NT: What's Your Religion?

"We a new breed in 2006 2010, we don't give a @!*@ about that religious bull !@@%"...
Christianity. Baptist to be exact.

I'm cool with people that practice other religions and I believe everybody that is "good" in this life will be given their chance in theafterlife. No matter what religion or anything they believe in.

I know that goes against the idea that Jesus is the only way, I feel that the only way does not limit you to your time on Earth.
It's interesting how a lot of you who were raised catholics/roman catholics became atheist/agnostic/whatever happens, happens. It kind of tells you thehypocrisy as well as the manipulative hold catholicism has and how it twisted the bible's true teachings so that a lot of people just totally got disgustedfrom it and just totally lost interest. Well I'm glad I am a christian who was never raised a catholic... Knowing is one thing believing is another, youcan't push or intimidate people to join your religion or believe in your God. It's just up to an individual to find it himself,
If you don't believe in anything and just want to live life a good person that is awesome, I wish more higher than thou religious idiots were like that.They should look at themselves first before judging others. God judges at the end not a person. That is why people hate and blame god even more is becauseradicals regardless of which way you bow is exaggerating and making God in their image and people start to not believe because they don't get their way soit's easy to say yeah it's Gods fault. You can blame him for natural disasters or the badness of people and the ruination of human society and lettingthe Devil do what he pleases and this and that and on and on. But hell how old do you think you'll be when you die because we all are imperfect and guesswhat imperfection means death so regardless of what happens you still die right? Even Jesus had to die on earth. No one lives forever just yet, I don'tbelieve in miracles and I won't give none of that BS but I know god listens when I need him, so keep knockin he'll open... Be realistic money don'tgrow on trees...
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by soltheman

I have yet to devote myself to a religion. Doubt I ever will.

My beliefs are pretty consistent with Buddhism, though.
I am fine with this. If you don't find anything that suits you, don't stress, but don't judge the next man.

I am quite religious, I am Jewish, and the torah has made me a better man. I hope you all find what you are looking for, and don't hinder anyone from finding their inner spirit. I certainly won't be saying anyone "gets it" in this thread.
The only thing that has kept me from really getting into religion is the devotion. I figure if I'm not ready to attempt to uphold every ideal(I know people can't possibly uphold everything, no one is perfect,) I shouldn't label myself as a believer. Which is one of my main problems withchurch/religious organizations.

I'm also interested in Islam and Judaism. I've studied a little bit of Islam, but I still favor Buddhism.
Christian to the fullest. Believe it or not, Christianity is about as spiritual as any other religion.

We just get a bad rap from those who abuse the name of our religion similar to radical muslims and Islam


+ Certain elements of LaVeyan Satanism (not sure if this can be considered a religion, more of a philosophy)+ Agnostic (again, not sure if this is areligion).

i follow the teachings of the Buddha and the Tao

i don't consider it a religion, more like a philosophy/way of thinking.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

i follow the teachings of the Buddha and the Tao

i don't consider it a religion, more like a philosophy/way of thinking.
So do you bow, chant, and present offerings?
i'm 100% Jewish.

as i have grown older, i've become more spiritually religious rather than physical. i've learned a lot about Buddhism and i follow a lot of the"life lessons" that stem from the religion. i grew up in a traditional orthodox environment, but now i would consider myself traditionallyconservative with very liberal views on all religion. the only thing i still really stick to (other than high holidays) is keeping kosher.

i now find that extremists (of any kind, whether it be religion or interest) only cause tension and more reason for hatred and war, hence why ive slowly movedaway from being very physically religious. i believe in a greater force and a possible higher being, but i refuse to dedicate my entire life to ONE based onthe uncertainty of the unknown (which will never be "known.")

ultimately religion is a high threat to the downfall of society.
'I'm far from religious, but I have beliefs so I put Canary yellow diamonds on my Jesus piece'
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by dgk3188

i follow the teachings of the Buddha and the Tao

i don't consider it a religion, more like a philosophy/way of thinking.
So do you bow, chant, and present offerings?
i bow before the Buddha before and after each meditation session and chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" pretty regularly.
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