Nostradamus 2012 on the History Channel Special...

Originally Posted by NikFiend
Okay, so the the idea of this Project Lucifer is to make Saturn's moon, Titan, inhabitable for man? That's a tad bit far fetched considering how closethe moon is to the planet.

Look at Mercury. It's only about 36 million miles from the sun and it's surface is scorched.

Titan is only about 800K miles away from Saturn so the chances of it being able to sustain life is highly unlikely... as the planet would most likely beengulfed by the newly formed sun.

Plus the flames, if they don't disperse after an explosion (which is most likely what would happen since the planet may lose it's atmosphere), would eventually run out because... well gas does that you know.

Jupiter's moon Europa is probably the most human habitable place out there that we know of.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by franchise3

The prediction stuff is kinda eh to me. I mean, stuff could be vague, but people conform it around to how one sees fit, and makes it fit a certain situation.

What IS wild to me though is, Nostradamus, the Mayans, the Chinese, Egyptians, and other people all pretty much picked Dec. 21, 2012 as the 'end' of something.

That mess is wild. Different time periods, places, etc, and they all came to the same conclusion.

Ducktales. None of the above picked 2012.

Mayan calendar doesn't even end on 2012, that's another myth.

Pretty sure the majority of us will still be posting on NT Dec 22, 2012 (which happens to be my birthday), with the same old Christmas threads as always.

EDIT: also looked into Project Lucifer, looks like more ducktales. These conspiracy theories are comedy and keep getting crazier and crazier every year. Word to Y2K

Don't get me wrong, as I believe it's going to be much ado about nothing, but when does the Mayan calendar end then?

I mean, I've seen documentaries on the Chinese calender ending in 2012, and the Mayan one.

"The Mayan Calendar Continues Long after 2012.

The Mayan Calendar begins a new cycle in the year 2012 much as the Gregorian Calendar begins a new cycle on January 1st every year. There are some veryinteresting astronomical events happening in 2012 and some believe these events are what the ancient Maya were targeting, anchoring. There are even referencesto dates beyond 2012, carved in stone, left by the Maya of centuries past."


"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation forthe Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is"a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in." (

I haven't heard about the chinese one really but I gaurantee you it's also DT. I know for a fact "egyptian" is a lie. Let's be seriousnow, no one can predict what will happen tommorow yet alone the end of the world, from thousands of years ago at that, based on "astrology".

Wake up, I know people are not THAT stupid to buy into this, probably just watched a few too many sci-fi movies.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.
ok but what would be the whole point of creating another sun?
Another sun at that distance would mean that other planets would receive the necessary light and warmth to sustain life,i n theory anyway.

And the Proj. Lucifer site does look sketchy, although I do believe that 9-11 was conspired by our own govt.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.
ok but what would be the whole point of creating another sun?
Another sun at that distance would mean that other planets would receive the necessary light and warmth to sustain life,i n theory anyway.

And the Proj. Lucifer site does look sketchy, although I do believe that 9-11 was conspired by our own govt.
If you only knew what you just did
IF it does happen... For all of us, it will be the end, BUT for some of us it will be a new beginning. Just IMO.
It wouldn't make other planets more habitable... just hotter.

Seriously... this is the best conspiracy theories we can get?

Here's a little known fact that many of you seem to have forgotten: everyone dies. Some of us won't even ring in the new year when 2012 comes. Sowhat's the point in dreading something that no one's absolutely certain of? You know what is 100% though?
Spoiler [+]
Your death.
Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun right?? I forget how far Jupiter is from Earth...

..and Mr. Monday, I actually don't know what I did.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

IF it does happen... For all of us, it will be the end, BUT for some of us it will be a new beginning. Just IMO.

can u explain a bit, i dont quite understand what u mean there...

do u mean new beginning as in jesus will come down and ake his followers into heaven with him?
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.
ok but what would be the whole point of creating another sun?
Another sun at that distance would mean that other planets would receive the necessary light and warmth to sustain life,i n theory anyway.

And the Proj. Lucifer site does look sketchy, although I do believe that 9-11 was conspired by our own govt.

9/11 conspiracy is yet another case of the ducktales.

I will stop posting on NT forever if you answer this post I made a while back on a different website:

This doesn't make any sense. Let's say the US government was indeed extremely corrupt to the point of attacking its own people. Now, let's say theyeither did 9/11 or helped it in being carried out.

** 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Refution **

What was gained ? (It gave Bush increased power, and allowed for the invasion of Afghanistan) - Why would Bush want to invade Afghanistan so badly ? - What hashe gained in passing the patriot act ? Has he really gained money from Afghanistan for himself or abused the patriot act to the point of using it as a tool togain money from ? Nope. By the way, why would al-Qaeda work with the U.S in claiming they in fact attacked the U.S only to have itself be bombed out by the U.Sin return ?

