No Fap November

My shorty comes into town tonight. I should be good... Day 1 down. 29 more to go. :smh:
Going strong... no big deal.

GF is coming in tonight and for the whole weekend....

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

next week is when it'll get difficult for me.
Tip:Do 30 or more pushups nonstop before you convince yourself to fap.
Im mainly participating to get my sex drive back.

Its to the point where i can sit and watch pron or ***-shaking videos and not even get hard :smh: not even joking. I watched that world star vid with the chick going ham at the video-shoot and got a chubby at most.
Day 2. Still in. This one chick just posted halloween photos on my Facebook and she got a big rear. She went out as the dancer from the Black Swan, wearing a tight leotard. I survived, but anyone who saw those pictures (which I won't post) could've surrendered like Kramer did after he saw that topless girl across from Jerry's room.
Day 2. Still in. This one chick just posted halloween photos on my Facebook and she got a big rear. She went out as the dancer from the Black Swan, wearing a tight leotard. I survived, but anyone who saw those pictures (which I won't post) could've surrendered like Kramer did after he saw that topless girl across from Jerry's room.

This is why youre not getting any reps.
Day 2. Still in. This one chick just posted halloween photos on my Facebook and she got a big rear. She went out as the dancer from the Black Swan, wearing a tight leotard. I survived, but anyone who saw those pictures (which I won't post) could've surrendered like Kramer did after he saw that topless girl across from Jerry's room.

whats the point of telling us this without pictures?
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