NT: What's Your Religion?

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

cue the insults
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

it also serves as just another reason for people to hate those different from them.
I wouldn't say this necessarily.
It may be the reason why much of the violence in our world occurs, but in reality, the misconstruing of religion by power hungry clerics and delusional peopleis the true catalyst of religion being a foundation for societal schisms.

Mind you, the intent of religion is to guide, unite and educate people.
The education of people through religion does not ever advocate for violence or imply division or segregation as part of religious teachings.
Originally Posted by soltheman

I'll have yet to never devote myself to a religion. Doubt I ever will Never.

My beliefs ideas are pretty consistent with Buddhism, though.

Beliefs as far as how to live your life and seeking enlightenment. Probably only thing I see myself putting faith in. GODs with multiple arms just amuse me.
I am Agnostic at this point in my life. I do accept certain views from other religions though.
It seems a lot of people on here despise organized religion. I did too - for about 20 minutes when i was thinking about it to myself. To me it was preventingpeople from truely developing their own beliefs throughout their lifetime, and limiting their mental independancy, but then i thought, well there are a lot ofunstable, crazy, weak-minded people out there that wouldn't survive without religion / the fear of god. If people are becoming depressed & suicidalbecause they can't experience a ficticious world created by James Cameron inhabited by huge blue people, how would they handle the thought of therepossibly being nothing after death?

Some people will never be able to handle thinking for themselves.

I don't know if there's a name for this, but i believe there is something after death, i don't know what, nor do i care for now, but i considereverything to be equally as possible as the next idea / theory. I believe in moral / karma. I was born in to the church of mormon, I'm an inactive member,but i love the church (well, the people) though to me bible stories are just that - stories, i can't do anything but enjoy them and take them as a grain ofsalt.

If there is a god, I'm sure he can forgive me for using common sense and consideration, if not, @#$% him
I used to be an Atheist, but now I've got my own customized religion. I believe in some aspects of Buddhism such as Karma, and being the best you canhonestly be. I believe in Ancestry Worship, God, and Mother Nature.
Muslim and consider myself a "practicing" Muslim even though I hate that word

pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, try to go to the mosque at least a couple times a week not just Fridays, etc etc
I use to identify myself as a Christian but more recently I've become a lot more comfortable with agnosticism.

I don't know.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I believe in a God and Karma. despise organized religion. the bane of mankind.
This guy gets it.

Agreed minus the God part. I believe in Karma in the sense that you get from the world what you put out into it, and I too despise organized religion. I appreciate that it helps some people deal with fears and uncertainty by finding solace in the group and a higher power but it also serves as just another reason for people to hate those different from them.
Def Agreed

I dont consider myself to be a part of any religion, I grew up Catholic but now I'm like nothing I guess
At this point I have no religion. I dont agree with what it's done to the world in general, and what it's going to do. I cant fault those who dobelieve what they do, we all have our convictions and beliefs. Right now (in a nutshell) I just try to be the best person I can, believe in Karma andreincarnation, and think Jesus was an actual man who walked around the middle east/Africa but didn't walk on water. There's more to how I see the worldand beyond it, but it's late over here on the West cost and I dont feel like typing up a Method Man length essay.
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