Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Volunteerism means doing something without receiving any sort of gain which is in hindsight what Obama wants. To encourage young people to volunteer for community service!

In the words of the military, this isn't volunteering, this is being "voluntold". If you force somebody to volunteer, its not volunteering anymore.

While this sounds like a great idea in theory, I think the execution of this would be be nearly impossible. Encouraging our youths to volunteer is a great idea, but this plan won't work.

What is the punishment if a student does no fulfill their 50 hours per year? Are they going to hold middle and high school students back as if they failed the grade academically? From personal experience, I already know plenty of people that skip class, what's the difference between skipping a class and skipping community service?

When I think of community service, I think either doing it by volunteering through clubs like Key Club/National Honor Society or it being court mandated. Since this would be forced, it would essentially be the same as court mandated which would take all of the enthusiasm out of the students and make it more of a task than something to look forward to. Low worker moral leads to poor quality and might actually lead to more problems than it will fix.

I also foresee transportation issues. How would middle schoolers, 9[sup]th[/sup], 10[sup]th[/sup] and other students without cars get to these locations? If parents work during the day, school transportation would be required and unless each community service location needs a bus full of students, I don't see how efficient it would be.
Community service can mean just about anything. I volunteer at soup kitchens during Thanksgiving. When I was in college our fraternityvolunteered to pick up trash on the freeways. During Xmas, we volunteered at nursing homes by wrapping presents. etc.. etc.. I think the main idea here isthat Obama wants young people to begin thinking about volunteering and helping out our communities. Whether this is a requirement to graduate or what not wedon't know. Nothing is written into law.

Until the specific details are posted, this is just another one of Obama's ideas and instead of people being skeptical about this or that, just WAIT untilthe full details are brought about. After the details are worked out, then you can whine and +%!!% and complain and call it SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, COMMUNISUM,VOLUNTERISM or whatever.
What is the punishment if a student does no fulfill their 50 hours per year? Are they going to hold middle and high school students back as if they failed the grade academically? From personal experience, I already know plenty of people that skip class, what's the difference between skipping a class and skipping community service?

teachers can just keep a log of student hours. if they notice that a student has been lagging behind, it doesnt mean they have to fail the kid. just work withthem and their parent/guardian to see that they make up as many hours as they can.

you can just put a stipulation on it, like "you need a minimum of X hours to go to homecoming", or "X hours to go on the senior boat trip".kids will do the hours.

When I think of community service, I think either doing it by volunteering through clubs like Key Club/National Honor Society or it being court mandated. Since this would be forced, it would essentially be the same as court mandated which would take all of the enthusiasm out of the students and make it more of a task than something to look forward to. Low worker moral leads to poor quality and might actually lead to more problems than it will fix.

thats not true at all. we had required community service to graduate from middle school and high school. when we first heard about it, it didn't sound thatgreat. but in reality, being outside on a nice day, and getting to be in a team with our friends, was a LOT better than sitting in class. we actually surpassedthe work we were supposed to do, and we still had fun.

I also foresee transportation issues. How would middle schoolers, 9th, 10th and other students without cars get to these locations? If parents work during the day, school transportation would be required and unless each community service location needs a bus full of students, I don't see how efficient it would be.

umm... just split the kids into groups, and each week/month bus a different group out to a location during the school day, or whatever. it can be done.
Dont most school districts have mandatory community service, anyway? I dont see the big deal.

I love how most of NT doesnt even know what Socialism is but use it becuase it sounds cool, and they heard it on the news. That said I dont like the mandatingof it at the college level. But for the high school level its already been done.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Dont most school districts have mandatory community service, anyway? I dont see the big deal.

I love how most of NT doesnt even know what Socialism is but use it becuase it sounds cool, and they heard it on the news. That said I dont like the mandating of it at the college level. But for the high school level its already been done.
Well look at the people who are complaining. Bitter and Salty McCain supporters. Every plan of Obama's will be scrutinized because itsSOCIALISM. No its Invasionism. No its Muslimism.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Community service can mean just about anything. I volunteer at soup kitchens during Thanksgiving. When I was in college our fraternity volunteered to pick up trash on the freeways. During Xmas, we volunteered at nursing homes by wrapping presents. etc.. etc.. I think the main idea here is that Obama wants young people to begin thinking about volunteering and helping out our communities. Whether this is a requirement to graduate or what not we don't know. Nothing is written into law.

