NT, Do you agree/believe in the Death Penalty?

Apr 2, 2009
I'm watching American Justice on A&E and their talking bout the Death Penalty.

Do you believe its hypocritical? An easy way out instead of life in prision? Or just immoral?

What are your thoughts on the DP?
Some people deserve it.

I used to be very pro capital punishment because I thought it was more cost effective to off someone quickly rather than having our tax dollars pay forsomeones whole prison sentence, but then I learned that its actually more expensive to give em the death penalty. Now Im kind of undecided on this.
i believe anyone that kills a person other than self defence should be killed the same way....

So if you shoot someone in the head, The same should happen to you. Forget that humane bs

Thats fair right lol
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

i believe anyone that kills a person other than self defence should be killed the same way....

So if you shoot someone in the head, The same should happen to you. Forget that humane bs

Thats fair right lol
lol...interesting way of looking at it..

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[/td] [/tr][/table]enlightendedspot wrote:

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[/td] [/tr][/table]enlightendedspot wrote:


I did a research project on this in HS. My reasons were
but then I learned that its actually more expensive to give em the death penalty.

Do you believe its hypocritical? An easy way out instead of life in prision? Or just immoral?

Yes, yes and yes.
it's inefficient, inhumane, and besides the whole ceasing to exist thing, if you take out the religious implications of it, it's not really tooterrible of a punishment all things considered...

life in solitude with no chance of parole is torture. when facing that, most people would rather go out quickly, shooting, anyway.

it provides the victim's family with the satisfaction of seeing their tormentor die in front of them, but beyond that what does it really accomplish? andthe whole "the death penalty is the best deterrent" argument is false if you look at the numbers.

it just doesn't serve the purpose it was installed to serve. people who cling on to it do so because of tradition, stubbornness, blood lust, or justseveral sadly misconceived notions...
Many deserve it but I don't support it cause people do get wrongfully accused and sent to their deaths.
I do because:

1. Why should my money be used to house people who have done something so dispicable that they will never see the light of day.

2. Some people just got to go

I don't because:

1. There are those on death row who are wrongly convicted.

2. The numerous flaws and holes in the justice system (politics and such).

3. Who ultimately gets to decide who gets put to death?
I agree with the death penalty, there are certain people in this world that really just do not deserve to live, period. But I believe the death penalty shouldalso be reserved for convictions that are overwhelming in favor of the prosection, such as cases with DNA evidence, or cases with confessions. A person shouldnot be given the death penalty when convictions are based mostly on convincing circumstantial evidence. I believe most judges take these things into carefulconsideration before issuing a death sentence anyway.

As iceman pointed out, I'm all about the eye for an eye treatment, but the wussies of this country would rather defend the rights of criminals than reducecrime, so that will never happen. Gotta make sure those murderers get treated better than their victims...

Originally Posted by MidnightMarauda112

No... who are we as human beings to judge whether a person lives or dies...

Save it. If God did the job, we wouldn't have to. So we are supposed to let murderers and child rapists frollick and be merry until the day they die, andhope that they are judged accordingly by a God that may or may not exist, and then sent to a mythical place called Hell, whose existence also can not beconfirmed by any living person. No thanks, I'll take actual justice.
One innocent person killed as a result of the death penalty negates all of its positive effects.
I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer tosponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.
I believe in capital punishment to a point, I think it is only reasonable for Crimes that are premediated and cruel. If some one kills a person in self defenseor in a crime of passion I believe life in prison is more approiate. On the other hand if somesicko is just going around murdering people for no reason thenthey def deserve to die rather than having us pay taxes to feed/keep them in prison.
Originally Posted by Maxamillion

I believe in capital punishment to a point, I think it is only reasonable for Crimes that are premediated and cruel. If some one kills a person in self defense or in a crime of passion I believe life in prison is more approiate. On the other hand if somesicko is just going around murdering people for no reason then they def deserve to die rather than having us pay taxes to feed/keep them in prison.

ill be damned if i faced life in prison for self defense
How is it more expensive to give someone the death penalty as opposed to keeping them incarcerated for the rest of their life?
Originally Posted by J Burner

I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer to sponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.

Every tax payer is already doing this. Why only those who are against the death penalty? On the flip side, lets have every person who is in favor of the deathpenalty pay for the entire 10-20 year legal process, lets see which group saves more money.
Im not bringing God into this or whatever im saying that its not the proper place to decide whether a human should die or not. If we have to power to choosewhether a person lives or dies and we choose for them to die just a a murderer would then what makes us different from that murderer? A life is a life... andim not saying that persons actions should go without consequence... personally i think life in jail would be worse than the death penalty... let him get his+%@ hole stretched out for the rest of his life.
Like a rabid dog, put them down. There is nothing productive to get out of someone who could rape, torture, and murder children. There is nothing productive toget out of gang-bangers robbing and killing each other while still inside. I have no sympathy for these "social outcasts" who were "never taughtright from wrong". We, as humans, know the difference, regardless of education (except extreme mental handicaps). I love the defense of "You justdon't know the environment this person grew up in, the abuse they took, that is why he got high on PCP and murdered a family of six." What is hischance of rehab? NADA. End it. We didn't fail as a society; he failed as a person. All these moms killing their kids because they hear freaking VOICES? Onein San Antonio just killed her 3 month old by decapitation WITH A SWORD, then ate certain bodyparts, because the baby's daddy dropped her. I would have hada hard time not popping her on sight. If they admit to it (Gacy), or are proven without a doubt, they should be put down with a swiftness. I know as a fatherof two girls, if I ever caught anyone trying to do something to them, their would be no debate in my head, so that answers the question of "What if youhad to pull the switch?".
Originally Posted by Gmills23

How is it more expensive to give someone the death penalty as opposed to keeping them incarcerated for the rest of their life?

It is not simply the housing compared to the execution; it is the whole appeals process (mandatory unless waved by the defendant, i.e. McVeigh) that costs somuch. I believe firing squad or hanging rope was alot cheaper than gas chamber though.
Originally Posted by J Burner

I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer to sponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.
The death penalty process costs more than housing an inmate for life.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by J Burner

I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer to sponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.

Every tax payer is already doing this. Why only those who are against the death penalty? On the flip side, lets have every person who is in favor of the death penalty pay for the entire 10-20 year legal process, lets see which group saves more money.
Ummm...because those that are for the death penalty do not want to pay for the care of murderers. So if you want to keep them alive, you pay forit. Thats the problem though with most "bleeding heart" types, they talk all the talk, but they want someone else to pay the bill and do the actualwork.

Now the appeals process is a different story. Whether you are for or against the death penalty, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that no one should beexecuted without being given every fair chance to prove their innocent. Why would only supporters pay for this?
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by J Burner

I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer to sponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.

Every tax payer is already doing this. Why only those who are against the death penalty? On the flip side, lets have every person who is in favor of the death penalty pay for the entire 10-20 year legal process, lets see which group saves more money.
Ummm...because those that are for the death penalty do not want to pay for the care of murderers. So if you want to keep them alive, you pay for it. Thats the problem though with most "bleeding heart" types, they talk all the talk, but they want someone else to pay the bill and do the actual work.

Now the appeals process is a different story. Whether you are for or against the death penalty, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that no one should be executed without being given every fair chance to prove their innocent. Why would only supporters pay for this?

So...you're basically saying if we dont' want the death penalty...we pay for it. But since you want the death penalty...we should still pay for it. Thewhole appeals process and the added expensive is BECAUSE of the death sentence, something you're advocating. Without the death sentence, the appeals costswould be much lower. Hence, why you would pay for it, and not us. This is what you want, you pay for it.
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