NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Been pushing myself a little harder the last few months which feels good. I don't think I'll see any real body changes cause I've got a thin frame, but I have gained about 5 lbs which is good (for me at least). Under two weeks bruhs. Finish strong!

Edit - Just checked my original post... Guess I haven't gained any weight! F!
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awwww June 1 is so close i gotta go hard this week, damn i hate cardio but its time

im not young 20s anymore
Damn. Thread is pretty dry. Just dropped by to say I'm down to 184, which is 10lbs from March 1. I started off good, had a small setback, and got back on track. I said from the beginning that I'm extending my deadline to September 1st so I still got a long way to go


Damn. Thread is pretty dry. Just dropped by to say I'm down to 184, which is 10lbs from March 1. I started off good, had a small setback, and got back on track. I said from the beginning that I'm extending my deadline to September 1st so I still got a long way to go

lol I think Most of us fell off smh. Im currently in Snap City (lower back) so I cut out Squats and Stiff leg deadlft this past week. I`m gonna update the Thread for June 1- Aug 1 lol Summer Cutters/Bulking Crew.
lol I think Most of us fell off smh. Im currently in Snap City (lower back) so I cut out Squats and Stiff leg deadlft this past week. I`m gonna update the Thread for June 1- Aug 1 lol Summer Cutters/Bulking Crew.
What happened to your lower back?

Since the beginning of this, went from 207 to 182. Feeling good and trying to get to mid to lower 170s by end of June
What happened to your lower back?

Since the beginning of this, went from 207 to 182. Feeling good and trying to get to mid to lower 170s by end of June

Bad form, was out of it most of the workout then was went to do 405 for 4 reps which is normally easy but on the last two I kind of rolled my back on the way up and doing heavy stiff leg deadlifts right after (dumb I know) just made things worse
Lost about 10 lbs. but no where near what I wanted, do notice some fat loss though since I have been lifting. Definitely in for June-August fit challenge. Need to get my diet right, really fell off.
Lost about 10 lbs. but no where near what I wanted, do notice some fat loss though since I have been lifting. Definitely in for June-August fit challenge. Need to get my diet right, really fell off.

Word I was on point but ran into some issues with some business I was handling/currently handling and was wild stressed which led to me saying screw it. Things cleared up and are much better now so I'm ready to get back on it
My original goal was 175 I believe. I think I'm gonna go for a bit more. I think I'll go for 160. Anything beyond that is too much. 10lbs down, 24 more to go.
I was solid til memorial day weekend. :lol: still down 15 lbs from what I started at. I'll update my og post in this thread on the 1st.
Kept up the working out constantly and playing ball .
First started could only do two chin ups . I can do reps of 20 wide grips now( not much but a little improvement ) I also notice myself much stronger in the post playing pickup .

Going to dr. Today . Will find out my weight after not weighing myself in so long .

Getting lifted everyday is what kills me from getting great results . Feel good tho .
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Word I was on point but ran into some issues with some business I was handling/currently handling and was wild stressed which led to me saying screw it. Things cleared up and are much better now so I'm ready to get back on it

Yeah for me I had my birthday, Vegas trip 2 weeks later, then had a binge weekend partying for a buddy who is being deployed. All in all to much going on and to many reasons to drink which wasn't good.
WOW :smh: How did I not see this thread. Its def too late for me to jump in.

But hopefully yall can still help me. I've got a slim build. But I need to gain. I'm a hard gainer.

Everyone has already recommended eating big meals. Lots of protein, Lean meats, egg whites, the usual. But I haven't seen any progress.

I ask you guys because this is NT and I feel like I'll get more real world responses here from people that I can relate to than some other spots.

How do I keep this weight on?

My work schedule is crazy. And I'm definitely not going to be able to throw down 6 small meals per day. And with my job I don't have a restroom at my leisure whenever I want.
I'm on the road all the time. Can't afford to get the mudbutt .

Due to these restrictions, Am I stuck?
WOW :smh: How did I not see this thread. Its def too late for me to jump in.

But hopefully yall can still help me. I've got a slim build. But I need to gain. I'm a hard gainer.

Everyone has already recommended eating big meals. Lots of protein, Lean meats, egg whites, the usual. But I haven't seen any progress.

I ask you guys because this is NT and I feel like I'll get more real world responses here from people that I can relate to than some other spots.

How do I keep this weight on?

My work schedule is crazy. And I'm definitely not going to be able to throw down 6 small meals per day. And with my job I don't have a restroom at my leisure whenever I want.
I'm on the road all the time. Can't afford to get the mudbutt .

Due to these restrictions, Am I stuck?

Cop an ebags lunch bag and meal prep every 2 days, add olive oil to your foods and shakes,assuming you leave home and are kn the road and then come back home same day you can make a homemade weight gainer shake too (ie 2 scoops protein, pb, olive oil, oats, and whole milk)
Did the price of shipping go up on bb.com because I square it was like 5$ last time I ordered
I'm in on this joint. I'm 5'9" 154 right now. Trying to gain 5-10 lbs of muscle and get some definition. I work out regularly but never push myself. This challenge will give me some motivation to push myself (along with my main chick for 7+ years getting into a relationship with some herb 
1 day early. Been getting better workouts these last three months but no significant changes. Still not pushing myself enough 
 Gained a few lbs. 
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