NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Started doing deadlifs earlier this week ( back finally healed) need tips on how to do correctly I think I did good

Like my lower back muscle was sire not my actual spine

Learned how to do bench presses right too

( 90 degree and and lift from the bottom if your chest right?)

I'm about 147 - 150 lbs no gut or nothing

Keep bulking? Terrible advice, gotta bulk then cut for a more clean bulk....
 Bro were you even lifting / working out during your "bulk", or were you just drinking soda, eating cakes and candy and other high calorie no nutrition ****?  My understanding is there's a strategy to bulking that doesn't = eat like hell. 
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My weight loss definitely hit a snag. I'm still down about 25 pounds from a couple months ago.. but I'm at the same weight the last couple weeks. To be fair, I haven't been able to workout everyday because my work schedule has been changing and I've been sick the past week.. but I'm getting back into it now.
 Bro were you even lifting / working out during your "bulk", or were you just drinking soda, eating cakes and candy and other high calorie no nutrition ****?  My understanding is there's a strategy to bulking that doesn't = eat like hell. 
Well damb

Some before and after pics would help the situation. He isn't carrying a crazy amount of fat, personally I would try to put some more muscle on but do it slow. Also work on your posture.
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 Bro were you even lifting / working out during your "bulk", or were you just drinking soda, eating cakes and candy and other high calorie no nutrition ****?  My understanding is there's a strategy to bulking that doesn't = eat like hell. 
Well damb

Some before and after pics would help the situation. He isn't carrying a crazy amount of fat, personally I would try to put some more muscle on but do it slow. Also work on your posture.
you will probably gain an inch on your height alone if you do that

and also you will look better, and get better results

@thisizdray  your pelvic tilt is wild, and your shoudlers are too slumpt

roll your shoulders to the point where your shoulder blades are flush with your back, and stop pokin yo booty out lol
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you will probably gain an inch on your height alone if you do that

and also you will look better, and get better results

 your pelvic tilt is wild, and your shoudlers are too slumpt

roll your shoulders to the point where your shoulder blades are flush with your back, and stop pokin yo booty out lol

Never realized posture was important. I will work on it. Anything specific to practice better posture?
Booty isn't poked out lol
you will probably gain an inch on your height alone if you do that

and also you will look better, and get better results

 your pelvic tilt is wild, and your shoudlers are too slumpt

roll your shoulders to the point where your shoulder blades are flush with your back, and stop pokin yo booty out lol
Never realized posture was important. I will work on it. Anything specific to practice better posture?
Booty isn't poked out lol

Went to the gym to work out my upper and lower body

Last time I'd have acess to a full gym till next semester starts

Here's where I'm at now

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Tips to building chest?

no real special tips. just hit it hard and heavy once or twice a week. Long as you're pressing and feeling the stretch and contract, you're handling business.

After a two week hiatus from the gym, I found my way back to it on Monday. Did a full body workout on Monday and Tuesday. Hamstrings are burning but everything else is fine or just a little sore. Going back tonight to do another session.

Currently at 185 labs.. got a little gut pack messing with this unhealthy food. Smh at cheat weeks
brahs keep grindin
summer is almost here and we're all gunna make it

PS: paulprince-- thanks for the vids bro. awesome info. posture is the most underrated part of aesthetics and health in general
How low/high in calories are everybody cutting/bulking?

I'm currently cutting at 2750
Props to all the bros who held it down lol I failed Miserably. Spring Edition almost over, gonna update the thread for the Summer bros (June 1- Aug 1). Got a lot going on with the personal life, gym stuff is going strong as always but the diet has been wishy washy like hell.
Props to all the bros who held it down lol I failed Miserably. Spring Edition almost over, gonna update the thread for the Summer bros (June 1- Aug 1). Got a lot going on with the personal life, gym stuff is going strong as always but the diet has been wishy washy like hell.

me too man, nobody said it's easy

im not even pose to be on NT but.........shhhhhhhhh, it keeps me sane.

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took this first thing upon wake yesterday out of bed, i turned 29 yesterday

hopefully by june 1st ive cut down more, ill check back june 1st
Props to all the bros who held it down lol I failed Miserably. Spring Edition almost over, gonna update the thread for the Summer bros (June 1- Aug 1). Got a lot going on with the personal life, gym stuff is going strong as always but the diet has been wishy washy like hell.
Missin you brah 
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