Nostradamus 2012 on the History Channel Special...

Mr Monday, I haven't heard about what you stated. Very Interesting. . .
please pm some websites about that.

So what I read is that the second sun will kill almost all the earths population. But those who know whats up will hide in their underground bunkers. I alsoread that other govt's are building underground bunkers.
In netherlands, didn't they built that bunker to hold the seeds of plants, fruits, veggies, etc in the bunker. Saw this on ABC news.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Mideastbeast..this one should make you laugh

A theory i read up on a conspiracy forum

Spoiler [+]
Ok, so I have a theory I want to float and see if what you all think. I admit, I do have a wild imagination at times. But I also have an ability to connect the dots in ways that others don't. So, I wanted to see if this theory had ever come up before, and what you all think of it.

If it's not possible, then it would at least make a good fiction book!!

Background: I have watched many of the conspiracy theory videos out there, and since watching them, I felt that there was definitely good evidence of a cover-up and a conspiracy in 9/11. I definitely do not believe the official story by the government and the 9/11 comission, that's for sure.

This past week or so, I was discussing something completely non-related to 9/11 on a thread in a different forum, and somebody mentioned DEW and how it was responsible for the destruction of the WTC site. I had never heard of DEW before, so I asked for more information, and someone told me to go to Dr. Judy Wood's website for more information. So, I did. And I must say....whoa!!

I saw even more evidence than was even disclosed in any of the 9/11 conspiracy theory videos. This goes WAYYYY beyond controlled demolition. I can clearly see the steel beams being turned into dust and powder right there on film. NO thermite or controlled demolition can do that. Plus, on her website, there are also other important revelations I had never seen or heard about before.

There are transcripts of eye witnesses stating that people around the base of the WTC just dissappared right into thin air right in front of other people's eyes, in a wave of energy. Other people told how they saw planes instantly disappearing into puffs of fire that were flying nearby. There are photos of cars and trucks nearby that were burned out, with twisted metal and missing door handles and disintegrated engine blocks, but there was no other fires nearby. And no paper was on fire nearby, even though paper was all around. It really does look like there was something that was used that had the capability of targeting specific types of metals....such as steel and car engine blocks. now, after viewing this, this brings up even MORE questions. And in my mind, when I have questions, I develop theories to explain them. I can't help it...I need answers, so I come up with theories.

First, if DEW was used, and was all done for a false flag operation for an excuse to go into Iraq for oil, it's over kill. The planes alone crashing into the building would have been enough for a false flag operation. Controlled demolition of the towers would also have been enough for a false flag. But using a DEW weaopn to pulverize an entire WTC doesn't make sense for a false flag operation. It's overkill.

After reading her website, the conclusion I came to is this:

It was not an outright was merely a demonstration. A demonstration of a mighty weapon. A demonstration of the capability of what such a weapon could do. Was this demonstration used as a false flag? I dont' think so. Was it used as an attack by another country? I don't know. But I think it was clearly a demonstration of a new weapon and its capabilities.

I think if another country meant to do us harm, they could have caused a lot more physical and economic damage by collapsing the towers on the rest of the city. But they didn't. They spared the rest of the city. Why??? Why destroy those huge towers of steel, but save the area around it?? If it was an advanced weapons attack by a foreign country, and they meant business, wouldn't they want the towers to come crashing down on the rest of the city, causing as much damage as possible?? Yes, you would want to MAXIMIZE damage.

But the damage to the rest of the city was MINIMIZED by using whatever technology they used to destroy the buildings that way. By pulverizing the steel into dust, the DEW caused much less damage than a controlled demolition would have caused. There was much less steel, much less rubble than would have been there in a controlled demolition. And the towers collapsed onto themselves.

What if it was used as a threat?? Was it someone saying: hey, we're going to show you how we can pulverize your entire WTC site into DUST right in front of your eyes.
Then, they say: Now that we've shown you what we can do.....give us ALL your money or we'll do it again, and again, and again.

