ntlk'ers who have overcame acne come in!

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Man I had bumps like crazy back in the day, and I didn't even want to show my face. I couldn't get a girlfriend, and was just sad in general. My mom was like Jose you need to speak to a dermatologist. I was like man those are for girls, my mom was like Jacob just go.

So I went to speak with a dermatologist, and she told me to try proactive gel, let me tell you after a week I started to see results, no longer was my skin riddled with acne, it was clear. I'd be walking in the hall at school and girls would be like "Hey Jose". man justin timberlake must have been talking about me when he made "Sexy Back" because I was sexually attractive to all women after proactive gel.

@ Jacob

clindamycin phosphate worked well for I, not sure about the scars though.
@ Jacob

clindamycin phosphate worked well for I, not sure about the scars though.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Man I had bumps like crazy back in the day, and I didn't even want to show my face. I couldn't get a girlfriend, and was just sad in general. My mom was like Jose you need to speak to a dermatologist. I was like man those are for girls, my mom was like Jacob just go.

So I went to speak with a dermatologist, and she told me to try proactive gel, let me tell you after a week I started to see results, no longer was my skin riddled with acne, it was clear. I'd be walking in the hall at school and girls would be like "Hey Jose". man justin timberlake must have been talking about me when he made "Sexy Back" because I was sexually attractive to all women after proactive gel.

ehhh, try again
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Man I had bumps like crazy back in the day, and I didn't even want to show my face. I couldn't get a girlfriend, and was just sad in general. My mom was like Jose you need to speak to a dermatologist. I was like man those are for girls, my mom was like Jacob just go.

So I went to speak with a dermatologist, and she told me to try proactive gel, let me tell you after a week I started to see results, no longer was my skin riddled with acne, it was clear. I'd be walking in the hall at school and girls would be like "Hey Jose". man justin timberlake must have been talking about me when he made "Sexy Back" because I was sexually attractive to all women after proactive gel.

ehhh, try again
For Acne take Pantothenic Acid 2x a day.
Vitamin C 1000mg 1x a day

For acne scars- Mario Badescu whitening cream or bio oil,

be patient.

drink lots of water LOTS
For Acne take Pantothenic Acid 2x a day.
Vitamin C 1000mg 1x a day

For acne scars- Mario Badescu whitening cream or bio oil,

be patient.

drink lots of water LOTS
Used to have acne dont have scars though. I think if you get a skin peel that helps for scarring. I would do research though first.

And to whoever said Cetaphil....Yes
Used to have acne dont have scars though. I think if you get a skin peel that helps for scarring. I would do research though first.

And to whoever said Cetaphil....Yes
iceNcream wrote:

drink lots of water LOTS
your skin is mostly water, so stay hydrated.
you really dont need any facial products, except maybe that daily cleanser posted above and an exfoliate. Scars will go away as long as their not bad...just remember to never pop pimples next time. It will take a few months for your face to clear, as long as you just leave your face alone, drink lots of water and just wash your face with water daily.
iceNcream wrote:

drink lots of water LOTS
your skin is mostly water, so stay hydrated.
you really dont need any facial products, except maybe that daily cleanser posted above and an exfoliate. Scars will go away as long as their not bad...just remember to never pop pimples next time. It will take a few months for your face to clear, as long as you just leave your face alone, drink lots of water and just wash your face with water daily.
I had pretty bad acne as a teenager (14-17), but made it a lot worse by playing with my face all the time. Long story short, I was put on Accutane for like 6 months and it really cleared up my skin, but the more I read about this drug now I realize all the side effects I may have unknowingly had/have.

It's a drug that works, but not without it's risks. Some can't even take it because it can affect the liver. Others face anywhere from mild side effects like chapped lips to severe one's like suicidal thoughts.

Proactive works great for some, a waste of money for others. I never used it myself, but know others with mixed results.

Sometimes all of these cleansers/scrubs can be too much. I own a few, but soap and water is really all I use consistently.

Your best bet is to see a dermatologist and see what he/she recommends depending on your skin type.

Acne sucks, but it is temporary. Be patient.
I had pretty bad acne as a teenager (14-17), but made it a lot worse by playing with my face all the time. Long story short, I was put on Accutane for like 6 months and it really cleared up my skin, but the more I read about this drug now I realize all the side effects I may have unknowingly had/have.

It's a drug that works, but not without it's risks. Some can't even take it because it can affect the liver. Others face anywhere from mild side effects like chapped lips to severe one's like suicidal thoughts.

Proactive works great for some, a waste of money for others. I never used it myself, but know others with mixed results.

Sometimes all of these cleansers/scrubs can be too much. I own a few, but soap and water is really all I use consistently.

Your best bet is to see a dermatologist and see what he/she recommends depending on your skin type.

Acne sucks, but it is temporary. Be patient.
Heres a thread I made earlier this year. I swear it works people!

2 parts green tea

1 part ORGANIC apple cider vinegar

Put in fridge and apply to face after washing with mild cleanser every night. (Use a good face moisturizer afterward.)

make a new batch every two weeks

total cost: less than $5. 

Im 25 and have had acne since I was 12. This is the ONLY thing that has EVER worked for me.

All those harsh cleansers with benzoyl peroxide dry out your skin.
Heres a thread I made earlier this year. I swear it works people!

2 parts green tea

1 part ORGANIC apple cider vinegar

Put in fridge and apply to face after washing with mild cleanser every night. (Use a good face moisturizer afterward.)

make a new batch every two weeks

total cost: less than $5. 

Im 25 and have had acne since I was 12. This is the ONLY thing that has EVER worked for me.

All those harsh cleansers with benzoyl peroxide dry out your skin.
Just don't touch your face, drink a lot of water, wash your face at least twice a day, (Especally after you sweat) and DON'T pop any pimples. I learned the hard way that there were virtually no good things that come out of popping them. The bump goes down just a little, bleeding, then a mark. So don't pop them.

Follow these steps, and you will be good.
Just don't touch your face, drink a lot of water, wash your face at least twice a day, (Especally after you sweat) and DON'T pop any pimples. I learned the hard way that there were virtually no good things that come out of popping them. The bump goes down just a little, bleeding, then a mark. So don't pop them.

Follow these steps, and you will be good.
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