NT Have You Ever Been Suspended Or Expelled From School? Why? Vol. I Didn't Start The Fire

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i got suspended for a ton of stuff.. some of the highlights include leapfrogging a teacher in the hallway, me and my boy sandwiching a female teacher doing the party boy dance, and telling a truck full of people (who i later found out were national guard sergeants) that "i'm rick james, +%@%+!"..


Tell you bout them HS days.
A good three or four times starting in JR high up to freshman year of high school. All were for fights, some dumb reasons.
Originally Posted by Mercenary X

I almost stabbed a Nigerian for stealing my money.

- After b-ball practice
- checked my locker to find some money missing
- turned around and saw the Nigerian counting his money like it was nothing
- he gave me a smirked
- went over to ask him to count his money
- had the exact amount I had
- told him to give it back
- he resisted
- I got heated
- pull out the blade

next thing I knew, I was running around the school dodging police.

Got caught though.


Oh yea, ISS was always poppin' when I had it
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Any of y'all had in-school suspension?

i had that a bunch of times

but when i was in high school i got suspended 2 times...first was for tearing a poster down..some dudes had lit fire crackers in the hallway and i startedyelling and tore down a poster..a teacher caught me and told me to go wait in her room..i was gonna do it..but when i turned around she wasn't following myso i said f that and went to class..we were in 1st period for a long time that day and they ended up getting me at the end of the period..suspended me the restof the day

the 2nd time i got suspended the last 8 days of my junior year...i had tagged the school the end of my sophomore year and whole junior year with my nickname atthe time "s dot"...everywhere you'd go in the school you'd see it
ended up inspiring a lot of other dudes do it which made the block hot for me..they ended up catching one dude and he ratted everybody out..they suspended methe last 8 days plus made me pay $300..but i was so smooth..my mom never found out..i gave them the wrong phone number for my mom..then had my manager at thetime call the school and act like my mom
I've gotten I.S.S. for some stupid protest a group of people in my class were doing over what lunch our class had to go to.

I only joined 'cause they asked me too. I thought... "*%*% it, I'm a senior. Why not?" Ended up getting like 3 days. I.S.S. is by far worstthan regular suspension. Only good thing about it was that my parents never found out.

And I've had a few days of after school detention over some %$!$!$@ tardies.

Nothing serious, though.
In middle school, me and my boys got suspended a week for selling CDs of our freestyles dissing all the teachers we hated..
They played the entire CD in front a group of teachers in the teachers lunchroom while we sat there in shame
Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Well anyway #@+$ Nazareth Regional HS. #@+$ Mr. Doran. #@+$ Mr. Dewey and anybody else apart of the conspiracy to assassinate my character. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only to you. I hope nothing but misfortune and tragedy befall you in your old age and that a incurable sickness ravages your body and soul completely and then in those seconds right before you die you see my face and know that you never should've screwed me over
Thats one of the schools I got kicked out of. They got me out in freshman year for wearing sneakers and fighting alot...

That fat !+*!* Ms. Brody would wait at the entrance to the central stair case for me every day to take me back downstairs to Ms. Borsiquots(?) office
Yea that fat butch looking $##@#. Hopefully or morbidly obese *$! gets a clogged artery. Turned on me something terrible when I was blamed forthat incident.

And however you spell that $##@# name Mrs. Borsiquot. +%%* her too, typical Aunt Kizzy the way she aint say nothing in my defense when my parents was up therewhen she knew for a fact I had nothing to do with that %!+#.

Around this time I was rocking Sean Jean elite's so they never got me consistently on that sneaker shh.

To think before that place I never got suspended or detention and never went to summer school. Waste of money.
in 8th grade me and 7 classmates had ISS all day our very last day at the school (which included mopping the cafeteria and cleaning the windows etc... we werethe janitors for a day-_-) for egging the school. lmao it was worth it.

in 10th grade I was in my rebellious stage and had ISS quite a few times.

havent been in any trouble ever since.

Had in school suspension in highschool for breaking some kids ankle when we was brawling in the locker room..we 3D' him through a garbage can
ahhh Spellman
and in middle school I used to get in school suspension like 3 times a month..yall ever have gym in a classroom with desks?
Only thing close was middle school. I lived right by my middle school and me and my friends were hanging out in the woods behind the school and one of myfriends thought it would be a good idea to set a fire in this big pit. So we did, and the thing got huge and smokey. My boy was doing some crazy fire andfertility dance around the fire and next thing you know the Principal and Assistant Principal were standing there with us. THey brought our parents in but letit go in the end.
I just remembered I had an in school suspension in elementary...can't remember what for though.
Detentions a few times but that's about it.
i got suspended 10 days for possession of hydro, had to go teen court that was a joke to say the least. the jacked up part is i got setup by some punk. theonly thing that pissed me off was the fact i failed driver ed for missing to many days
Man....In elementary me and my brother have been suspended numerous times. I once was suspended for robing a kid for his pokemon cards with 2 of my friendsback in like gr.5 or 6. Calling my teacher Mrs. %@*%$ instead of Mrs. Quan. My bro got suspended for a week for throwing a tennis ball at the music teachershead
: ill never forget that

Once i got to highschool though everything changed, haven't been suspended ever since elementary
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

in 8th grade me and 7 classmates had ISS all day our very last day at the school (which included mopping the cafeteria and cleaning the windows etc... we were the janitors for a day-_-) for egging the school. lmao it was worth it.

in 10th grade I was in my rebellious stage and had ISS quite a few times.

havent been in any trouble ever since.

you guys had instyleshoes?
suspended 3 days for starting a fire in the schoolyard in the 5thh grade

yes i did start it and yes i got snitched on....

o wells...you live and you learn
Back in Jr High, I got in school suspension for an hour because I was talking. It was the best hour I've had in that school so

Other than that-a final detention to end my Senior year in high school.
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