For months, I've felt that this entire "economic crisis" was a load of bull. Our government regulators must have been totally incompetent and asleep at the wheel for this to happen. People have been warning our government for years of the ramifications of our economic policies, but they just looked the other way. Why?

I used to think it was an excuse to get us to collapse the dollar to bring in the Amero. But what if this entire economic crisis was manufactured as a way to raise TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in RANSOM money, and disguised as an economic "bailout".

I know....this is pretty wild and far out. But what makes more sense: that our entire economy could be taken down by some bad mortgages and fraudulent bankers, while all of our government regulators looked the other way for years...and that our Congress was so stupid to just let Paulson give away trillions of dollars to banks, WITHOUT ANY OVERSIGHT???

What if the money is being laundered through the banks and is as ransom. Think about it: Paulson refuses to tell us where 2 TRILLION dollars has gone. It's our tax money....we have a right to know, but they refuse to tell us where it's going. They refuse to.

Also, the banks cannot tell us where it's going. There is NO ACCOUNTING of the money by them, and even more suspicously....OUR GOVERNEMENT IS NOT ASKING THE BANKS TO TELL US WHERE OR HOW THEY ARE USING HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. We are simply TRUSTING banks to use it as they seem fit to stimulate the economy. DOESN'T THAT SEEM STRANGE???

I think there is money laundering going on here. This economic crisis was manufactuered. The bailout is just a huge cover-up for giving somebody trillions of dollars. Why would we do that??

What if our government leaders feel they have no choice. What if they have been shown this mighty weapon, and have been told by whoever used it: We want all your money, or we'll use it again. And again. And again.

Oh man... That spoiler is a REALLY hot story if it's not correct! Dude has the imagination of Shakespere!
I'm sorry, but you're just a plain idiot if you believe that Nostradamus could predict the future. He couldn't predict the future better than you,I or anyone else.

He wrote a bunch of stuff, and his supporters have been trying to find events over the last 500 years that match what he wrote. And none of the stuff matchesperfectly, it matches somewhat, and if you want to believe that Nostradamus could predict the future hard enough, you'll believe that what Nostradamuswrote was a metaphor for some particular event. If I wrote a bunch of stuff and I had supporters over the next 500 years, I can assure you that there would besome events that somewhat match some of the stuff that I wrote.

They already used Nostradamus to say that the world was going to end in 1999.
Not a damn thing happened. Now they moved to 2012. That's the good thingabout being a nutcase who thinks he can predict the apocalypse - there's always more dates to pick when you fail. Noone has EVER successfully usedNostradamus' writings to actually predict the future. They always use his writings to match the stuff that already happened.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore


My man, whoever you cop your goods from, I need his contact info in my PM box immediately.

I'm dead serious.
so i was reading up on the lucifer project, and it seems really interesting and whatnot, but i couldn't really find any recent information. the originalplan was for the cassini missile to ignite Saturn in July of 2008... and that has clearly passed......

this is the main article i read

and the official cassini project website doesn't really elaborate on anything either...

also this project has nothing to do with 2012 but still i find it interesting.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


My man, whoever you cop your goods from, I need his contact info in my PM box immediately.

I'm dead serious.



Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

so i was reading up on the lucifer project, and it seems really interesting and whatnot, but i couldn't really find any recent information. the original plan was for the cassini missile to ignite Saturn in July of 2008... and that has clearly passed......

this is the main article i read

and the official cassini project website doesn't really elaborate on anything either...

also this project has nothing to do with 2012 but still i find it interesting.

It may be interesting but don't waste your time, it's ducktales.

I was rollin reading this article

Did dude really spend hours coming up with this mess ?
Originally Posted by NothingBefore

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


My man, whoever you cop your goods from, I need his contact info in my PM box immediately.

I'm dead serious.




My PM box still empty fam, hook it up!
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by knightngale

scientists already found the 5th dimension and ghosts in Pluto in 542 A.D.


They also showed program on the history channel about prophets, and there was one guy, I fogot his name but if anyone knows, post it please, all he would do is lie on his couch, concentrate and begin to speak predictions. Some of which were accurate and some were not.

