NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

In the past I personally found Xoco a little bit thin tasting. Adding in FBS resolves that totally. And it even mutes the spices, which some find overwhelming

Still no xocoveza around locally. That's leaves me looking for more. Luckily the weather is just too nice to really desire xocoveza. So I went with another case of AVBC blood orange gose.

Lol. Bad photo I guess. Another FBS four pack, marble pils, marble ipa, la cumbre ipa, la cumbre dank ipa, and some lighter dos Equis. This beats the heck out of bar drinking. That crap is overpriced. 2nd of what seems like 8 available cases of avbc Bo gose is bought. Stuff is straight crack.
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I think I'd prefer this over heady.

I agree. This and Maine Brewing Co. "Dinner" both slightly edge out Heady Topper for me. I consider myself fortunate to have tried all 3.

Gonna grab some more Xoco soon to keep in stock. I have a few of this years that I'll mix with FBS, I can attest it's amazing. I still have last years Xoco in the fridge (1 left) that I'll crack open on a special occasion or something.
I think I really like wine/grape must type beer like dogfish Head noble rot and red & white. Anyone else do something similar?
I've had some of those saisons they say are similar like the tank 7, not quite the same. Haven't come across many with the grape must.
Speaking of grape beers: I was a little too kind with my first review of Grape Conversate.  It has a buttery/tart quality to it that I can't stand, and I don't think the concord grape mixes well with the hops at all.  Easily my least favorite beer I've ever had from Other Half.
Only grape beers I had were Bullfrog Breweries Le Roar Grrrz 20th anniversary lambic which was brewed with chenin blanc grape juice and Carton Grape Swisher

The Bullfrog may be along the lines of what you're looking for but it's a one time, one place released beer

The Carton beer was all blunt to me when I tried...didn't get any grape
Hey guys. Not a beer topic but it's an alcohol related question. . I'm going to Ireland on a job related trip next month and I'm planning on bringing some Irish whiskey to friends and my barber. Any recommendations? I want something not available in the states. Local bottled craft brews as well.
Picked this up at my local bottle shop, Santa Clara Liquor. I had this one last season and the concept of bottling a beer and having it in stores for sale the next day still fascinates me. To me, this one lives up to the hype. It's kind of eye opening in that fact that when you take that first sip, you think to yourself, wow so this is what a super fresh beer really tastes likes. They should just call this one an IPA. Those wet hops are quite prominent on the nose and throughout the finish. Zesty, crisp, clean and quite refreshing. Grab this one if you're able to find it!
What are you guys favorite AAL?
I enjoy Modelo quite a bit.

Picked this up at my local bottle shop, Santa Clara Liquor. I had this one last season and the concept of bottling a beer and having it in stores for sale the next day still fascinates me. To me, this one lives up to the hype. It's kind of eye opening in that fact that when you take that first sip, you think to yourself, wow so this is what a super fresh beer really tastes likes. They should just call this one an IPA. Those wet hops are quite prominent on the nose and throughout the finish. Zesty, crisp, clean and quite refreshing. Grab this one if you're able to find it!

I know people geek out over beer that is one day old, but you should really sit on it about 10 days before you drink it. Bottle shock. Can shock. Call it what you want.
Hit up my buddy that orders all the craft for a local distributor and he said they've only been allocated kegs of born yesterday so far

If Oskar blues is doing death by coconut as a seasonal, it could be popping up soon if it hasn't already...if anyone sees it, mention it in here
Hit up my buddy that orders all the craft for a local distributor and he said they've only been allocated kegs of born yesterday so far

If Oskar blues is doing death by coconut as a seasonal, it could be popping up soon if it hasn't already...if anyone sees it, mention it in here
Yes, please do.

Will stock up on DBC. Xoco is a bit underwhelming for me this year.
Hit up my buddy that orders all the craft for a local distributor and he said they've only been allocated kegs of born yesterday so far

If Oskar blues is doing death by coconut as a seasonal, it could be popping up soon if it hasn't already...if anyone sees it, mention it in here

DBC release parties in CO and NC last week. You can probably start looking within the next 2 weeks.
Beer store guys say Xocoveza may be available by end of the month.. And this is why I truly just buy local fresh products. Between distributors and wholesale warehouses just sitting on old stuff, to not putting other stuff out on time, my impulse to buy a case or two of Xocoveza is wearing thin. And Stone wonders why they had to lay off employees. Up your beer distributor game regional to large BREWERIES! The small guys are winning for a reason.

kngpin88, Ive seen that stuff available once. It has pretty solid marks on BA too. I have never seen it again. I dont think its exactly hard to find but distributor wise, I think we get their other stuff more than their bombers

Corymatthews, I think I bought a case of that born yesterday last year. It got to NM within about a week. Beer store guys dont know when theyll be getting it.

Its so depressing that I have just been drinking down my AVBC Blood Orange cache a bit too quickly.

Did anyone else notice they got new can art. I almost passed it up thinking it was the Briney Watermelon Gose. The dark green trees and light maroon sunset looks like a damn watermelon



To compare

I guess the regular Gose is an all purple can with similar design.. I found nothing wrong with the 128 hwy sign cans
Terrible news about DBC lol. I seriously do not need more to choose from. And with Ten Fidy BA looking to come out soon, I just don't know anymore.

As far as AAL type beers, I can't really get behind any of the big American players. The artifical sweetness is just surreal in a bad way. I tend to just drink Dos Equis lager as a no frills dont think about what your drinking beer
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