Now, before you bring up Iraq.. it was not caused by 9/11. 9/11 was a part of it, but too small to be considered. The root cause was WMD's. Beyond this,why would al-Qaeda work to allow the U.S to invade Iraq and turn around and kill U.S soldiers there ? Why would al-Qaeda continue to accept 9/11 responsibilityif the U.S is killing them with the reason that they caused 9/11 ? Does this make any sense to you at all ?

There's only 1 possible way to answer my questions: al-Qaeda is a U.S tool.

If you believe this, I pity you. Why would a U.S tool target Americans/American allies so indiscriminately ? Why is al-Qaeda so loose an organization that I,if I wanted to, could simply go to Afghanistan, learn how to make bombs, and go back to the U.S and kill Americans ? (Before 2001, although still possibletoday). Would the U.S want its own "tool" training thousands of radicals and sending them out with both a thrist for western blood and moreimportantly, the means in which to spill it ? Do you realize how big of a problem this would be for the whole western world ? The only answer to that is thatevery single al-Qaeda member is instructed by the U.S on what to attack. If you believe THIS, well... let's just hope you don't.

Until someone comes up with a valid response to this post, I will consider all 9/11 conspiracy theories disproven and simply copy paste this back when theissue is brought up again.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

IF it does happen... For all of us, it will be the end, BUT for some of us it will be a new beginning. Just IMO.

can u explain a bit, i dont quite understand what u mean there...

do u mean new beginning as in jesus will come down and ake his followers into heaven with him?
Jesus never existed...
....he really didn't though.Seriously.
Mideastbeast..this one should make you laugh

A theory i read up on a conspiracy forum

Spoiler [+]
Ok, so I have a theory I want to float and see if what you all think. I admit, I do have a wild imagination at times. But I also have an ability to connect the dots in ways that others don't. So, I wanted to see if this theory had ever come up before, and what you all think of it.

If it's not possible, then it would at least make a good fiction book!!

Background: I have watched many of the conspiracy theory videos out there, and since watching them, I felt that there was definitely good evidence of a cover-up and a conspiracy in 9/11. I definitely do not believe the official story by the government and the 9/11 comission, that's for sure.

This past week or so, I was discussing something completely non-related to 9/11 on a thread in a different forum, and somebody mentioned DEW and how it was responsible for the destruction of the WTC site. I had never heard of DEW before, so I asked for more information, and someone told me to go to Dr. Judy Wood's website for more information. So, I did. And I must say....whoa!!

I saw even more evidence than was even disclosed in any of the 9/11 conspiracy theory videos. This goes WAYYYY beyond controlled demolition. I can clearly see the steel beams being turned into dust and powder right there on film. NO thermite or controlled demolition can do that. Plus, on her website, there are also other important revelations I had never seen or heard about before.

There are transcripts of eye witnesses stating that people around the base of the WTC just dissappared right into thin air right in front of other people's eyes, in a wave of energy. Other people told how they saw planes instantly disappearing into puffs of fire that were flying nearby. There are photos of cars and trucks nearby that were burned out, with twisted metal and missing door handles and disintegrated engine blocks, but there was no other fires nearby. And no paper was on fire nearby, even though paper was all around. It really does look like there was something that was used that had the capability of targeting specific types of metals....such as steel and car engine blocks. now, after viewing this, this brings up even MORE questions. And in my mind, when I have questions, I develop theories to explain them. I can't help it...I need answers, so I come up with theories.

First, if DEW was used, and was all done for a false flag operation for an excuse to go into Iraq for oil, it's over kill. The planes alone crashing into the building would have been enough for a false flag operation. Controlled demolition of the towers would also have been enough for a false flag. But using a DEW weaopn to pulverize an entire WTC doesn't make sense for a false flag operation. It's overkill.

After reading her website, the conclusion I came to is this:

It was not an outright was merely a demonstration. A demonstration of a mighty weapon. A demonstration of the capability of what such a weapon could do. Was this demonstration used as a false flag? I dont' think so. Was it used as an attack by another country? I don't know. But I think it was clearly a demonstration of a new weapon and its capabilities.

I think if another country meant to do us harm, they could have caused a lot more physical and economic damage by collapsing the towers on the rest of the city. But they didn't. They spared the rest of the city. Why??? Why destroy those huge towers of steel, but save the area around it?? If it was an advanced weapons attack by a foreign country, and they meant business, wouldn't they want the towers to come crashing down on the rest of the city, causing as much damage as possible?? Yes, you would want to MAXIMIZE damage.

But the damage to the rest of the city was MINIMIZED by using whatever technology they used to destroy the buildings that way. By pulverizing the steel into dust, the DEW caused much less damage than a controlled demolition would have caused. There was much less steel, much less rubble than would have been there in a controlled demolition. And the towers collapsed onto themselves.

