NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


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backjump didn't taste too crazy at first but kept changing as I drank it, lots of subtle things going on. Pale joe was kind of weird, coffee pale ale doesn't blend all that well but still a drinkable brew
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Stay cation happening starting tomorrow afternoon. Some tries I'll be trying.

-13 day old sucks at $7.50/sixer. Easily the best drunken value around. Easily.
-Deschutes had two seasonals out. A hopped up marzen and a juniper DIPA. Single tries there. I'll be the Guinea pig.
-Luponic #3. I liked #2. We shall see.
-Local elevated ipa. Week old.
-hadn't seen tangerine hop nosh before
-buying a FBS Each visit to beer store.
-3 day old local project dank.

Doesn no one else just drink normal six or four pack beer? Post them up ppl. Don't be ashamed.

So far.

Tangerine hop nosh disappointing. Tasting kind of old.

Luponic distortion #3 tasting very light and crisp at 5.9%. Hops seem muted

Project dank not disappointing at all.

Sucks at anything less than a month is a real treat imho. Sort of an old school fresh tasting citrus burst of flavor.

I think I have some older stouts I'll be busting out later this weekend/ into next week. Be on the look out.

Death by coconut.
Last of a stone xoco
15vs16 ten fidy and fbs
15 narwhal ( 16 narwhal is just so value priced at $9/4 pack, it'd be stupid not to).
15 bcbs
15 jet black winter ( local breweries first bottled bbA). Solid fresh. We shall see what 10 months did to it.
Random amount of backwoods B
Random amount of 15v16 KBS.

Beer fridge cleaning will be put to the ultimate test.
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Stay cation happening starting tomorrow afternoon. Some tries I'll be trying.

-13 day old sucks at $7.50/sixer. Easily the best drunken value around. Easily.
-Deschutes had two seasonals out. A hopped up marzen and a juniper DIPA. Single tries there. I'll be the Guinea pig.
-Luponic #3. I liked #2. We shall see.
-Local elevated ipa. Week old.
-hadn't seen tangerine hop nosh before
-buying a FBS Each visit to beer store.
-3 day old local project dank.

Doesn no one else just drink normal six or four pack beer? Post them up ppl. Don't be ashamed.

So far.

Tangerine hop nosh disappointing. Tasting kind of old.

Luponic distortion #3 tasting very light and crisp at 5.9%. Hops seem muted

Project dank not disappointing at all.

Sucks at anything less than a month is a real treat imho. Sort of an old school fresh tasting citrus burst of flavor.

I think I have some older stouts I'll be busting out later this weekend/ into next week. Be on the look out.

Death by coconut.
Last of a stone xoco
15vs16 ten fidy and fbs
15 narwhal ( 16 narwhal is just so value priced at $9/4 pack, it'd be stupid not to).
15 bcbs
15 jet black winter ( local breweries first bottled bbA). Solid fresh. We shall see what 10 months did to it.
Random amount of backwoods B
Random amount of 15v16 KBS.

Beer fridge cleaning will be put to the ultimate test.

God damn! That's a gangsta line up, son! Repped all day!

BA Ten Fidy available nationwide in November. It's a great day in beer folks. This will be my Thanksgiving after dinner beer/nap juice.


God damn again!! Can't wait. I hope they don't hype it up around here or the ******** with no sense of beer will buy it up any how.

This is pretty solid. I got 2 death by coconuts left. Wanna try a mix maybe but don't wanna disrespect the DBC.


Got a sixer of yuengling ofest last week; big disappointment. Got the SA on a deal. Its not bad, a little hop bite would go a long way imo. Trying the sumpin for the first time.
New Grimm dropped on Long Island today.  Was able to snag both cans.  Here's the first one:

Love the can, but the beer kind of falls flat.  It's a good double IPA, but doesn't live up to the standards Grimm has set.  Nice melon/strawberry note up front, but the back end has an off-putting bitterness with a good amount of booze on it.  Probably gonna let my other can sit in the fridge a few weeks before cracking it open.  Might just be too "green" right now.

Had a similar experience with the last batch of Afterimage.  I found the super-fresh can I had to be too bitter, but I gave my other cans some time to mellow and they were tasting great with 3 weeks of age on them.  Having said that, fresh Afterimage> fresh Pulse Wave.
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Round 2:

Now THIS is how a Grimm double IPA should taste.  Blows Pulse Wave out of the water.  Flavors of strawberry gummy candies and tropical fruit dominate.  A slight bready character on the back-end to level things out a bit.  I've been a bit cynical regarding Grimm recently, but I'm back on board with this one.  Waiting for when they open up their own spot this Winter.  
3 posts in a row.  Feel like I'm talking to myself at this point. 

Anywho, hit up Other Half for the release today.  Here's the first pick:

Double Dry Hopped Double Mosaic Dream.  It's dry-hopped using mosaic "lupulin powder," which is apparently concentrated extract.  I had the first batch of Double Mosaic Dream that was canned around July/August, then they did a second batch which the general consensus deemed to be way better than the first canning, and now we have this.  Right off the bat: holy ****.  I love mosaic hops, and this is probably the best expression of them I've ever had.  "Pungent" would be the best adjective to describe this one.  This ranks somewhere in my top 10 beers from them.

Other Half seems to really be hitting their stride as of the past few months.  Bigger yields, more variety (4 different beers per release is their new standard), and much smoother release days.  Now if only they would start distributing their flagship beers...
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