarum wrote:
iBlink wrote:
At the end of the day, no matter how much crap you guys try to bring up (especially when this stuff has been out in the open for months
... it really shows that you didn't research the candidates that well) he's still your president. You're sounding like a little school girl who got her cell phone turned off and can't call Chad.

Which is why over 14 million people voted against him. That could be a reason they DID do their research... Unless you're referring to people who voted for Obama that didn't know about this...

Yeah, 14 million voted against him, but how many did vote for the man? Granted, there are people on BOTH ends that voted blindly, I won't denythat, but the fact of the matter is that simple things like this has came out of the man's mouth since the primary season. It's nothing new.All of a sudden, people are bitter because Senator McCain loss and now the want to research President Obama. You know good and damn well that all thevoters who went against our new President were not fully educated on his plans and policies.

It's just like people complaining about Palin... you guys are just sounding more and more bitter with each passing day.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.
nobody got money for doing community service! that's the difference. i swear, you look so %+@@@*% dumb right now.

So the difference between slavery and community service is nobody gets paid for community service? And i'm the one who looks so dumb huh....keep it up smart guy.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.

Not quite forced.

As I stated on the last page

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away their funding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (like allowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more than fair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if the institution doesn't want to.

So if I can pay my own tution via loans or simply out of pocket I don't have to do @#%% unless the institution requires it. And there are number institutions that do require community service wholly aside from this. But simply I don't go to one and when you go to College figure out who does or doesn't

What you "think" is irrelevant, because what you "THINK" is actually the way it should be, but there is NOTHING in Obama's plan thatresembles what you "THINK" is going to happen. So you can stop responding to what you "THINK" it means, and start responding to what theman actually said.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

It's not slavery GOOD LORD.....

If you don't want to do it.. DON'T, simple as that.

If you don't want to do it then fine, I guess you ain't going to college.
I am going to take this time out and ask you, CAN YOU READ? Seriously, have you read what you are responding to. THERE IS NO CHOICE NOT TO DO IT, THAT IS MY ENTIRE POINT. Its not "simple as that." Its either do 50 hours of community service A YEAR ( not total, but every year) for middle school and high school, or you don't graduate. Then you move on to 100 hours a YEAR, NOT TOTAL, if you want to get your degree.
I would assume most high school jurisdictions have this requirement or something similar to it, if your district doesnt, it explains a lot ofthings.
ebayologist wrote:
Skitz O wrote:
Fantastic4our wrote:
Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....

You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.

Not quite forced.

As I stated on the last page

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away their funding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (like allowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more than fair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if the institution doesn't want to.

So if I can pay my own tution via loans or simply out of pocket I don't have to do @#%% unless the institution requires it. And there are number institutions that do require community service wholly aside from this. But simply I don't go to one and when you go to College figure out who does or doesn't

Someone please tell this man.

Even if what you're saying were true and his plan called for "forced labor", do you really think a resolution or bill would be sub-moved, yetalone voted for, in the house of reps or the senate?

This guy is getting to be quite funny.
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

How is this in essence slavery u have the choice to say no....u may not graduate but hey that's ya choice...jus like those who are homeless who chose not to conform to society and get a job, u have choices....u have freedom....this is no where near slavery where if u disagreed and made ya own choices...u died...
.....and honestly doin community service an hr here and there is gonna be an issue...as much time as many of us are on NT, a fraction of that can go to helping someone....and the way our country has been goin for the past 7 yrs, their isn't much freedom left....

Ok, so we will use your logic. By your logic, slaves also had a choice. They could do what slave owner's told them to do, or they could get beat orkilled. Thats a choice. They could also run away to the north, thats another choice. So, I guess slaves weren't really slaves then, since they couldalso chose not to work and pay the consequences of their "choice."
Sir, it's not forced. Nobody is beating you or owning you. It's a requirement to graduate your current year(s) in school. What the hell is wrong withgiving back to your communities? It's NOT just a criminal thing, schools all over America require a certain amount of community service for graduation. Ihad to do community service in middle school and high school anyways. How is doing community service in college bad especially since you're getting moneyback?? You sound so ignorant right now it's not even funny, it's just sad.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.

Not quite forced.

As I stated on the last page

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away their funding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (like allowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more than fair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if the institution doesn't want to.

So if I can pay my own tution via loans or simply out of pocket I don't have to do @#%% unless the institution requires it. And there are number institutions that do require community service wholly aside from this. But simply I don't go to one and when you go to College figure out who does or doesn't

What you "think" is irrelevant, because what you "THINK" is actually the way it should be, but there is NOTHING in Obama's plan that resembles what you "THINK" is going to happen. So you can stop responding to what you "THINK" it means, and start responding to what the man actually said.

Then keep crying about how it's slavery like that's going to change it. And watch as I graduate in May from a private institution without doing an hourof community service and go to graduate school at a private institution and graduate without doing an hour of community service. All while you're stillcrying about it. I don't need the government's $4k, I pay my tuition out of pocket.
that's a good idea.

nobody said you can't be lazy and slack off for those 100 hours.

thats the REAL American way...
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

How is this in essence slavery u have the choice to say no....u may not graduate but hey that's ya choice...jus like those who are homeless who chose not to conform to society and get a job, u have choices....u have freedom....this is no where near slavery where if u disagreed and made ya own choices...u died...
.....and honestly doin community service an hr here and there is gonna be an issue...as much time as many of us are on NT, a fraction of that can go to helping someone....and the way our country has been goin for the past 7 yrs, their isn't much freedom left....

