NT Have You Ever Been Suspended Or Expelled From School? Why? Vol. I Didn't Start The Fire

Freshman year got suspended for egging moving cars and one of my **#+#++ friends had a sweatshirt with our highschool name on it and his last name on the back. He ratted everyone out after he got in trouble. Soph. year suspended for supplying alcohol at a party. Junior year a buddy and I skipped mass and went andgot some McDonald's breakfast. Senior year threw a empty water bottle off the balcony at a teacher and someone ratted me out. I went to a Jesuit HS, sowe had demerit cards and all that !#@!. 25 demerits = ISS. Reached that multiple times.
Suspended one day in elementary school. Some !%%!* tried to cut in front of me like some kind of boss or something. I wasn't having it so I threw a couplepunches and took the !%%!* down
i got suspended in kindergarden...

we were practicing for our graduation and I was in line playing. From what I remember, I started doing the electric slide and back into the water cooler andknocked it over

In 2nd grade, we had a color system--I think maybe 2 days I got the "gray" color. I was scrared $+%% less. I remember in the 3rd grade, my teachersaid something funny and I thought i was slick and laughed inside my backpack. She rolled up on me and snatched the backpack from me talmbout "YOU THINKTHAT'S FUNNY, DO YA!?" After that, I remember getting put outside the class a lot in the 5th grade for talking, most likely. That woman was crazywit' a bad weave tho....

Got detention maybe once or twice in middle school, I remember one day I got to go early because I knew the amendment that freed the slaves (black schools ftw
) Detention a couple times in high school.

Most of all, I've been a stand up kid
Biggest issue definitely was talking...I STAYED getting that on my report cards
I was smart thoso unfortunately, it wasn't much they could tell me. I KNOW feel the frustration I put them through
5th grade: stole books from the book fair and sold them for half price.
all the rest i talked them into detentions but i have had way to many detentions to count. all for dumb reasons like jay walking, skipping class, giving homiesthe middle finger cuz its funny, throwing markers with the caps off at nerds, not giving up my ipod.
In elementary school in grade 8 and I didn't even do nothing
Dudethat graduated a year before came to school cause he had some beef with a guy in my grade so he robs him for all his stuff and then the principle called medown cause the guy that robbed him, everyone saw me walking with him after and I didn't even know what had happened until after the principle told me

So far in high-school nothing yet other than detentions but I really don't even bother causin trouble or nothing I hate my school
I got suspended five times in high school.

Three times senior year.

I was nearly kicked out after my last suspension.
this girl accused me of slapping her with my %%** at lunch...
she wasnt lying tho
middle school was the bestest
Tagged up the school. My stupid *%% had my graff name on my notebook. What a $@*#$*+ idiot.
only once have i been suspended, i shoulda been suspended a ton more than that tho.

-Me and my homey threw an empty soda can at each other and admins considered it unsafe and a dangerous weapon. principle wanted to expel us because she feltlike an empty soda can was a dangerous weapon. I know where she lives though and would have +!+++# her #%#@ up if she expelled me.
I thinkl hold the record for detentions at my school

Suspended a bunch of times and eventually kicked out of HS
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