Nintendo Thread: Nintendo Direct Mini 03/26/2020

Which Pokémon game will you be buying?

  • Let's Go Pikachu!

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Let's Go Eevee!

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Both!

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • None!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • O.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
For those saying BOTW was an average game, please aware me of games YOU think are better? Because ya'll sounding really suspect right now.

I swear people on the internet hate everything. :smh:
:lol: people hate for others to not share their views. I said I dont think its a bad game but thats not enough, I need to cum in my pants because I can climb mountains and break tree branches. As far as better games I'd say Metal Gear Solid 3, The Last of Us, Vice City and God of War 3, theres a ton more I could list but Im just gonna pick cohesive story games with great gameplay. I'd put BOTW with Metal Gear Solid V and Prototype which I did enjoy and had good gameplay elements but pretty lackluster in the story department and just seemed to have an open world for the sake of having an open world.
I can't wait to play BotW. The only Zelda I love is LttP. I've tried OoT a few times but found it boring. Unfortunately I didn't play it in its heyday so I think that's why it's hard for me to get into.
Good video about the jump. I wanna play 3D land and world, hopefully they bring it to VC because I really don't wanna to buy a Wii U.
I think this is a generational thing. I came up at a time when game play was everything. We used our imaginations and put the pictures from the instruction manual and the box art to make up for the lack of graphics.

So when someone says the reason a game like BOTW is boring or isn't great becasue lackluster story sounds insane to me. Zelda has the same basic story every damn game.

For me, getting lost and exploring Hyrule and making up your own adventure is waaaaaay better and more impact-full than the game holding your hand and being tied to some B movie plot. When I play a game like Zelda I want to get lost in the world and use my imagination to get through whatever obstacles that face me. The difference with BOTW is it gives you the freedom to use your imagination like no other in the series has. Every experience is unique. There is no one way to do anything and this game doesn't hold your hand at all.

I think some get bored with it becasue they are used to being told what to do by games. The over the top stories and cutting edge graphics found in a lot of games nowadays distracts gamers from lacking game play. When they get a game that gives them freedom to do anything they dismiss the game as boring.

I get it. Everyone has their own tastes and opinions, but to me comparing this Zelda game the ***. Creed or Metal Gear is like comparing Michael Jackson to to Jay-Z or Kanye West. They are all pop and have sold millions. The kids appreciate Micheal, but they grew up on Jay-Z and Ye'. They are both great in their own right, but only one is the GOAT.

But to each his own. I'm just an angry old man who wants people to put respect on Link's name.
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I can understand using your imagination. Me and my brother always talk about how games back then forced you to kinda fill in the gaps. I remember playing FF6 and thinking Kefka was a ruthless super boss but was also fly as he'll. The sprites they used made him seemed like an OG :lol: then we got to the 3D era and I seen that he was a really like a damn clown and I felt like a part of my childhood was robbed :smh:

At the same time, I like my games to have linearity. I can't speak on BotW yet, I haven't played but Ill say that's my biggest issue with games like Skyrim, Fallout etc. You give me this big open world and tell me to figure it out. I like guidance in my games. Give me the main quest with an option to do stuff on the sides. I think that's why I like cutscenes so much. In case I get lost and lose track of what's going on, I can't push thru and view a cutscenes and get brought back to speed. I don't want hand holding but I want to get a sense of direction.
Im 30 so Im sure we came up in the same generation of gaming but Im sure you're just into Zelda way more than I am unless you started before NES. I dont NEED a deep story because Super Mario World and Donkey Kong country are 2 of my favorite games of all time but in this day of gaming, vast and open worlds are not enough, if so I'll go play minecraft. I choose gameplay over anything but when you have a game like Zelda I expect somekind of story but it comes off as just all eye candy with little substance. The gameplay itself is not great enough to negate the lack of depth, the game consisted of 4 insanely easy bosses and one of the easiest final bosses I've ever faced. Lynels were more difficult than any Ganon so I felt no sense of accomplishment in doing anything... Maybe the hard mode will be beneficial but I just don't feel the same way about this game at the moment. Visually its amazing and it has some fun mechanics, those are my positives.
Im 30 so Im sure we came up in the same generation of gaming but Im sure you're just into Zelda way more than I am unless you started before NES. I dont NEED a deep story because Super Mario World and Donkey Kong country are 2 of my favorite games of all time but in this day of gaming, vast and open worlds are not enough, if so I'll go play minecraft. I choose gameplay over anything but when you have a game like Zelda I expect somekind of story but it comes off as just all eye candy with little substance. The gameplay itself is not great enough to negate the lack of depth, the game consisted of 4 insanely easy bosses and one of the easiest final bosses I've ever faced. Lynels were more difficult than any Ganon so I felt no sense of accomplishment in doing anything... Maybe the hard mode will be beneficial but I just don't feel the same way about this game at the moment. Visually its amazing and it has some fun mechanics, those are my positives.

