NTers NOT from the US, how do you view us Americans?

Originally Posted by ImNacho

Really, gringos need to go 'out there'... The world is much more nicer in other parts of the world...

If you want wealth and a multicultural country, go to Spain, minimun wage is over 700 euros a month, got every service covered like a rich man and you got arabs, africans, latinos and east europeans over there...

You want a secure and peaceful country, go to Costa Rica, people will treat you like a king evertwhere that you go, beatiful women, jamaican province, green and ecological...

You want a fun place to be, real people everywhere, excellent job oportunities and a great lifestyle (being young over here is
) come to México...

And I'm just mentioning the places I've lived in...
So gringos are the only ones living in America?  SYAUF and enjoy your free Guadalajara health-care.

Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy "and hate" us.

This.  Chalk it up to jealousy.
Originally Posted by ImNacho

Really, gringos need to go 'out there'... The world is much more nicer in other parts of the world...

If you want wealth and a multicultural country, go to Spain, minimun wage is over 700 euros a month, got every service covered like a rich man and you got arabs, africans, latinos and east europeans over there...

You want a secure and peaceful country, go to Costa Rica, people will treat you like a king evertwhere that you go, beatiful women, jamaican province, green and ecological...

You want a fun place to be, real people everywhere, excellent job oportunities and a great lifestyle (being young over here is
) come to México...

And I'm just mentioning the places I've lived in...
So gringos are the only ones living in America?  SYAUF and enjoy your free Guadalajara health-care.

Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy "and hate" us.

This.  Chalk it up to jealousy.
I've always wondered how people could take a place serious that called itself "the land of the free" when its first economy was based on slave labor.

Also the whole "all men are created equal" bit had to be a joke to other countries for a while.
I've always wondered how people could take a place serious that called itself "the land of the free" when its first economy was based on slave labor.

Also the whole "all men are created equal" bit had to be a joke to other countries for a while.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

All of the Americans I've ever met were nice,except in New York. I asked for directions and everyone would just ignore lol and kept moving...I've never seen that much people on the sidewalks and streets in my life

Too bad for you.
Next time youll know better than to get in our way and ask us stupid questions.
Get a map.

From NY btw.

- a map won't tell you where the nearest pizza place is
- a map won't tell you where to buy certain items

i know you're gonna have a smartass answer, like "why didn't you do research" or something dumb 
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

All of the Americans I've ever met were nice,except in New York. I asked for directions and everyone would just ignore lol and kept moving...I've never seen that much people on the sidewalks and streets in my life

Too bad for you.
Next time youll know better than to get in our way and ask us stupid questions.
Get a map.

From NY btw.

- a map won't tell you where the nearest pizza place is
- a map won't tell you where to buy certain items

i know you're gonna have a smartass answer, like "why didn't you do research" or something dumb 
its not jealousy trust, and for me its no hate at all, most americans put themselves on a pedestal, lookin down on the rest of the world
its not jealousy trust, and for me its no hate at all, most americans put themselves on a pedestal, lookin down on the rest of the world
Originally Posted by luxurious24

its not jealousy trust, and for me its no hate at all, most americans put themselves on a pedestal, lookin down on the rest of the world

Or maybe it's just in your head.  Americans aren't sitting around thinking how much better we are than the rest the world.  Sorry to burst your bubbles, but, we have our own day to day lives to worry about.  This thread is full of stereotypes; but, if you guys need a chance to sound off on your jealousy- have at it and all let you be.
Originally Posted by luxurious24

its not jealousy trust, and for me its no hate at all, most americans put themselves on a pedestal, lookin down on the rest of the world

Or maybe it's just in your head.  Americans aren't sitting around thinking how much better we are than the rest the world.  Sorry to burst your bubbles, but, we have our own day to day lives to worry about.  This thread is full of stereotypes; but, if you guys need a chance to sound off on your jealousy- have at it and all let you be.
Lots of hate/pride in this thread
I can honestly say I've been to my native country and life is much easier in the states. I don't think we're the best country in the world (
) but I can appreciate the life I have here
Lots of hate/pride in this thread
I can honestly say I've been to my native country and life is much easier in the states. I don't think we're the best country in the world (
) but I can appreciate the life I have here
Originally Posted by ImNacho

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

You guys have adopted the name of the whole continent and applied it to your own country.

Mann, imagine if China decided to call themselves Asia, or France wanted to call themselves Europe.
The Nerve

  We call this country North America?
United States of North America, North America has 3 countries and America has 32 spanish speaking countries (with and actual name), so whats your point?

the man has a point... not like china is called central asia or the united states of asia or something along those lines.
but it is united states of america... not north america. north is implied though, i'm assuming that's why you're putting it there.
Originally Posted by ImNacho

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

You guys have adopted the name of the whole continent and applied it to your own country.

Mann, imagine if China decided to call themselves Asia, or France wanted to call themselves Europe.
The Nerve

  We call this country North America?
United States of North America, North America has 3 countries and America has 32 spanish speaking countries (with and actual name), so whats your point?

the man has a point... not like china is called central asia or the united states of asia or something along those lines.
but it is united states of america... not north america. north is implied though, i'm assuming that's why you're putting it there.
Originally Posted by sangalang

Originally Posted by ImNacho

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

You guys have adopted the name of the whole continent and applied it to your own country.

Mann, imagine if China decided to call themselves Asia, or France wanted to call themselves Europe.
The Nerve

  We call this country North America?
United States of North America, North America has 3 countries and America has 32 spanish speaking countries (with and actual name), so whats your point?

the man has a point... not like china is called central asia or the united states of asia or something along those lines.
but it is united states of america... not north america. north is implied though, i'm assuming that's why you're putting it there.

