Nostradamus 2012 on the History Channel Special...

As a firm believer in Christ... these scriptures sum it all up for me...
Matthew 24: 36-44
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[sup][a][/sup] but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in thedays before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of theSon of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and wouldnot have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour whenyou do not expect him.

Therefore im gonna have to
on the 2012 theory...
I missed it. It will come on again at 10pm on the west coast.

The history channel is really overhyping 2012.

The only time I will be afraid is when NASA sends a rocket to Saturn again in 2010.
Originally Posted by CJ863

As a firm believer in Christ... these scriptures sum it all up for me...
Matthew 24: 36-44
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[sup][a][/sup] but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Therefore im gonna have to
on the 2012 theory...
good find
Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to igniteSaturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasaplans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

We already have 4 dimensions. Time=4th demension
I'm pretty sure you meant 4th and 5th density, which is an entirely different concept.

2012 is the evolution of human consciousness to the next level. I honestly have no idea what is going to happen, but it will definitely be drastic. The doomsday prophecies and fear are misguided and completely off-base. Cats like Alex Jones are the reason why people make a mockery of the 2012 prophecy. The NWO is not coming. I do believe in secret societies, but this goes way beyond any group of evil men. This is a shift of the entire universe. It's an awakening and transformation that I don't think anyone can comprehend.

Read up on chakras. Read up on consciousness. Awake to the consciousness inside you that lies beyond the realm of thinking.

so your sayin if i awaken my chakras i can become a super saiyan. you wildin son.
Originally Posted by Beermann2

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in oursolar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming)of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Beermann2 wrote:

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.

can you tell us more about this? ...Im interested on this
Originally Posted by knightngale

scientists already found the 5th dimension and ghosts in Pluto in 542 A.D.


They also showed program on the history channel about prophets, and there was one guy, I fogot his name but if anyone knows, post it please, all he would do islie on his couch, concentrate and begin to speak predictions. Some of which were accurate and some were not.

They also quoted him saying that everyone has this ability within themselves, but it's up to you to use it. And this is something that I have been talkingabout in these threads for a few minutes. Take some time out to sit and really focus on something sometime each day. Something that you want to change. Imean, really focus on it. Forget about anything physical(anything that has to do with any of your 7 senses) that's happening around you at that moment andfocus on something that you want to change or something that you want understanding on in your life. See what happens.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

December 23, 3797 is the date that life ends according to Notradamus

we will be long gone when that time comes....

man, this nostradamus 2012 special makes u think, what if all this does happen
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Beermann2 wrote:

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.

can you tell us more about this? ...Im interested on this
so am i... but i googled it
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

December 23, 3797 is the date that life ends according to Notradamus

we will be long gone when that time comes....

man, this nostradamus 2012 special makes u think, what if all this does happen

u didnt get it
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Beermann2 wrote:

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.

can you tell us more about this? ...Im interested on this

Yeah man. It was three pounds of plutonium that they're sending to Jupiter basically to ignite it. I dont have much knowledge on the matter personally,but I cant really find any good credible sources about the subject. If you Google "Project Lucifer" you'll find a lot of discussions andarticles about it. Be careful in the information though... Use your "filter" as I like to call it. Don't believe everything you read and doyour own research as well. I also read that the planets are Jupiter AND Saturn when I did a Google search.


thanks babe
Originally Posted by asu334

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

December 23, 3797 is the date that life ends according to Notradamus

we will be long gone when that time comes....

man, this nostradamus 2012 special makes u think, what if all this does happen

u didnt get it
i see it now, in think
I don't buy the whole 2012 thing.

But hey... Everyone's gotta die sometime... I'd rather have the rest of the world join me; I'd like the extra company.
The prediction stuff is kinda eh to me. I mean, stuff could be vague, but people conform it around to how one sees fit, and makes it fit a certain situation.

What IS wild to me though is, Nostradamus, the Mayans, the Chinese, Egyptians, and other people all pretty much picked Dec. 21, 2012 as the 'end' ofsomething.

That mess is wild. Different time periods, places, etc, and they all came to the same conclusion.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Well from what I read and heard. Nasa sent a rocket to Saturn in 1997(i believe). The rocket was carrying plutonium. I forgot how much. The plan was to ignite Saturn creating 2 suns. When plutonium and the gases of saturn combine, it will ignite. But that didn't happen, Saturn was left with a scare. And Nasa plans to send another rocket in 2010 but with more plutonium to ignite saturn. Check out the Lucifer Project or Project Lucifer.

I think you have the planets mixed up. Correct me if I'm mistaking, but I think the planet you're talking about is Jupiter. The largest one in our solar system. It's made up completely of gas, and if ignited, it WILL combust creating a huge ball of burning gas which will be the rising (2nd comming) of Lucifer (The bearer of light). Hence the title Project Lucifer. I'll be back more to elaborate on my opinion on 2012.
ok but what would be the whole point of creating another sun?
Originally Posted by franchise3

The prediction stuff is kinda eh to me. I mean, stuff could be vague, but people conform it around to how one sees fit, and makes it fit a certain situation.

What IS wild to me though is, Nostradamus, the Mayans, the Chinese, Egyptians, and other people all pretty much picked Dec. 21, 2012 as the 'end' of something.

That mess is wild. Different time periods, places, etc, and they all came to the same conclusion.

Ducktales. None of the above picked 2012.

Mayan calendar doesn't even end on 2012, that's another myth.

Pretty sure the majority of us will still be posting on NT Dec 22, 2012 (which happens to be my birthday), with the same old Christmas threads as always.

EDIT: also looked into Project Lucifer, looks like more ducktales. These conspiracy theories are comedy and keep getting crazier and crazier every year. Wordto Y2K
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by franchise3

The prediction stuff is kinda eh to me. I mean, stuff could be vague, but people conform it around to how one sees fit, and makes it fit a certain situation.

What IS wild to me though is, Nostradamus, the Mayans, the Chinese, Egyptians, and other people all pretty much picked Dec. 21, 2012 as the 'end' of something.

That mess is wild. Different time periods, places, etc, and they all came to the same conclusion.

Ducktales. None of the above picked 2012.

Mayan calendar doesn't even end on 2012, that's another myth.

Pretty sure the majority of us will still be posting on NT Dec 22, 2012 (which happens to be my birthday), with the same old Christmas threads as always.

EDIT: also looked into Project Lucifer, looks like more ducktales. These conspiracy theories are comedy and keep getting crazier and crazier every year. Word to Y2K

Don't get me wrong, as I believe it's going to be much ado about nothing, but when does the Mayan calendar end then?

I mean, I've seen documentaries on the Chinese calender ending in 2012, and the Mayan one.
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