NT Have You Ever Been Suspended Or Expelled From School? Why? Vol. I Didn't Start The Fire

i've gotten OSS three times and they are all so stupid:

5th grade me and my boy found a big +%! box of football cards in one of my teachers classrooms, we tried sneaking in and taking them while everyone was atlunch and got caught, first time ever being in trouble and they gave me OSS

7th grade we would always mess around in the bathroom and throw wet wads of toilet paper at each other and sometimes they would miss and hit the mirror, wall,etc. well one day we were walking in the hallways and one of the custodians gets my boy and tells the AP's he's the one whos been BS'ing in thebathroom. long story short dude straight sells out on me and my boy and all three of us get OSS for vandalism of school property.

and my senior year i got caught skipping class 5 times so on my 5th time they gave me OSS.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

for fapping got suspended 3 days.

you can joke all you want but a kid from my high school got caught doing this TWICE
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Well anyway #@+$ Nazareth Regional HS. #@+$ Mr. Doran. #@+$ Mr. Dewey and anybody else apart of the conspiracy to assassinate my character. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only to you. I hope nothing but misfortune and tragedy befall you in your old age and that a incurable sickness ravages your body and soul completely and then in those seconds right before you die you see my face and know that you never should've screwed me over
Thats one of the schools I got kicked out of. They got me out in freshman year for wearing sneakers and fighting alot...

That fat !+*!* Ms. Brody would wait at the entrance to the central stair case for me every day to take me back downstairs to Ms. Borsiquots(?) office
got suspended something like 20 times in between 7th and 8th grade year. never during high school, though.
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Any of y'all had in-school suspension?



hate that *%%@ with a passion... i've been suspended about 4-5 times... random stupid *%%@. fights, not handing over electronic devices, etc.
Suspended a couple of times for smoking in the bathroom, snitches these days

Also this one time this kid drew graffiti on wall and i was there and i didn't snitch and i got suspended because i didnt want to give out his name.
Got suspended for hacking into teachers computers and changing grades for people for money ...

they should have never used us as pigs to test their "apple computers for students" program or whatever it's called..

Having ur laptop in class in highschool meant watching movies and talking to friends not school work..

suspended indefinitely .... Came back 3 days later
I almost stabbed a Nigerian for stealing my money.

- After b-ball practice
- checked my locker to find some money missing
- turned around and saw the Nigerian counting his money like it was nothing
- he gave me a smirked
- went over to ask him to count his money
- had the exact amount I had
- told him to give it back
- he resisted
- I got heated
- pull out the blade

next thing I knew, I was running around the school dodging police.

Got caught though.
never suspended but i had to each lunch in the office for two weeks in 4th grade. some idiot called the lunch lady a fat #*@ and blamed it on me, almost didntget to go on the field trip to the baseball game
Man my wrap sheet in Middle and high school was too long

- Started with a fight in the 6th grade----Ended in Suspension

- Moved on up to bringing Pron to school in the 7th grade (let a homie borrow it and he snitched when he got caught, supposedly security only checked him cuzhe had been said to have been playing with fireworks before school that day)--------------- Ended in Suspension

- 9th grade kicked outta boarding school for having a BB gun (was already like my third strike anyways I did way too much in boarding school)---------- Endedin Suspension for a semester (basically expelled)

- 11th suspended yelling at this chick (she brought her brother up to my job because i knocked some books outta her hand in the hall way, thought I wasnt gonnago back to school and GO OFF, yea right)

- Detention plenty of times for random stuff cant even remember most of umm.... I do remember getting alot of them in high school for using my phone in class.

It's kinda funny now that I've grown up and I'm doing so good in college most people wouldn't even believe I was this wild.
9th grade- Gym, told this geeky kid to try and talk the ball, threw it up in the air, his head went up, his pants went down, whole gym class laughed, 3daysoss.

10th grade- Jumped this kid from another neighbor hood that we didn't get along with (more to the story just to long to type) expelled, and never went backto school.
Told my 6th grade gym teacher to suck it. - suspended

Beat up some kid in 6th grade because he told me to get up and move at the lunch table. - suspended

9th grade - Made jokes about Mormons to my Mormon friend. He was cool with it. Teacher overheard and found it offensive. - suspended (my friend got suspendedtoo for making Muslim jokes)

12th grade - Beat down a bunch of the "Crips" at my school with a bat. They had jumped me earlier in the year. - suspended
no, but getting kicked out of the ball team and not being eligible (academics) for a year hurt me though
never but did have a saturday school in high school for opening one of the main doors for someone. stupid +#%%
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

I had detention every single day in middle school. I also had Saturday school once, and it was for being late to class
. The worst incident was a teacher accusing me of having a bag of weed in my bookbag, and proceeded to empty my bag and search me and then say "Oh, I thought this TI-83 was some weed." I should've pressed charges or something. You can't just take my bag out of my hands and search it and accuse me of smuggling drugs.
actually yes they can. the administration in our school did this on the regular...

i got suspended in middle school for fighting. never got suspended in HS, but got Saturday School a bunch of times for being late to school or leaving early.

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

in-school suspension for days. So many things that I didn't get caught for though.
same.. we used to straight clown and do wild stuff in school but i was always fortunate enough to never get caught.
ive been suspended multiple times. the most i had for one was 15 days i believe.
i got suspended for a ton of stuff.. some of the highlights include leapfrogging a teacher in the hallway, me and my boy sandwiching a female teacher doing theparty boy dance, and telling a truck full of people (who i later found out were national guard sergeants) that "i'm rick james, +%@%+!"..
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