NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1


Everyone carries weight differently and is built differently

Me @ around 220-230 (cant remember)
Im 5'11 and could never squeeze into a large at that size.

And M, L, XL, XXL is not universal. Every brand/cut is different
Big dogs in da house 

woof woof
I ate terribly today. Probably gonna do a 24 fast until this time tomorrow to recover. I try to stay around 2100-2200 a day but I know I'm near 3000 smh.
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i'm 5'6" 177# and wearing a regular ol' Medium t-shirt can be very uncomfortable. gf says it looks good but i can't imagine anyone much bigger than i am wearing a Medium.
i'm 5'6" 177# and wearing a regular ol' Medium t-shirt can be very uncomfortable. gf says it looks good but i can't imagine anyone much bigger than i am wearing a Medium.
weight fits people different. But 6 feet and 200 pounds is probably still not medium sized unless your looking for a tight fit
Everybody want a six pack but don't nobody want to do cardio.
you dont need to do cardio to get a six pack. lift and have a very good/strict diet and it can come easily

I just don't see someone can really be in shape if they don't do cardio.

It ain't even about strength or aesthetics that just don't sound healthy.

I hooped today for the first time in a month and was ashamed of my wind. I don't care how big my muscle are I need that stamina.
this, and i like to cling to my mediocre athleticism lol so i do whatever i can as far as competing while running goes

ive seen these guys who dont run, they regress so hard they look like little girls running

and then there are just some guys who dont look right while sprinting (mike rashid)
Weighed myself yesterday and I'm at 187 now. 7lbs to date. Somewhere along the line I stumbled, and gained back 4 lbs of the 6 I lost, but now I'm back on track. Still trying to get used to all of this, but so far I'm doing ok. I need 17 lbs to go to complete my original goal.
Haven't updated in a while but last weigh in was at 190.5. 2 months and down 17lbs

I've been trying to adjust my macros but I seem to be stuck at around 190. Gotta either do more cardio or lower the carbs
Haven't updated in a while but last weigh in was at 190.5. 2 months and down 17lbs

I've been trying to adjust my macros but I seem to be stuck at around 190. Gotta either do more cardio or lower the carbs
dont let the numbers **** you up fam

do you feel stronger? do you look better? if youre building nice, quality, dense muscle, it might be time to not give the scale so much esteem
dont let the numbers **** you up fam

do you feel stronger? do you look better? if youre building nice, quality, dense muscle, it might be time to not give the scale so much esteem
Thanks for the motivation! definitely feeling and looking better than I was 2 months ago. 
Tried on my tight shirts and tight pants and its a no go, so I guess I'm fat now. Bulking stopped at 190.
I'm 5'10" so I'm tryna see if I can get down to 175 by June first tryna lose my gut.

Will lower my calories, no soda, no cakes, candy. Lot of salad and chicken.
Started insanity did the first day and feel like death, going to compete it though. Will throw in some lifting next week to keep my mass.

Wish me luck #NT
Any advice?
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