Nike Air Yeezy (Kanye West Shoes) Release Info Confirmed for Spring of 2009 ***UPDATE- 4/30*** PG 1

^ wait wut? lol but to the homie in Chicago go 2 leaders the first 10 people get free vasoline
Originally Posted by TheKid973

May 2nd and 20,000 pairs. Am I correct? Or is someone being a wise guy about these numbers.....

Did you know that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary? Someone was being a wise guy about the numbers.
LOL at the guy who said they are releasing 20,000 pair.
It has been confirmed over and over and over again 3,000 pair worldwide.
Accept it people!!!
Also the release date is May 2nd!
Damn have you people ever heard of or
Yall suppose to be sneakerheads and dont even know when a shoe coming NT is funny!
its kinda sad, yall got dudes sleepin in the streets for days throwin up signs then you got the shops, chargin over retail. Yo retalk if someone is thatdevoted to gettin them shoes, you should get them for retail, you shouldnt have to have no life, then have no cash after that
yeah, that's what i'm sayin'... i can see charging 5 bills if they're going to someone early, or over the phone, someone who didn't have towait outside for any length of time...

and i could see charging $250, maybe even $350, to the kids who camp out, but freakin' over double the retail?!?

that's a slap in the face to them.

stores are gettin' mad greedy... and who cares if other shops are doing it? stay loyal to those who've stayed loyal to you...

you'll deserve it if they never shop with you again...
Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

Originally Posted by someone

We have dude's thinkin they run NT and the sneaker game.
Not the game in particular, more like the NYC part of things. A big fraction of the whole IMO
No William.

You should fix your handicap at obtaining 2 pairs (you only get 1
) forG money shoe camp-outs.
Step ya game up buddy.
This is my point of view- not the stores:

In all honesty, i dont have to post on NT. I dont have to tell u guys info. how many were getting, how were doing things. we didnt have to do phone orders. Iwas the one who pushed for phone orders for those who wanted the zens.

if i wanted to, i could have sold all of our pairs real low key on ebay, and in BST for more than 500.

we got many complaints on our site about how we handled things. i believe we were one of the only stores to take phone orders. am i correct?

this time, we are giving those who missed out in the city the opportunity to get theirs. the hype in undoubtedly higher for this pair than the greys. themarket in our region and customer base expanded because not everyone got theirs. people walked into the store with hundreds of dollars in hand, and have evenoffered upwards of 750 for the black pair. hell, a certain athlete's agent called asking for a pair for his client. and u would think this guy would have aplug inside of nike....

its just really funny how you guys hate on the way that we release these shoes when during the zen release, i must have got 100-125 PM's asking to get thema pair.

im a pretty liberal Nt'er and if you try to come at the store, or even me, i will respond. ive been here for 6 years and have no intentions of going anywhere.

if you guys are mad at the 500 price tag, go on ebay then and cop from there for more than 500... im not saying were doing any favors, but were not idiots.theres so much i want to say about how OTHER stores HANDLED their release, but im not gonna. their stores cannot be defended because there is no representationon niketalk.

because of this whole OUTLASH that u guys have bestowed upon the store, we aren't even doing 10 pair, 500 each. we were gonna raffle off a GOOD amount ofpairs, and even make it available to customers outside of the city. but that looks like its out of the question. i was even gonna push for another phone orderrelease, but the same people who would send me PM's asking for info, burn the store publicly.

at this point, we dont know how the release is gonna go. maybe a huge raffle, maybe an auction, maybe we will wind up selling each pair for 500, maybe welltake phone orders, maybe well keep them for "those who have been loyal to us" again... either theres gonna be hate.

if youre in chicago, check the website regularly. all info regarding the release will be posted up within the next 48 hours.

if u have questions. PM me. if u have beef with me, PM me. If you just wanna talk PM me.
I remember seeing people camp out at 34th footlocker for the zen but the workers and manager in the store said they are not even getting them. So did any ofthe people who camp out at 34th st FL actually copped the Zen from there last month? Anyway, I wonder which day next wee will I see a line forming at 34th FLand FA for the Blk Pink. Will be interesting.
Wow! Now these crack me up, but they will trick many people. Saw these on ebay! lol

Beware guys when you buy the black yeezy. you do not want to get stuck with one of these fake pairs. You do get a free pair of laces though. LMAO




I don't think that $500 is really that bad of a price ( espically since i bought the Zens from leaders, via over phone order).

