NT Have You Ever Been Suspended Or Expelled From School? Why? Vol. I Didn't Start The Fire

Nov 20, 2007
I was just remincscing with a homey about this cuz it happened around this time.

I never find this shh something to brag about but thinking about it pisses me off since for four years they couldn't get me on anything and then they triedto frame my ### the kingpin.

Basically, wrong place at the wrong time situation. Senior year 2 weeks before Christmas break I was in the cooking class, invited as a guest. The class is onthe top floor of the school Teacher allowed this but it backfired on her cuz each student had a guest and the room was packed. I just wanted some cupcakes butwhen she asked ppl to leave I was on my way out but ended up talking to a couple ppl outside the classroom. My boy was playing with his lighter as we talked,nothing serious. This other kid in the class comes out asks to borrow the lighter. We keep talking, the kid takes it and goes around the corner. Ishould've knew he was gonna set something in fire cuz him and his dumb ### friend been setting plastic plates on fire all school year at lunch. Anyway hecomes running back scared. My boy checks out what he did, comes running back yelling all types of shh with his strong ### accent.

Then an English teacher who hapepned to be in one of the rooms on that floor stopms out the fire and goes to find out who did it. I'm already on my wayout. I aint run from the scene cuz I was right by the staircase so I just left casually. Somebody snitches on me anyway. 3 separate interviews with theprinciple. I aint say shh cuz I aint know shh. I aint start the fire, I aint plan the fire, I didn't even have the tools necessary to start the fire, hellI didn't even see the fire, and I didn't tell him I assumed there was one. Cuz of my not really being a good student for years they try to brand me asan arson and group me in with the other two. Parnents come up, I continue to deny. I never admitted to doing it. Principle evn tries to get me to give me myown punishment. English teacher alledgedly lies and says I was involved. I ask the other two guys and even they told me the principle was trying to get them tosay I did it or had soemthing to do with it. I end up getting suspeneded for a week(basically an extra week vacation) and detention the rest of the school yearand I lost all my senior privileges. I end up graduating and going to graduation tho.

In hindsight I should've found a way for the cops to get involved. Cuz the school did try to cover this incident up.

Well anyway #@+$ Nazareth Regional HS. #@+$ Mr. Doran. #@+$ Mr. Dewey and anybody else apart of the conspiracy to assassinate my character. I hope all the badthings in life happen to you and only to you. I hope nothing but misfortune and tragedy befall you in your old age and that a incurable sickness ravages yourbody and soul completely and then in those seconds right before you die you see my face and know that you never should've screwed me over

- Outside of cooking class on top floor with no other classes. Homey let some kid borrow his lighter
- Kid goes down hall around the corner and sets some empty boxes on fire. Comes running back
- Homey checks it out. Yells "Bumbaclot" runs back in to the class. I figure dude set something on fire at this point.
- Hard ### English teacher ends up stomping out fire. He doesn't see me so I decide to take my leave
- I get blamed anyway, parents come up, lose Senior privileges(trips, prom, etc.) Get suspended for a week and mandatory detention rest of school year.
- #@+$ Nazareth Regional HS

Post yours
never been suspended but had to "sit on the wall" during recess and lunch for the rest of the week after I peed on a tree in 3rd grade
Nope just a few detentions for skipping/being late to too many classes.

What are senior privileges? My school didnt have those.
I had detention every single day in middle school. I also had Saturday school once, and it was for being late to class
. The worst incident was a teacher accusing me of having a bag of weed in my bookbag, andproceeded to empty my bag and search me and then say "Oh, I thought this TI-83 was some weed." I should've pressed charges or something. Youcan't just take my bag out of my hands and search it and accuse me of smuggling drugs.
-Threw a stink bomb in the middle of religion class where the teacher was a priest.
-My other friend threw another one and my teacher was able to catch it before the stink bomb exploded but it popped in his hands before he could throw it inthe garbage bin lulz.
-Some of my friends threw up lulz.
-Got snitched on.
-Got suspended for a week.
Suspended for a few days. Had a fight, teacher tried to break it up and she claimed that she got punched.
only got suspended one time

it was because our whole party bus rolled up to homecoming wasted and my boy fell on his face right in front of the principal... they just rounded the rest ofus up and suspended us all for a week
In school suspensions...regular suspensions if I didn't move I would have probablybeen expelled

Fighting, just talking *$#% to teachers, pretending my belt was a ___ and putting it on this chicksshoulder

by the time I got to HS I was off that getting in trouble stuff though

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Well anyway #@+$ Nazareth Regional HS. #@+$ Mr. Doran. #@+$ Mr. Dewey and anybody else apart of the conspiracy to assassinate my character. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only to you. I hope nothing but misfortune and tragedy befall you in your old age and that a incurable sickness ravages your body and soul completely and then in those seconds right before you die you see my face and know that you never should've screwed me over

When I get my sig priveledges back, this going into my sig.
My dude just went in!

suspended 3 days in middle school, for spiting in the salad dressing(got dared), didn't even get caught, some girl ratted on me
Never got expelled from a school but I have been suspended before. I don't remember how many times but they were all before high school. In high school Ireally tried to keep a low profile.
Was on the verge of getting expelled if I had one more suspension. I was actually a good kid in high school, but dudes take my kindness for weakness actinglike I wouldn't throw down.
Plenty of suspensions... Favorite one was in Art I when I left a condom with lotion inside laying in the sink. Haha, if I could go back I would probably get inmore trouble seeing how it nver mattered in the end.
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