They also quoted him saying that everyone has this ability within themselves, but it's up to you to use it. And this is something that I have been talking about in these threads for a few minutes. Take some time out to sit and really focus on something sometime each day. Something that you want to change. I mean, really focus on it. Forget about anything physical(anything that has to do with any of your 7 senses) that's happening around you at that moment and focus on something that you want to change or something that you want understanding on in your life. See what happens.

his name was Edgar Cayce
Really intresting but I don't buy any of it.

Again if anyone knows when this on again PM me or post it thanks.
Originally Posted by killa couch

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by knightngale

scientists already found the 5th dimension and ghosts in Pluto in 542 A.D.


They also showed program on the history channel about prophets, and there was one guy, I fogot his name but if anyone knows, post it please, all he would do is lie on his couch, concentrate and begin to speak predictions. Some of which were accurate and some were not.

They also quoted him saying that everyone has this ability within themselves, but it's up to you to use it. And this is something that I have been talking about in these threads for a few minutes. Take some time out to sit and really focus on something sometime each day. Something that you want to change. I mean, really focus on it. Forget about anything physical(anything that has to do with any of your 7 senses) that's happening around you at that moment and focus on something that you want to change or something that you want understanding on in your life. See what happens.

his name was Edgar Cayce


Originally Posted by keepitgully

I read Nostradamus books as a Kid. Man freaks the hell outta me how he was so right about everything.

i remember i was in line getting groceries one day... and i read a tabloid that said he predicted 2Pac's death
was watching it last night it was intresting in stuff. Some of the events that they were talking about made sence. The Maya info seemed to make more sence thenthe nostradamus thing because the events they wrote or belief were more accurate. But ehh we will have to wait n find out till 012.
Nostradamus = after the fact predictions.

Like other has stated time and time again. He doesn't predict the future. He makes very vague statements which other interpret as predictions after asignificant event has occurred.

The event occurs then people attempt to match the event to a Nostradamus prediction.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Damn, 5 dimensions? What would the 5th one even be?

I thought 2012 was THE DAY THE QUARANTINE IS LIFTED OFF EARTH, or something like that. I can't remember where I heard that though....

the fifth dimension is basically the second dimension of the fourth dimension to put it simply. The fifth dimension is a branch of the fourth dimension at apoint in the fourth dimension. Basically, think of where you are right now. Because there are infinite possible choices you can make, there are infinitebranches from that point in the fourth dimension. Each of those branches a part of the fifth dimension. I think.
Originally Posted by asu334

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Let me clarify my stance on 9/11, I lean towards the govt. conspiracy, but I am not concrete in my beliefs. Very few people know what and why things actually happened, I'm not one of them. There is so much withheld information regarding 9/11 that one can't help but to have doubt.
why people who dont believe in Jesus always believe in some crazy type of conspiracy I guess we all need something to believe in
I'm not necessarily an Atheist, i mean, i still pray at night before I go to sleep, but it's safe to say that as a Catholic, my views onreligion have been skewed. I went to Catholic school for 6 years, and I used to attend church pretty regularly. I was never a hardcore Catholic who tried toconvert people, but I believed everything in the Bible and whatnot. Now, my views are more open. I still have a moral code, but my religion is my family, asalong as i do good by them, I'm happy. The Catholic religion appears to be a copycat of many old beliefs, nothing wrong with it necessarily, but it'snot true.

As far as 9/11 goes, may the deceased rest in peace, and I hope that our own govt wouldn't do such a thing, but you do some research on the events leadingup to that day, and you will be swayed one way or another.

I don't believe that the world will end anytime soon. I live my life one day at a time, and whatever happens will happen with or without me.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Nostradamus = after the fact predictions.

Like other has stated time and time again. He doesn't predict the future. He makes very vague statements which other interpret as predictions after a significant event has occurred.

The event occurs then people attempt to match the event to a Nostradamus prediction.
yea i remember pen and teller talkin about this...

basically dude said that why didnt nobody talk about this before 9/11 so that maybe it coulda been prevented..

but his predictions are interesting even tho
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