What if it was used as a threat?? Was it someone saying: hey, we're going to show you how we can pulverize your entire WTC site into DUST right in front of your eyes.
Then, they say: Now that we've shown you what we can do.....give us ALL your money or we'll do it again, and again, and again.

For months, I've felt that this entire "economic crisis" was a load of bull. Our government regulators must have been totally incompetent and asleep at the wheel for this to happen. People have been warning our government for years of the ramifications of our economic policies, but they just looked the other way. Why?

I used to think it was an excuse to get us to collapse the dollar to bring in the Amero. But what if this entire economic crisis was manufactured as a way to raise TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in RANSOM money, and disguised as an economic "bailout".

I know....this is pretty wild and far out. But what makes more sense: that our entire economy could be taken down by some bad mortgages and fraudulent bankers, while all of our government regulators looked the other way for years...and that our Congress was so stupid to just let Paulson give away trillions of dollars to banks, WITHOUT ANY OVERSIGHT???

What if the money is being laundered through the banks and is as ransom. Think about it: Paulson refuses to tell us where 2 TRILLION dollars has gone. It's our tax money....we have a right to know, but they refuse to tell us where it's going. They refuse to.

Also, the banks cannot tell us where it's going. There is NO ACCOUNTING of the money by them, and even more suspicously....OUR GOVERNEMENT IS NOT ASKING THE BANKS TO TELL US WHERE OR HOW THEY ARE USING HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. We are simply TRUSTING banks to use it as they seem fit to stimulate the economy. DOESN'T THAT SEEM STRANGE???

I think there is money laundering going on here. This economic crisis was manufactuered. The bailout is just a huge cover-up for giving somebody trillions of dollars. Why would we do that??

What if our government leaders feel they have no choice. What if they have been shown this mighty weapon, and have been told by whoever used it: We want all your money, or we'll use it again. And again. And again.
although i dont agree with what mideastbeast be sayin on the music forums, i completely agree with the post he just made above me..

i agree with everything u said there, great points made

i think that is pure disresprect to those that died on that day
Let me clarify my stance on 9/11, I lean towards the govt. conspiracy, but I am not concrete in my beliefs. Very few people know what and why things actuallyhappened, I'm not one of them. There is so much withheld information regarding 9/11 that one can't help but to have doubt.
As 2012 approaches, rumours are emerging of it's disastrous consequences. Frankly, I'm getting bored of panicked pilgrims, so here, in no particularorder, are the actual 9 major tragedies of 2012.

We will all have to live through another Presidential Election.

Asteroid 334-Eros will pass within 17 million miles of Earth, If it earth were the corner pocket this is the equivalent of bouncing off the cushion and hittingthe cat. Nonetheless, astronomers will get very excited and run to their observatories, leaving their families to fend for themselves.

US troops will hand back control of the Korean Military. Congress will declare a war to keep the troops busy.

The Freedom Tower will be completed in New York causing the terror threat to be raised just in-case some terrorist somewhere tries something with it atsometime.

There will be an annular Solar Eclipse - for 3 whole minutes hundreds of people will be unable to see where they left their keys.

The UK will turn off analogue broadcasting; millions of pensioners will miss Countdown. Mass rioting will ensue, albeit it very slowly.

The Sun's magnetic poles will flip; it's inhabitants will get briefly lost when their compasses start pointing backwards.

The Mayan calendar will roll over from to The Mayans will have to buy a new calendar. They will also have one hell of a New Yearcelebration. There is no evidence to suggest the Mayans believed the world would end when their calendar did, although possibly they were worried that theircomputer clocks would reset to

The Earth's population will excel 7 billion people, making it impossible to find a free parking space
why are we talking about 9/11? anyways i dont think anything will happen in 2012. no one can predict the future, period.
I read Nostradamus books as a Kid. Man freaks the hell outta me how he was so right about everything.
The solstice in 2005 was within 0.1 degree of where it will be on 2012 also the Sun crosses the plane of the Milky Way twice every year with no illeffect.... World can end tomorrow for what we know.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

World can end tomorrow for what we know.
well said, we cant predict anything, I mean we can guess and if it happens then its pure lucky. We can all die tomorrow or next week or in thenext month, we dont know what will happen and when it will happen. Leave it at that, people need to stop being paranoid over something they dont know and cantcontrol.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Let me clarify my stance on 9/11, I lean towards the govt. conspiracy, but I am not concrete in my beliefs. Very few people know what and why things actually happened, I'm not one of them. There is so much withheld information regarding 9/11 that one can't help but to have doubt.
why people who dont believe in Jesus always believe in somecrazy type of conspiracy I guess we all need something to believe in
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