No Fap November

This challenge is an exercise in-futility for most.
It's easy.

Live your life.

Don't fap.

Get a jumpoff.

Smash once-twice a week.
If any of yall actually try that.
Seriously, thats below fapping...
OMG, I'm dying
Nov 1. Nothing major. I just got to make it to the 6th when halo comes out and it'll be easier. This weekend I'll be home all day due to the gas shortage. Gotta be strong. Hopefully my girl gets gas than I'll have her over the weekend.
Successful Day 1

Met a new chick at the most opportune time :evil:

Day 2: TBD :lol:
Day 1.5:

Still In, so far. Luckily, November is only 30 days. Couldn't they do No Fap February instead?
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