Eye candy with little substance? 4 insanely easy bosses? BOTW lacked depth becasue game play not great enough. Holly HYPERBOLE Batman! :lol:

Yet, Last of Us is better?

OOT, MM, ALTTP, TP, and even some of the game boy zeldas are better than BOTW imo.

BOTW still GOTY imo, I'd probably put Horizon at 2nd place right now
To me, it feels like a Nintendo version of Assassin's Creed. You even have to climb towers to register the map just like in Creed. I'm going to continue playing but as of now this game really isn't all that great IMO. Once I finish I'll have a final opinion.
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Link exploring a large expansive land isn't that great? So why do you guys play Zelda? What you thought he wasnt gonna be on a quest to save a princess?
One of the most underrated game announcements at E3 was Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Xenoblade Chronicles X was one of the best games on the Wii U and we're getting another Xenoblade this Holiday on the Switch...



This pic has me so hyped. In the trailor they briefly showed some dragons flying and I think that will be this game's version of mechs. There are still a lot of secrets left to be discovered in this game. I can't wait!
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Eye candy with little substance? 4 insanely easy bosses? BOTW lacked depth becasue game play not great enough. Holly HYPERBOLE Batman! :lol:

Yet, Last of Us is better?

BOTW is the FIRST and ONLY game Ive ever played where I beat every single boss on my first attempt. Last of Us was insanely engaging and had some of the best story telling and voiceovers Ive ever had in a game, it was like a really good movie and it had a good multiplayer mode which adds longevity plus it was alot more challenging, I dont want to breeze through a game. I never said BOTW lacked depth because of game play, I said the good game play elements werent enough to makeup for the lack of depth. Not sure if you ever played Prototype but I got the same impression from it, this is fun but why am I doing it? After beating Ganon I made myself find shrines just to find shrines. There was no reason for me to need more health hearts and I had all armors except for the one you get from completing them all and I obviously didn't need it. There was just no incentive other than checking it off the list. If you love the game then thats fine, I dont see why people seem to take offense to saying the game was decent and not great. Im not saying its bad or you guys are wrong but you seem to think I am.
Metroid is one of those franchises I never got into. Granted the first Nintendo system I ever owned was a wii though so I guess it makes sense.

Probably give the Snes ones a try
Extremely excited for the Metroid 2 remake and Prime 4. Metroid has consumed too many hours of my life :smh:
Metroid is one of those franchises I never got into. Granted the first Nintendo system I ever owned was a wii though so I guess it makes sense.

Probably give the Snes ones a try

Super Metroid is one of the best games ever. You have to at least play that game and then try Metroid Prime on the Gamecube. The reason Metroid isn't as popular as Mario or Zelda is becasue the games are are not as user friendly.

You are in isolation the whole game and you start of with nothing. No hand holding at all, but once you start collecting weapons and upgrade your armor you will be hooked. These games give me such and feeling of accomplishment once you master them.
I've never played any Metroid game or even downloaded a Metroid ROM for any of the multiple devices/emulators I've played :smh:.
I played all the Metroid games and its a very good franchise, never beat the NES version.

No talks of a Donkey Kong game on switch? Im kinda losing my boner for the Yoshi game.
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I'm praying to god Metroid Prime 4 brings some type of PvP game mode back into the game.  There were mixed feelings when Prime 2 did a PvP game mode, but with the current gaming environment nowadays with online is the time for the long-awaited Prime 4 to introduce a PvP mode that'll at least get ppl buzzing the same way we buzz about Destiny & Overwatch & Halo (overexaggerating with my statement, but still........Prime 4 seems to be the type of game that might just do it right for PvP).
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