What the #%!% is the United States of NORTH America?
. And in Chinese China translates basically to Middle Kingdom, so yes it basically is called central asia or united states of asia. 
Originally Posted by sangalang

Originally Posted by ImNacho

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

You guys have adopted the name of the whole continent and applied it to your own country.

Mann, imagine if China decided to call themselves Asia, or France wanted to call themselves Europe.
The Nerve

  We call this country North America?
United States of North America, North America has 3 countries and America has 32 spanish speaking countries (with and actual name), so whats your point?

the man has a point... not like china is called central asia or the united states of asia or something along those lines.
but it is united states of america... not north america. north is implied though, i'm assuming that's why you're putting it there.

What the #%!% is the United States of NORTH America?
. And in Chinese China translates basically to Middle Kingdom, so yes it basically is called central asia or united states of asia. 
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ImNacho

Really, gringos need to go 'out there'... The world is much more nicer in other parts of the world...

If you want wealth and a multicultural country, go to Spain, minimun wage is over 700 euros a month, got every service covered like a rich man and you got arabs, africans, latinos and east europeans over there...

You want a secure and peaceful country, go to Costa Rica, people will treat you like a king evertwhere that you go, beatiful women, jamaican province, green and ecological...

You want a fun place to be, real people everywhere, excellent job oportunities and a great lifestyle (being young over here is
) come to México...

And I'm just mentioning the places I've lived in...
So gringos are the only ones living in America? 
America  for the most  part is indeed made up of Americans
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ImNacho

Really, gringos need to go 'out there'... The world is much more nicer in other parts of the world...

If you want wealth and a multicultural country, go to Spain, minimun wage is over 700 euros a month, got every service covered like a rich man and you got arabs, africans, latinos and east europeans over there...

You want a secure and peaceful country, go to Costa Rica, people will treat you like a king evertwhere that you go, beatiful women, jamaican province, green and ecological...

You want a fun place to be, real people everywhere, excellent job oportunities and a great lifestyle (being young over here is
) come to México...

And I'm just mentioning the places I've lived in...
So gringos are the only ones living in America? 
America  for the most  part is indeed made up of Americans
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Second, and of much greater importance, I find it ironic that many in Canada, Europe and elsewhere criticize "Americans" for all being universally ignorant and lacking in nuance yet many of those same people will cherry pick aspects and subgroups from the US and apply it to all Americans in order to maximize their negative perceptions of all Americans. The US is a Continental Republic with over 300 million citizens, we are ethnically diverse, we are politically given to pluralism, Americans choose to worship (nor not worship at all) in a wide variety of ways and despite your stereotypes there are Americans who are neither obese nor boorish nor uninformed about world events.

Rex hit this one on the head for me. As a Californian (of Asian-North American decent, considering everyone's P.C. for this thread). I barely got the chance to travel when I was younger. Stopped over a few parts of Asia but didn't really travel as much. But I do want to see the world. I am aware of the starving (but resilient) nations of Africa, the constant protests and GDP struggles of the European nations, and of course the blasphemy of a lot of Asian countries. With their senseless beefing against other Asians, right here at home. Sure there's a lot screwed up. I'm also not happy with a lot that's going on with regards to political, economical and and environmental issues. However you cannot clump everyone U.S. citizen as an ignorant buffoon. Despite everything, this is definitely a wonderful country to live in and I don't take it for granted one bit. So, if I can understand and acknowledge these flaws within our country's borders (and the same for those internationally), then I'm sure many people like Rex and other U.S. NT'ers do feel the same way.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Second, and of much greater importance, I find it ironic that many in Canada, Europe and elsewhere criticize "Americans" for all being universally ignorant and lacking in nuance yet many of those same people will cherry pick aspects and subgroups from the US and apply it to all Americans in order to maximize their negative perceptions of all Americans. The US is a Continental Republic with over 300 million citizens, we are ethnically diverse, we are politically given to pluralism, Americans choose to worship (nor not worship at all) in a wide variety of ways and despite your stereotypes there are Americans who are neither obese nor boorish nor uninformed about world events.

Rex hit this one on the head for me. As a Californian (of Asian-North American decent, considering everyone's P.C. for this thread). I barely got the chance to travel when I was younger. Stopped over a few parts of Asia but didn't really travel as much. But I do want to see the world. I am aware of the starving (but resilient) nations of Africa, the constant protests and GDP struggles of the European nations, and of course the blasphemy of a lot of Asian countries. With their senseless beefing against other Asians, right here at home. Sure there's a lot screwed up. I'm also not happy with a lot that's going on with regards to political, economical and and environmental issues. However you cannot clump everyone U.S. citizen as an ignorant buffoon. Despite everything, this is definitely a wonderful country to live in and I don't take it for granted one bit. So, if I can understand and acknowledge these flaws within our country's borders (and the same for those internationally), then I'm sure many people like Rex and other U.S. NT'ers do feel the same way.

At the end of the day when all your countries have drama, political, economic, natural disaster, or whatever, who do you call? That's right, America. You take our money and any other support we give you, with pretty much no strings attached, you call us bullies. The hypocrisy and hate is strong. It's cool though. We don't do it for props.
At the end of the day when all your countries have drama, political, economic, natural disaster, or whatever, who do you call? That's right, America. You take our money and any other support we give you, with pretty much no strings attached, you call us bullies. The hypocrisy and hate is strong. It's cool though. We don't do it for props.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

At the end of the day when all your countries have drama, political, economic, natural disaster, or whatever, who do you call? That's right, America. You take our money and any other support we give you, with pretty much no strings attached, you call us bullies. The hypocrisy and hate is strong. It's cool though. We don't do it for props.
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