NT, Do you agree/believe in the Death Penalty?

Originally Posted by duke4005

Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Life in prison is much worse than the death penalty.

Too many innocent people get put on death row.

Taking lives in any way, shape, or form is wrong.

Death penalty is too expensive.

It's not fair to the criminal's family for their loved one to be killed by the government. Frankly, a government shouldn't be killing people in the first place.

The death penalty doesn't stop murderers from murdering or rapists from raping, so what's the point?

I never understood the rationale for putting a prisoner to death while thinking abortion is immoral...but that's a whole 'nother topic.

This is a response to both of you:

1. If this is true, how come they all appeal right up until the needle? All the way to the gurney? Because THEY DO NOT WANT TO DIE. Not because they are innocent, because they are scared of where they are headed.

2. Proof. There are some, and most times they are found out through appeals.

3. So if someone has you at gunpoint, wife and kids in the room, knowing they are next, you smile and say, "I love you man. Can't we get past this?" No you kill that fool.

4. Death penalty is not expensive, if performed properly.

5. "It's not fair to the criminal's family for their loved one to be killed by the government. Frankly, a government shouldn't be killing people in the first place." Was it fair for the victim's family to lose their loved one? Where was the perp's family when he was getting into this dirt? Chances are, they let this person run crazy for years and then all of a sudden want to beg for this "good person's" life. Sorry.

6. The death penalty stops THOSE murderers or rapists from doing it again. To quote NWA, One less you got to worry about.

And I agree with the death penalty while thinking abortion is immoral, wrong, and a sin. Abortion is still the killing of innocents, and abortion doctors should be right at the top of my death row list. There is no correllation between the two. Nice reach. Sorry, personal rant. But that is what we do here.

3.Really?!?!?! are you serious with that question?You're comparing two totally different situations
6.Life in prison doesn't stop people?
Wrongful convictions? That is why I said absolute proof or water-tight confession. Person sitting in floor holding bloody knife, screaming I did it, I am sorry = death penalty.
Your asking for things most prosecutors can hardly find during murder trials, this isn't Law & Order, its real life.
^^^ #3 is NOT two different situations. He said "taking a life in any way, shape, or form is wrong". So I presented him another way, shape and formto think about.

#6. How often does life in prison mean FOR LIFE? Life in prison is actually about 12 years. Then they get out.

Quit trying to argue just to get in on it. Make a valid point.
Originally Posted by duke4005

Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Life in prison is much worse than the death penalty.

Too many innocent people get put on death row.

Taking lives in any way, shape, or form is wrong.

Death penalty is too expensive.

It's not fair to the criminal's family for their loved one to be killed by the government. Frankly, a government shouldn't be killing people in the first place.

The death penalty doesn't stop murderers from murdering or rapists from raping, so what's the point?

I never understood the rationale for putting a prisoner to death while thinking abortion is immoral...but that's a whole 'nother topic.

This is a response to both of you:

1. If this is true, how come they all appeal right up until the needle? All the way to the gurney? Because THEY DO NOT WANT TO DIE. Not because they are innocent, because they are scared of where they are headed.

2. Proof. There are some, and most times they are found out through appeals.

3. So if someone has you at gunpoint, wife and kids in the room, knowing they are next, you smile and say, "I love you man. Can't we get past this?" No you kill that fool.

4. Death penalty is not expensive, if performed properly.

5. "It's not fair to the criminal's family for their loved one to be killed by the government. Frankly, a government shouldn't be killing people in the first place." Was it fair for the victim's family to lose their loved one? Where was the perp's family when he was getting into this dirt? Chances are, they let this person run crazy for years and then all of a sudden want to beg for this "good person's" life. Sorry.

6. The death penalty stops THOSE murderers or rapists from doing it again. To quote NWA, One less you got to worry about.

And I agree with the death penalty while thinking abortion is immoral, wrong, and a sin. Abortion is still the killing of innocents, and abortion doctors should be right at the top of my death row list. There is no correllation between the two. Nice reach. Sorry, personal rant. But that is what we do here.
1. They're going to die either way, so why not make them suffer in prison for an extended period of time before they do die?

2. Key phrase: "most times". Even if only one innocent person goes all the way through to being put to death, it's not worth it.

3. Killing someone is never the 'right' thing to do. Maybe necessary, but not right.

4. Are you sure? Because everywhere I've read has said that it's more expensive. And, if so, how often is it actually "performed properly"?

5. The victim's family has nothing to do with the criminal's family. I don't think they would really call the criminal a "good person"but it's rare to find a family that would want one of its own to die.

6. So would solitary confinement in prison.
Originally Posted by duke4005

^^^ #3 is NOT two different situations. He said "taking a life in any way, shape, or form is wrong". So I presented him another way, shape and form to think about.

#6. How often does life in prison mean FOR LIFE? Life in prison is actually about 12 years. Then they get out.

Quit trying to argue just to get in on it. Make a valid point.

Prison for life, assuming these people get a 1st degree murder charge is essentially a determinate life term. In regards to indeterminate life terms, manyinmates add additional sentences because of the gang conflicts in prison.
It does deter crime - they can not commit any more
Yet people still commit crimes knowing that they can possibly be executed, hardly a deterrent.LWOP sentences do the same.
lol way to avoid my post

the death penalty has not been shown to be a crime deterrent. stop making garbage up to support your weak argument.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol way to avoid my post

the death penalty has not been shown to be a crime deterrent. stop making garbage up to support your weak argument.

EXACTLY. The reason why the death penalty and jail time in general does not deter people from committing crime, specifically murder, is because most of thesemurders are committed when people are in states of rage/high emotions which means they are not thinking about the consequences. Only a small percentage ofpremeditated.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol way to avoid my post

the death penalty has not been shown to be a crime deterrent. stop making garbage up to support your weak argument.

EXACTLY. The reason why the death penalty and jail time in general does not deter people from committing crime, specifically murder, is because most of these murders are committed when people are in states of rage/high emotions which means they are not thinking about the consequences. Only a small percentage of premeditated.
just to clarify- jail time does deter people from committing crimes.

but the penalties are already so severe in states without capital punishment that adding the death penalty has been shown to do nothing to further deter peoplefrom committing crimes that warrant it.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol way to avoid my post

the death penalty has not been shown to be a crime deterrent. stop making garbage up to support your weak argument.

Does prison deterr crime? If so why is there such an overpopulation in our prison system. To a lot of people prison is no thing at all. But i do agree thatthe death penalty isnt much to stop a person as well. Really it all comes down to the need for preventative measures that need to be taken to give thepeople/youth better options out there than to fall back on crime and violence.
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