NFL Divisional Playoffs In Review....

--I knew the Jets were going to win.

--If that was Kurt Warner lasts game, hats off to him for a having a great career.

--I hope the Saints get the same effort out of Bush as they did on against the Cardinals.

--Truly a classless move by Favre and the Vikings, but since it's Favre nobody wants to talk about it.

--The Cowboys O-line has to strengthen up for next year to get back on top.

--Since the Colts didn't take care of business against the Jets a few weeks ago, now they have to face them again, just goes to show you that you never letup on a team cause they may come back and give you problems in the future.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

The only Superbowl games I would be interested in is :

Colts/Saints and Colts/Vikings

Please keep The Jets out.
Out of all the people in S&T, you're on my hate list. Right next to outtacontrol and Jaysfordays. I love the ignore feature on NT
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by WILLINC

The only Superbowl games I would be interested in is :

Colts/Saints and Colts/Vikings

Please keep The Jets out.
Out of all the people in S&T, you're on my hate list. Right next to outtacontrol and Jaysfordays. I love the ignore feature on NT

^ why is this guy acting so feminine? You doubted your own team and get mad when someone speak against your team. Sports forum isnt for you, boy
Running up the score really bothers me in sports EXCEPT at the professional level. Not nearly as bad, especially in the playoffs with two "good"teams. I just don't have a problem making sure the opposition is down and out when it is playoff time. I could see some Boys getting upset though Brooksmove just made him look dumb
Man, quit whining about the score. Stop the damn team if you care about the score. The Dallas D is loaded with probowlers/former probowlers. Hold yourselfaccountable.
"We don't care what Keith Brooking says," Williams said. "He was about to get his @%! whupped on our sideline over there. It don't matter. Nobody said anything when they blew out the Eagles [the past two weeks].

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

-NO is back.

-Farve is confident again.

-Norv Turner @%+$! things up again.

-Phillip Rivers underestimated the Jets D.

-Jets played good, I just don't think they can contend with the Colts.

That call for an onside kick was very questionable...
What's up with all the crappy field goal kicking in the playoffs?!

Colts got this come next weekend.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Running up the score really bothers me in sports EXCEPT at the professional level. Not nearly as bad, especially in the playoffs with two "good" teams. I just don't have a problem making sure the opposition is down and out when it is playoff time. I could see some Boys getting upset though Brooks move just made him look dumb

how does it make him look dumb? its not his fault sidney rice moss'd our corners and safeties all damn day ... AP had 63 yards and brooking wasinstrumental in that ... brooking doesnt play offense and wasnt held to 3 points ... he was playing his heart out and thought the pass at the end was classless... as someone stated before, that is how players get their knees taken out ... you wanna rub it in the faces of professionals? well be prepared for theramifications of your actions ... because when you make grown men look foolish, usually grown men will do anything to jab back ... yeah the cowboys should havejust stopped them, but its not about that ... when you run up the score, you take the respect factor out of the equation ... when you dont respect someone,they damn sure arent going to respect you back ... call it what you want but lets be real, that last td was some bull *%@+ ... end of story ...

theyre lucky flozell wasnt in the game at the end cuz his cheap shottin self would have ended someones season EARLY ... its an unwritten rule, you dontembarass a grown man ... same can be said when you go to a club and someone tries to go at a girl who is obviously with a dude ... straight sucker stuff ...expect to get %*%@#% up ... so next year when we play them, expect some *%@+ to happen ... ESPECIALLY, if dudes like flozell are still on the squad ...
The onside kick call was not a wise decision. The actual kick though, was a masterpiece. It couldnt have been any better its too bad we didnt come up with it.
Deuce King


Dear Keith Brooking-

Since you are the expert on what is and is not classy, I'd lke your judgment on the following:

1] Was it classless for Keith Brooking to do the Dirty Bird in front of every section of the Metrodome in 1998 when the Falcons won the NFC Championship?

2] Was it classless for the Cowboys, facing a 4th down with 2 minutes to go from the Philadelphia 35 yard line, leading 24-0, to pass in that situation?

3] Was it classless for the Cowboys to not come out when announced, and instead come out as the Vikings were honoring Joe Kapp, who was there to sound theGjallarhorn?

