I also had acne in early high school. From my personal experiences, I will say acne has nothing to do with your diet. Im 19 now and I havent had acne for a couple years now. It was just hormones during puberty for me. But when I did have acne, I would exercise to get fresh blood flowing in my face, that really helps. If your past puberty and you have acne still, try:
- Exercising, just run every day for a little, making sure your pulse is beating fast.
- Cut out soft drinks and drink water instead
- If indoors a lot, make sure you step out for fresh air every so often.
- Eat fruits, oranges, grapefruit juice, anything with vitamin C helps a lot
- Whole grain bread also helps - (Selenium improves skin at the cellular level.)
- A good night's sleep. (Your skin heals while you sleep)
I do these they make a difference, trust.