NT, Do you agree/believe in the Death Penalty?


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J Burner
"So we are supposed to let murderers and child rapists frollick and be merry until the day they die"


There are reason's why murder's rather commit suicide than spend the rest of their life in jail.
Ask any gang member would he rather die by the gun or spend life in jail for his atrocities.
No I dont believe it, many of them are nonremorseful killers. But some actually turn a new leaf and change. They still have to die because it was chosen forthem to.

Most of the sadistic serial killers kill themselves, or are killed be inmates or themselves, theres no need for a human to chose someones fate.

Whatever happened to "Thou shall not kill?"

And in black-and-white, open-and-shut cases where it's painfully obvious that the individual in question is guilty of a heinous crime(s), then their rightto appeal should be waived as well.

Kill 'em for less than $100, and save yourself approximately $25K a year.

That's the kind of stimulus that America needs!
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One innocent person killed as a result of the death penalty negates all of its positive effects.
Exactly. Far too many innocent people have already been given the death penalty for me to even think that it could be a good idea.
YES, wayyy too many guilty people escape the death penalty and then are soon released after serving minimum years
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One innocent person killed as a result of the death penalty negates all of its positive effects.
Exactly. Far too many innocent people have already been given the death penalty for me to even think that it could be a good idea.

Basically. The system is miles and miles away from foolproof.
Interesting read about the financial standpoint, I never knew about that aspect of the death penalty aspect.
Still doesn't change my opinion though.
Death penalty is not cost effective, it DOES NOT deter crime, and when people get life sentences they get put on suicide watch most of the time because theyWANT to die. By giving some "sicko's" the death penalty, you are giving them what they want in some instances. If someone does something sohorrifying, they deserve the worst, no? 100 year sentence of solitary IS the worst thing possible. And sicko's are exactly that, mentally sick. You canttell me rational people do things to children or eat people (etc), so in essence, you are killing mentally challenged people. They should be removed from thesociety, not from the earth. Oh yeah, and not to mention wrongful convictions. DNA is the most foolproof method we have, AND THATS NOT foolproof. Imagine themethods 40 years ago.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by J Burner

I think we should have all the people who do not want the death penalty register with their state government, and each one will be assigned a murderer to sponsor. You will then be taxed accordingly to pay for the shelter, food, and healthcare of your murderer until he or she dies of old age.

Every tax payer is already doing this. Why only those who are against the death penalty? On the flip side, lets have every person who is in favor of the death penalty pay for the entire 10-20 year legal process, lets see which group saves more money.
Ummm...because those that are for the death penalty do not want to pay for the care of murderers. So if you want to keep them alive, you pay for it. Thats the problem though with most "bleeding heart" types, they talk all the talk, but they want someone else to pay the bill and do the actual work.

Now the appeals process is a different story. Whether you are for or against the death penalty, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that no one should be executed without being given every fair chance to prove their innocent. Why would only supporters pay for this?

So...you're basically saying if we dont' want the death penalty...we pay for it. But since you want the death penalty...we should still pay for it. The whole appeals process and the added expensive is BECAUSE of the death sentence, something you're advocating. Without the death sentence, the appeals costs would be much lower. Hence, why you would pay for it, and not us. This is what you want, you pay for it.

I was reading that like @*+ is this guy talking about?I'll gladly pay while you pay for the appeals.
I am not morally opposed to the death penalty, but it's $$, time consuming and studies have shown it is ineffective as a deterrent to crime.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One innocent person killed as a result of the death penalty negates all of its positive effects.
Exactly. Far too many innocent people have already been given the death penalty for me to even think that it could be a good idea.

And, even if guilt is "painfully obvious" I don't see any real benefit(s) in capital punishment.
i used to but now i think death is the easy way out. let them suffer here on earth with the rest of us. just suffer slightly more without any freedoms.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

No I dont believe it, many of them are nonremorseful killers. But some actually turn a new leaf and change. They still have to die because it was chosen for them to.

Most of the sadistic serial killers kill themselves, or are killed be inmates or themselves, theres no need for a human to chose someones fate.

Whatever happened to "Thou shall not kill?"