For those of us who work full time jobs and really want them, its worth it.

Retail + tax = $230

if u take off 2 days from work to camp out - value= at $200 ( give or take)

plus no sleep, no washing, no bed, no personal bathroom, etc. - Value = priceless

peace of mind knowing ur pair is guranteed. = priceless

yo Blackiceblaze if ull got a 10.5 let me get

Don't get me wrong camping out is cool sometime, when their is cool people, good weather and u know ur gonna get a pair.

But if u don't have to then why do it.
And im not sayin im ok with shops charging a lot over retail, but if im gonna pay that much id rather pay it to a shop and establish a good relationship, thenpay so dude who is campin out to resell and takin a pair from someone who really wants them and end sellin them for around the same price anyway.

id rather shop make the money then resellers who are not helpin people out.
In comparison to all of chicagos hottest spots

STA=the hottest @%!% in chicago honestly better than leaders

Leaders=get your .9mm ready and kill yourself with those outrageous prices(yes who in their right mind would pay $50 more for a pair of supras and $600 for abackpack that looks like its worth 5 cents)

Akira=might as well just go tell your family your a @*%* lol

Self-conscious=who the !*## bids for a pair just sell em and make your business

Juggernaut=really silent auction once again that should be real fun wouldn't it

AOK=the only thing they got is a hot $@* cahier that you can flirt with and get 40% off haha it actually works no lie
^^ jugranut isnt having an they dont even have any nikes

if youre referring to BBC, we are the only store in the city to carry it, so we kinda have to carry certain pieces....

sorry we cant sell all of our new items for 50% off.... and u cant deny that we dont hook people up alot.

st. alfreds is awesome. i love them. they have an awesome variety of shoes.

chris bone ill hit u up next week. we are getting 10.5's this time...
^^^you forgot about succezz thats a real nice spot. decent prices and really nice and helpful employees then STA is second
Thekickboss I must agree but I've only been there like maybe 3 times and yeah they got real decent prices but I prefer STA a lot more and well all I knowis I'm not paying $600 for a pair of yeezys at leaders that are at a size 14 I'd rather pay $300 to a store I knw which I'm not giving any info onthat's holding me a pair as we speak and he is holding one for my co worker and I'm seeing if he can hold my friend too
chrisbone123 wrote:
I don't think that $500 is really that bad of a price ( espically since i bought the Zens from leaders, via over phone order).

For those of us who work full time jobs and really want them, its worth it.

Retail + tax = $230

if u take off 2 days from work to camp out - value= at $200 ( give or take)

plus no sleep, no washing, no bed, no personal bathroom, etc. - Value = priceless

peace of mind knowing ur pair is guranteed. = priceless

yo Blackiceblaze if ull got a 10.5 let me get

Don't get me wrong camping out is cool sometime, when their is cool people, good weather and u know ur gonna get a pair.

But if u don't have to then why do it.
And im not sayin im ok with shops charging a lot over retail, but if im gonna pay that much id rather pay it to a shop and establish a good relationship, then pay so dude who is campin out to resell and takin a pair from someone who really wants them and end sellin them for around the same price anyway.

id rather shop make the money then resellers who are not helpin people out.

I agree with you.

The more i think about it, i am leaning to just taking the money i made off my 2nd pair of zens and buying the black pair with it just so i dont have to driveand spend the night in a stores parking lot again.
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