Until the specific details are posted, this is just another one of Obama's ideas and instead of people being skeptical about this or that, just WAIT until the full details are brought about. After the details are worked out, then you can whine and +%!!% and complain and call it SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, COMMUNISUM, VOLUNTERISM or whatever.
The whole point of posting this article was to discuss the concept of this, I am just bringing up the problems I can foresee.

Yes, this is not a law yet. I am just bringing up questions that don't seem like there are legitimate answers to. Can you think of a way to enforce this?Failing students won't work, issuing fines to a 6th grader won't work, putting a kid in juvenile dentition won't work, what realistically couldwork? Can you think of a way to solve the transportation issue?

The theme of all of the things that you listed and my point was that it was solely your decision to volunteer. I am sure you got more out of working at a soupkitchen and helping others because it meant something to you than you would have if you were forced to do it by a superior.
I know in Maryland if you dont do your community service, its like 36. You dont graduate. I fail to see the big deal.
Cool idea.
My HS had a "mandatory" 100 hours, but if you took a certain amount of extra electives you could skip it. lol.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Community service can mean just about anything. I volunteer at soup kitchens during Thanksgiving. When I was in college our fraternity volunteered to pick up trash on the freeways. During Xmas, we volunteered at nursing homes by wrapping presents. etc.. etc.. I think the main idea here is that Obama wants young people to begin thinking about volunteering and helping out our communities. Whether this is a requirement to graduate or what not we don't know. Nothing is written into law.

Until the specific details are posted, this is just another one of Obama's ideas and instead of people being skeptical about this or that, just WAIT until the full details are brought about. After the details are worked out, then you can whine and +%!!% and complain and call it SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM, COMMUNISUM, VOLUNTERISM or whatever.
The whole point of posting this article was to discuss the concept of this, I am just bringing up the problems I can foresee.

Yes, this is not a law yet. I am just bringing up questions that don't seem like there are legitimate answers to. Can you think of a way to enforce this? Failing students won't work, issuing fines to a 6th grader won't work, putting a kid in juvenile dentition won't work, what realistically could work? Can you think of a way to solve the transportation issue?

The theme of all of the things that you listed and my point was that it was solely your decision to volunteer. I am sure you got more out of working at a soup kitchen and helping others because it meant something to you than you would have if you were forced to do it by a superior.
I agree. However I didn't one day wake up and say HEY I am going to spend 5 hours day before Thanksgiving peeling potatoes. Not that I wasforced but because a majority of my friends were doing it especially this one shorty I was peeping, I too decided to volunteer.

Sometimes a little PUSH is what is needed to get things moving if you know what I mean. Maybe this "requirement" is the PUSH that is needed to getsome lazy cats from playing video games to do a little community service.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. I really want to get behind this President
but this is ridiculous. Brownshirt armies man. if people want to serve their community they can and should. Morality and service should NEVER be mandated. Mandatory community service in government programs sounds suspiciously like youth camps and social brainwashing stuff.
My point is that government should become less involved in our lives. The Obama administration has so many ideas that have been done by Stalin and Marx and Mao. Invasionist governing FTL.

By less government you mean not telling people who to marry, or when to have sex, or when to tap phone calls?....Or when to abort?....Ok got ya.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by tylerdub

So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. I really want to get behind this President
but this is ridiculous. Brownshirt armies man. if people want to serve their
community they can and should. Morality and service should NEVER be mandated. Mandatory community service in government programs sounds suspiciously like youth
camps and social brainwashing stuff.

My point is that government should become less involved in our lives. The Obama administration has so many ideas that have been done by Stalin and Marx and
Mao. Invasionist governing FTL.

By less government you mean not telling people who to marry, or when to have sex, or when to tap phone calls?....Or when to abort?....Ok got ya.

Originally Posted by tylerdub

"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your
community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that
fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why
it's called the American dream."

The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to
meet the nation's challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand
national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will
create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools,
as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing
a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and
high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.
Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs
available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting
youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.

So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. I really want to get behind this President
but this is ridiculous. Brownshirt armies man. if people want to serve their community they can and should. Morality and service should NEVER be mandated. Mandatory community service in government programs sounds suspiciously like youth camps and social brainwashing stuff.
My point is that government should become less involved in our lives. The Obama administration has so many ideas that have been done by Stalin and Marx and Mao. Invasionist governing FTL.