Consider this topic closed .... You only helping them escape that torture of prison life anyway, doing most of them a favor.
Originally Posted by Gello 201

Death penalty is not cost effective, it DOES NOT deter crime, and when people get life sentences they get put on suicide watch most of the time because they WANT to die. By giving some "sicko's" the death penalty, you are giving them what they want in some instances. If someone does something so horrifying, they deserve the worst, no? 100 year sentence of solitary IS the worst thing possible. And sicko's are exactly that, mentally sick. You cant tell me rational people do things to children or eat people (etc), so in essence, you are killing mentally challenged people. They should be removed from the society, not from the earth. Oh yeah, and not to mention wrongful convictions. DNA is the most foolproof method we have, AND THATS NOT foolproof. Imagine the methods 40 years ago.
Your arguments are all reason sin my mind FOR the death penalty. It does deter crime - they can not commit any more, and we all have read therecidivism rates of felons. That is aht the sickos want - then give it to them. Mentally sick to the point of eating children? They will never get better, andwill always be a threat to themselves or others. Wrongful convictions? That is why I said absolute proof or water-tight confession. Person sitting in floorholding bloody knife, screaming I did it, I am sorry = death penalty.
Forcing someone to live the rest of their life in jail with no possibility of getting out is worse than death.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole


And in black-and-white, open-and-shut cases where it's painfully obvious that the individual in question is guilty of a heinous crime(s), then their right to appeal should be waived as well.

Kill 'em for less than $100, and save yourself approximately $25K a year.

That's the kind of stimulus that America needs!
no I dont

it is no mans right to take another human life.

plus innocent people have been executed under the death penalty
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Forcing someone to live the rest of their life in jail with no possibility of getting out is worse than death.

Really. So living is worse than dying? Thats completely objective, how do you know these people would rather die than live in prison? Some of these peoplefeel perfectly at home in prison, you think they would rather die? Just because YOU might rather die than live in prison doesn't mean that a criminalfeels the same way. You're thinking with the mind of a moral person, thats not how violent felons think.
I'm anti-capital punishment. An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

The concept of the death penalty is killin someone who has generally done the same thing. So if we are goin off of technicalities, the criminal kills someone,then the executioner kills him, now someone must kill the exectutioner, and so on and so forth.

Also, it costs an avg of $1million+ to administer the death penalty and an avg of $44,000 or so for life in prison. Keepin someone alive and have them hauntedby what they done is more punishment and torture than to off em.

for the most part, murderers (thos mainly on death row) are psycho and disturbed mentally, either that or had a personal grudge against their victim(s)
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

The concept of the death penalty is killin someone who has generally done the same thing. So if we are goin off of technicalities, the criminal kills someone, then the executioner kills him, now someone must kill the exectutioner, and so on and so forth.
Thats a pretty ******ed way of looking at it, sorry. Flawed logic. The executioner killing a convicted murderer is not the same as a criminalkilling an innocent person. See, another problem with the "bleeding hearts" of the world, you think murderers are the same as innocent victims. Youwant to treat murderers with more compassion and respect than they had for the people they killed.
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

no I dont

it is no mans right to take another human life.

plus innocent people have been executed under the death penalty

I agree with no man has the right to take another mans life.......yet some ppl that agree with this are also pro war???? Not saying u are pro war, just statinghow ppl dnt see the bigger picture.
IICEMAN83 wrote:
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

no I dontit is no mans right to take another human life.

plus innocent people have been executed under the death penalty

I agree with no man has the right to take another mans life.......yet some ppl that agree with this are also pro war???? Not saying u are pro war, just stating how ppl dnt see the bigger picture.
I understand you

but i dont believe in war friend.

but if anything a "just" war if there even is such a thing (WWII) for example I would say that was more killing out of self defence

defence of our nation


the thing about the death penalty is that it is final

it can never be undone and leaves no room for mistakes

yet mistakes are made and innocent people are killed

plus it goes against the whole concept of prison, rehabilitation
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

no I dont

it is no mans right to take another human life.
So then why should people who take another person's life be allowed to live? Or did you forget that the person being executed took anotherperson's life, and in some cases took multiple lives. I'll say it again:

If God did the job, we wouldn't have to. So we are supposed to let murderers and child rapists frollick and be merry until the day they die, and hope thatthey are judged accordingly by a God that may or may not exist, and then sent to a mythical place called Hell, whose existence also can not be confirmed by anyliving person. No thanks, I'll take actual justice.
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