Obama's community service plan

Good Lord, some of you dudes are salty.

And to think, the guy isn't even in office yet. Amazing.

I look at it like this--the more *****ing and stressing out people do in the next four years = more idiots dropping dead of stress-related things. I'm allfor it. For the sake of mankind, please keep scrutinizing, complaining, obsessing and centering your lives around every move Barack Obama makes.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Good Lord, some of you dudes are salty.

And to think, the guy isn't even in office yet. Amazing.

I look at it like this--the more *****ing and stressing out people do in the next four years = more idiots dropping dead of stress-related things. I'm all for it. For the sake of mankind, please keep scrutinizing, complaining, obsessing and centering your lives around every move Barack Obama makes.
Obama's official website changed the wording. It obviously was important enough to them to do so after all the complaints.

Finally....we got some change.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Good Lord, some of you dudes are salty.

And to think, the guy isn't even in office yet. Amazing.

I look at it like this--the more *****ing and stressing out people do in the next four years = more idiots dropping dead of stress-related things. I'm all for it. For the sake of mankind, please keep scrutinizing, complaining, obsessing and centering your lives around every move Barack Obama makes.
Obama's official website changed the wording. It obviously was important enough to them to do so after all the complaints.

Finally....we got some change.
So do you think they completely changed their policy because of the complaints? You can't be that stupid, right?

Clearly, whoever wrote it used questionable wording which did not appropriately convey the true meaning of the policy. They probably were saying in order toget the benefit of the college funding, it would be required to do the said amount of community service hours, which makes perfect sense. Themisplacement/misuse of the word "required" was the problem. It happens. Hence the fix.

You guys kill me. In your never-ending quest to crucify this guy, the blinders go on and your logic flies out the window. Do you really think there is amethod to accurately monitor the community service hours of EVERY child/teen/college student in America? C'mon now--that's basically impossible toenforce across the board. Would it make sense to require this of EVERY child/teen/college student when not everyone goes to college? Of course not. Theprogram will not be mandatory. It will be there should you want to take advantage of it. And quite frankly, I can't see a reason why anyone wouldn'tuse it to their advantage.

Think folks. In the witch hunt for "socialism", people are completely missing the point.
Congressman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois's wrote about this in his book called "The Plan". He says the nation will enlist them as in young Americansto basic training.
Here is the website where he is qouted.

And the bickering and scrutinizing will always be around people. It happen with the past presidents and it will happen to the new one. So get use to it. Geeswe can't criticise anybody.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Good Lord, some of you dudes are salty.

And to think, the guy isn't even in office yet. Amazing.

I look at it like this--the more *****ing and stressing out people do in the next four years = more idiots dropping dead of stress-related things. I'm all for it. For the sake of mankind, please keep scrutinizing, complaining, obsessing and centering your lives around every move Barack Obama makes.
Obama's official website changed the wording. It obviously was important enough to them to do so after all the complaints.

Finally....we got some change.
So do you think they completely changed their policy because of the complaints? You can't be that stupid, right?

Clearly, whoever wrote it used questionable wording which did not appropriately convey the true meaning of the policy. They probably were saying in order to get the benefit of the college funding, it would be required to do the said amount of community service hours, which makes perfect sense. The misplacement/misuse of the word "required" was the problem. It happens. Hence the fix.

You guys kill me. In your never-ending quest to crucify this guy, the blinders go on and your logic flies out the window. Do you really think there is a method to accurately monitor the community service hours of EVERY child/teen/college student in America? C'mon now--that's basically impossible to enforce across the board. Would it make sense to require this of EVERY child/teen/college student when not everyone goes to college? Of course not. The program will not be mandatory. It will be there should you want to take advantage of it. And quite frankly, I can't see a reason why anyone wouldn't use it to their advantage.

Think folks. In the witch hunt for "socialism", people are completely missing the point.
There is a substantial difference between "require" and "non required".
So, Yes. That would be a significant change in policy and one that is welcomed.

You made a good point about accurately monitoring participants in the program and that's why it'll be just another bureaucratic mess and money waster.
Thanks for making the point.
Originally Posted by Beermann2

Congressman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois's wrote about this in his book called "The Plan". He says the nation will enlist them as in young Americans to basic training.
Here is the website where he is qouted.

And the bickering and scrutinizing will always be around people. It happen with the past presidents and it will happen to the new one. So get use to it. Gees we can't criticise anybody.
It's apparent where Emanuel (not Obama; calm down folks
) got this idea; Israel.
His father spent a good bit of time in Israel and fought to establish the country and Emanuel volunteered for the IDF (in a civilian role) in 1991 . I likeIsrael just as much as any Jew but Israel was built on socialist principles. Also, America and Israel are just different for many obvious reasons. What worksthere (on Kibbutzim and the IDF) doesn't mean at all that it'd work here.
Although Israel has moved further and further away from those principals in the past 2 decades because development just wasn't sustainable in that economicclimate.

We'll see when/if this is implemented.
Also...parents, are you ready to send your kids off to do community service? Well, get prepared. Obama will require all students from middle school tocollege work community service every year in order to graduate. Middle school and High school will do 50 hours a year, and college students will do 100 hoursa year. Sounds like fun...forced labor is where its at... http://change.gov/americaserves/
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

I don't mind. It's always nice to get back.
I'm already doing it anyway.
real talk....and if hes gonna make a post like this also include the fact that you get money for doing this...... dont try to say something andnot give 100% of whats going on....
folks trying to get into solid schools were already doing community service anyway. my school already requires a semester of a service oriented course...
glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called communityservice...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely differentidea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just callit mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....
by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.
Glad I'm not in school...I don't HAVE 2 do $#!+ but stay black, pay taxes and die.

It is a good program tho...earn money 4 college....just have a problem being told what 2 do.

Oh, and OP is so anti-Obama, it makes my earlobes itch...and I aint even a Barack supporter...
Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service.

Why did you call it slavery in the first place?
Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service.

You seem to be a young dude.... so ill tell you once again...get your facts straight boy......

by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring thatthe first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service.
this is taken from the link you so helpfully provided...

Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.
hmm. that accounts for 3 semesters at a state school in california. thank you, op, for providing the link.
Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....
slaves got paid $4000 bucks?
I just don't see how this should be required for middle and high schoolers. Will this be done during school hours, or after hours? There is no way you canconvince EVERY kid to do school work after school hours... It's just not possible.
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