"So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. "

Obama isn't making you do anything. Just if you want 4 grand off your tuition you have to help out a little.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by tylerdub

So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. I really want to get behind this President
but this is ridiculous. Brownshirt armies man. if people want to serve their community they can and should. Morality and service should NEVER be mandated. Mandatory community service in government programs sounds suspiciously like youth camps and social brainwashing stuff.
My point is that government should become less involved in our lives. The Obama administration has so many ideas that have been done by Stalin and Marx and Mao. Invasionist governing FTL.

By less government you mean not telling people who to marry, or when to have sex, or when to tap phone calls?....Or when to abort?....Ok got ya.
when has any of that ever been put into law .............. save for the wire taps?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by tylerdub

So Obama is going to MAKE people serve 50-100 hours community service. I really want to get behind this President
but this is ridiculous. Brownshirt armies man. if people want to serve their community they can and should. Morality and service should NEVER be mandated. Mandatory community service in government programs sounds suspiciously like youth camps and social brainwashing stuff.
My point is that government should become less involved in our lives. The Obama administration has so many ideas that have been done by Stalin and Marx and Mao. Invasionist governing FTL.

By less government you mean not telling people who to marry, or when to have sex, or when to tap phone calls?....Or when to abort?....Ok got ya.

Game over

here in ontario you're required to do 40 hours of community service to graduate. i can't believe obama is giving you a credit off yourtuition..that's pretty solid.

..the only good thing i saw from required community service up here is people started to find careers or hobbies they didn't like. i know a girl who stillvolunteers in a hospital and all she was required was to do 40 hours back in high school..she's now 22.

another dude i know was hired by the company he volunteered for and has a pretty decent position there now.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Cool idea.
My HS had a "mandatory" 100 hours, but if you took a certain amount of extra electives you could skip it. lol.
i had to do 40 to graduate from the nursing exam in hs
how you gonna ensure to manage every individual's time better than they can themselves? people value things differently nobody can enforce communityservice to be considered a better use of time than chilling, they make that choice for themselves

this is a serious knock to individual choice -----> freedom

if you want to do community service nobody is stopping you, how would you feel if someone told you had to limit your community service hours to an arbitraryamount?

if you want to get paid for doing community service ask the person you are supposedly serving, don't forcefully make them pay you 66.66666666% of yourcollege tuition by gettin the UsGov involved, let your customer decide what your work is worth, it will keep you honest... or do you need to be the one beingcommunity served?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by saint lt

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh..and I'd scratch out the middle schoolers.
just HS and College kids

why? it would give them more of an option to stay out of trouble.
Because American parents are doing such a great job keeping their kids active and in-shape, not addicted to video games and TV, and not involved in crime...

Yeah, so let the government spend peoples money and do the parents job, right?
That's the problem in this country, people don't like to take accountability.
If your kid is a bad %$$ or sucks in school, that is YOUR fault.
Exactly. Well said.
I don't want the government all in my personal business.
The way I have heard it explained is if you want to do the community service, cool, you can have some money to use for college. If not, cool, you dont get anyextra money for college.

But please let the dude get in office first.
Forcing community service FTL imo ...

We were forced to do community service in order to graduate HS (40 hours over 4 years) .. now although it doesnt seem like much FORCING community service makeshighschool feel even more like a prison. Also, EVERYONE I know besides the people that were already participating in community service just faked it and gottheir parents friends to sign it or whatever, so it still didnt work.

But the benefits of what Obama is proposing over shadows all of that. So it's marshmellows.

I'm Canadian if that matters
i swear ppl will always find a way to complain..he is giving ppl opportunities to get some tuition cut and ppl STILL COMPLAIN!!

"hes forcing morality" probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard
Prob. a mistake by the staffer who wrote it but it was important enough to require immediate attention after all the
at "required".
Second version substitutes "do" for "require".
Got this from another forum.


I read the other night that he's expanding Peace Corps. i'm still on the fence about whether I should sign up for it, but his expansion plan pushes metowards it.
I like what Obama's trying to do. The youth in America today has to be one of the most politically and socially apathetic groups in history. We are the Megeneration. We have no concept of civil service.
Plus, this could alleviate the rise in unemployment from fresh out of college undergrads.
Why should this be required? Community service is nice, but what if people don't want to do it. You can't force someone to do something.
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