Ok, so we will use your logic. By your logic, slaves also had a choice. They could do what slave owner's told them to do, or they could get beat or killed. Thats a choice. They could also run away to the north, thats another choice. So, I guess slaves weren't really slaves then, since they could also chose not to work and pay the consequences of their "choice."

Are you serious? How old are you? Didn't we just have a thread comparingthe gay struggle to the black Civil Rights Movement and most of (educated) us agreed that they are not the same thing. Now you're coming in here andsaying that required community service to obtain money back for college is the same as slavery?
You disgust me.
^^Good for you, you can afford private school, that makes everything ok then doesn't it. Just because it doesn't affect you, its ok. Typical of Obamasupporters, as long as the tax increases don't affect them, its ok, even if it is a ridiculous idea...it doesn't hurt ME! Right.....
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Sir, it's not forced. Nobody is beating you or owning you. It's a requirement to graduate your current year(s) in school. What the hell is wrong with giving back to your communities? It's NOT just a criminal thing, schools all over America require a certain amount of community service for graduation. I had to do community service in middle school and high school anyways. How is doing community service in college bad especially since you're getting money back?? You sound so ignorant right now it's not even funny, it's just sad.
Ohhhh....so its not "FORCED" is only "REQUIRED." Oh it sounds so much better when you use pretty words...
Back in 96-03 I was REQUIRED to do about 150 hours of community service to advance/graduate from middle/high school.

And I didn't get paid a dime. It was just in the rulebook.

No one made a big deal. Sure it could suck, but not that big of a deal.

But if you throw in the fact that I could get 4k towards my college tuition (regardless if its a full ride or not, i'll still get that money) then I wouldhave been ecstatic.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.

Not quite forced.

As I stated on the last page

I don't think it's really "required" as I don't see how the government can control private institutions other than taking away their funding if they don't comply but there are number of schools like my own that don't comply with various acts the government "requires" (like allowing military recruiters on campus) that simply result in the said institutions having their government funding removed or lessened.

Also in might only be required in the sense that if you want the tax credit or $4,000 that you have to do the community service, which to me seems more than fair. Because ultimately the government can't force a private institution to make it's students do community service to earn their degree if the institution doesn't want to.

So if I can pay my own tution via loans or simply out of pocket I don't have to do @#%% unless the institution requires it. And there are number institutions that do require community service wholly aside from this. But simply I don't go to one and when you go to College figure out who does or doesn't

What you "think" is irrelevant, because what you "THINK" is actually the way it should be, but there is NOTHING in Obama's plan that resembles what you "THINK" is going to happen. So you can stop responding to what you "THINK" it means, and start responding to what the man actually said.

Then keep crying about how it's slavery like that's going to change it. And watch as I graduate in May from a private institution without doing an hour of community service and go to graduate school at a private institution and graduate without doing an hour of community service. All while you're still crying about it. I don't need the government's $4k, I pay my tuition out of pocket.

Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Somebody should ovlunteer to teach Skitz O how to read.

Why don't you volunteer...or better yet, I am now requiring you to point out to me where I "misread" or "did not read." And iBlink,what are you so gitty about? You must have missed the part where it doesn't matter if you can afford the tuition and don't need the government'smoney, YOU WILL STILL BE REQUIRED TO DO THE WORK. D'ddeeeee
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more,say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Are you seriously comparing community service to slavery? Seriously?
I don't even know where to begin....
You can begin by explaining what you think is the difference between slavery and forced community service.
nobody got money for doing community service! that's the difference. i swear, you look so %+@@@*% dumb right now.

So the difference between slavery and community service is nobody gets paid for community service? And i'm the one who looks so dumb huh....keep it up smart guy.
where do i even begin.

this guy is comparing community service to slavery. you've sufficiently made a fool of yourself already, so i won't even take the time out of my day todo it again.

but let's revisit that disgrace of a point you are trying to make. community service..

vs slavery



NT, please tell me he was just making a bad joke.
Has anyone mentioned at all what 100 hours for a school year will consist of?

I assumed 9 months of a college year. That means approx. 36 weeks of school, so to get 100 hours total for a school year you would need to do 2.777 hours ofcommunity service A WEEK.


I knew "slackers" in college who could do 2-3 hours of community service a week.

I know the debate is the "forcing" issue, but seriously? 2-3 hours a week? I did that by Tuesday in college. It's not going to kill anyone, thatjust means you can't go watch tv or play video games once or twice a week.
Ok so let me think not comply and die...or not comply or graduate...hmmmmm what's a choice here? And I'm not jus talkin bout the choice aspect...in allaspects the two aren't similar....c'mon we both kno the two are far from the same thing...no matter how u spin that bs u peddlin
No biggie...it has always been a requirement at my school(s.) to graduate. It's for a good cause also.

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Sir, it's not forced. Nobody is beating you or owning you. It's a requirement to graduate your current year(s) in school. What the hell is wrong with giving back to your communities? It's NOT just a criminal thing, schools all over America require a certain amount of community service for graduation. I had to do community service in middle school and high school anyways. How is doing community service in college bad especially since you're getting money back?? You sound so ignorant right now it's not even funny, it's just sad.
Ohhhh....so its not "FORCED" is only "REQUIRED." Oh it sounds so much better when you use pretty words...

When you refuse to do the community service and the feds are after you threatening to kill you and you have to become a fugitive, come holla at us. Untilthen, sit down.
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