NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

Sep 7, 2012

WASHINGTON -- The nation's largest gun-rights lobby is calling for armed police officers to be posted in every American school to stop the next killer "waiting in the wings."

The National Rifle Association broke its silence Friday on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead.

The group's top lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre, said at a Washington news conference that "the next Adam Lanza," the man responsible for last week's mayhem, is planning an attack on another school.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said.

He blamed video games, movies and music videos for exposing children to a violent culture day in and day out.

"In a race to the bottom, many conglomerates compete with one another to shock, violate, and offend every standard of civilized society, by bringing an even more toxic mix of reckless behavior and criminal cruelty right into our homes," LaPierre said.

He refused to take any questions after speaking. Still, though security was tight, two protesters were able to interrupt LaPierre's speech, holding up signs that blamed the NRA for killing children. Both were escorted out, shouting that guns in schools are not the answer.

More than a dozen security officers checked media credentials at various checkpoints and patrolled the hotel ballroom.

LaPierre announced that former Rep. Asa Hutchison, R-Ark., will lead an NRA program that will develop a model security plan for schools that relies on armed volunteers.

The 4.3 million-member NRA largely disappeared from public debate after the shootings in Newtown, Conn., choosing atypical silence as a strategy as the nation sought answers after the rampage. The NRA temporarily took down its Facebook page and kept quiet on Twitter.

Since the slayings, President Barack Obama has demanded "real action, right now" against U.S. gun violence and called on the NRA to join the effort. Moving quickly after several congressional gun-rights supporters said they would consider new legislation to control firearms, the president said this week he wants proposals to reduce gun violence that he can take to Congress by January.

Obama has already asked Congress to reinstate an assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 and pass legislation that would stop people from purchasing firearms from private sellers without a background check. Obama also has indicated he wants Congress to pursue the possibility of limiting high-capacity magazines.


Top NRA lobbyist advocates armed volunteers in every American school
music, videogames, movies to blame
A few protesters were able to somehow pass security Clarence
He did not take questions

What we really need to do is hire racecar drivers. Who needs a gun when we have the powerful weapon called the automobile. :smokin
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Wow , even if there is one cop with a gun. He cant cover the whole school at once.. sure he could end it maybe but i doubt this is the answer
We can't afford to have schools run 5 days a week, staff a full school with teachers, but we're gonna be able to hire armed guards for every single school in the land?

Good plan gun *****. :rolleyes
A. The cop would more than likely just be taken out first
B. I've seen kids physically fight with teachers. What's more likely a kid grabbing the gun out of the security guards holster, or a guard stopping a mass shooting?

It's gonna be even funnier when they pretend to be interested about mental health. Conservatives were behind Reagan when he kicked the people who needed help out of the mental institutions bak in the day

And as CP said. Where the money coming? Training? Liability insurance? Guns? Protective vests?

It's a recession son
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This latest shooting has the gun advocates panties in a bunch. I used to be pro gun but that is changing. I'm not giving up mine though :lol:
Armed Volunteers is stupid

If anything close to their plan that would make sense is just all non-teaching staff pack a pistol. That way no student can have a gun accident and half the schools staff can shot if need be.
i dont think armed guards are the solution...but i agree with what he said about keeping a database of people with mental disabilities, and making the process more strict as far as acquiring guns.

im going to get my license asap...
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This latest shooting has the gun advocates panties in a bunch. I used to be pro gun but that is changing. I'm not giving up mine though :lol:

I don't think many on the anti-gun side even want to take away every single gun. That's just not rational in this country.

Maybe in their dreams or private thoughts they do. But they seem more realistic with their public statements.

Close gushow loopholes
Limit number of guns per house and/or ammo
Stop those banana clips
No semi automatic weapons

Things like that

I don't see many in public talking about taking away hand guns or some hunters rifle
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Armed volunteers?...sure lets put a bunch of John Wayne wanna be's in our schools.
:lol: Just as I predicted.

We got one side that wants to pretend there aren't over a quarter billion guns already in the hands of taxpayers, criminals and mentally unstable individuals and want to just tighten regulations. :rolleyes

The other side, me included, knows that the only way to defend against attacks like Newton is self defense.

What side are you guys on?
They think an armed guard is going to stop someone who is set on killing people? As someone said they would just be the first to go or be injured in gunfire.

Rational thought is out the window when someone shows up armed to the teeth at a school. They wont stop for cops or security for that matter. Especially if they have a semi-automatic piece that is no match for a handgun. (Im no gun expert but common sense here).

NRA is fighting a losing battle. Instead they need to accept the fact that there's no real practical reason to have those kind of weapons for personal use.

Am I the only one that gets irked when people point to video games and music when stuff like this goes down?
They think an armed guard is going to stop someone who is set on killing people? As someone said they would just be the first to go or be injured in gunfire.
Rational thought is out the window when someone shows up armed to the teeth at a school. They wont stop for cops or security for that matter. Especially if they have a semi-automatic piece that is no match for a handgun. (Im no gun expert but common sense here).
NRA is fighting a losing battle. Instead they need to accept the fact that there's no real practical reason to have those kind of weapons for personal use.
Am I the only one that gets irked when people point to video games and music when stuff like this goes down?

lol whut

Handguns are semi-automatic though.
the thing is, whats to stop the armed guard from shooting a teenager if he feels "threatened"?
the thing is, whats to stop the armed guard from shooting a teenager if he feels "threatened"?

BOOM!...I wanna see who's going to answer that question.

Is like when people were asking for teachers to be armed, imagine some tiny old English teacher with a gun being screamed at by one of the Varsity football players for a bad yeah ok...
"armed volunteers?" HAHA!

Looks like those geriatric Wal-Mart greeters will be finding a new purpose in life.
BOOM!...I wanna see who's going to answer that question.
Hopefully common sense. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of making decisions that way.

Putting armed security inside of schools isn't an end-all solution to this problem. What really needs to be accomplished is better awareness by parents, educators, etc. at detecting mental instability and then actually ACTING on it for once.
This latest shooting has the gun advocates panties in a bunch. I used to be pro gun but that is changing. I'm not giving up mine though :lol:

I don't think many on the anti-gun side even want to take away every single gun. That's just not rational in this country.

Maybe in their dreams or private thoughts they do. But they seem more realistic with their public statements.

Close gushow loopholes
Limit number of guns per house and/or ammo
Stop those banana clips
No semi automatic weapons

Things like that

I don't see many in public talking about taking away hand guns or some hunters rifle

Handguns are semi auto
"armed volunteers?" HAHA!

Looks like those geriatric Wal-Mart greeters will be finding a new purpose in life.
one armed guarded is not going to stop a maniac with an ar-15 :lol:

Of course not! People will still die, but that armed guard can at least slow em down correct? The extra minutes if not seconds may mean lives saved.
BOOM!...I wanna see who's going to answer that question.
Is like when people were asking for teachers to be armed, imagine some tiny old English teacher with a gun being screamed at by one of the Varsity football players for a bad yeah ok...
call a security guard on the walky. If she is old she should have seen that situation before and know how to handle it
I can somewhat see where they're coming from, but what happens when an O.K. Corral scene ensues and even more kids are shot/killed due to stray bullets/ a fire fight?
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