Your thoughts, Keith.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

[h1]Brooking calls Vikings' move "classless" and "B.S."[/h1]
Posted by Mike Florio on January 17, 2010 7:06 PM ET
Cowboys linebacker Keith Brooking took exception to the decision of the Vikings to throw for the end zone while leading by 24 late in Sunday's division-round game. Brooking made his views known at the time, and he made his views known afterward.

"I thought it was classless," Brooking said, via Kevin Seifert of "I thought it was B.S. Granted, we get paid to stop them, but we had zero timeouts left. I didn't think there was any call for that."

Per Seifert, Vikings defensive tackle Pat Williams responded.

"We don't care what Keith Brooking says," Williams said. "He was about to get his @%! whupped on our sideline over there. It don't matter. Nobody said anything when they blew out the Eagles [the past two weeks].

"It's the playoffs. It ain't no regular-season game. If you lose, you go home. We take no pity on them. Do they expect us to? I don't care about no Brooking. He can say whatever he wants to say."
Vikings tight end Visanthe Shiancoe, who caught the final touchdown pass, was more contrite. With his tongue planted in his cheek. (And, hopefully, his other body parts planted behind a towel.)

"OK, we apologize," Shiancoe said. "I'm sorry. Better?"

We still think that no apologies -- real or sarcastic -- are needed. The Cowboys used their time outs when down by 24. Under the universal rules of Madden, he who opts to prolong the agony only invites more of it. If Dallas wanted to concede the game they should have simply let the clock run.

But, hey, it'll give us all something to talk about when the Cowboys return to the Metrodome during the 2010 season.

If the Vikings win two more, maybe it'll be the first game of the year.

Cowboys are really "Swagged out" until they get that @%! beat. Brooks eye black is still running down his chin right now.

can't be the same cowboys who played their starters all game and kept throwing in the 4th in the last 2 games against the eagles in order to make up forgetting whooped LAST YEAR..

yea.. conveniently talking about class.. real classy
can't be the same cowboys who played their starters all game and kept throwing in the 4th in the last 2 games against the eagles in order to make up for getting whooped LAST YEAR..

yea.. conveniently talking about class.. real classy

Dear Keith Brooking-

Since you are the expert on what is and is not classy, I'd lke your judgment on the following:

1] Was it classless for Keith Brooking to do the Dirty Bird in front of every section of the Metrodome in 1998 when the Falcons won the NFC Championship?

2] Was it classless for the Cowboys, facing a 4th down with 2 minutes to go from the Philadelphia 35 yard line, leading 24-0, to pass in that situation?

3] Was it classless for the Cowboys to not come out when announced, and instead come out as the Vikings were honoring Joe Kapp, who was there to sound the Gjallarhorn?

Your thoughts, Keith.

Again, in a playoff game, I have no problem with a team not taking their foot off the gas, no need to take any chances, plus at the professional level itdoesn't bother me very much. When you are paid to do a job, do it as well as you can
Keith Brooking is a poor sport and a sore loser. Get over it. Your team was embarrassed long before that final touchdown. Nothing is classless about scoring asmany TD's as possible in the playoffs.

...Is one without Manning or Favre...can you imagine the slurp fest ESPN would have if either of those two make it to the SB. Heck, if they both make it I will boycott ESPN for the two weeks prior and the two weeks after the SB, and watch the game on mute. Can't you guys just see it...
Shutup! This idea of boycotting or a slurp ruining a game is tired. Besides, if Favre and Manning were to make it to the Super Bowl, I'mpretty sure that's evidence that the "slurping" is well deserved. These are two of the greatest QB's of all time. I wish some of you wouldjust shutup and enjoy greatness when it's right here for us to see.

Are you going to hate every QB that turns great during his careers. Because if you are, a few SB appearances by Brees, and you'll be saying the same thing.
Keith Brooking is a poor sport and a sore loser. Get over it. Your team was embarrassed long before that final touchdown. Nothing is classless about scoring asmany TD's as possible in the playoffs.

...Is one without Manning or Favre...can you imagine the slurp fest ESPN would have if either of those two make it to the SB. Heck, if they both make it I will boycott ESPN for the two weeks prior and the two weeks after the SB, and watch the game on mute. Can't you guys just see it...
Shutup! This idea of boycotting or a slurp ruining a game is tired. Besides, if Favre and Manning were to make it to the Super Bowl, I'mpretty sure that's evidence that the "slurping" is well deserved. These are two of the greatest QB's of all time. I wish some of you wouldjust shutup and enjoy greatness when it's right here for us to see.

Are you going to hate every QB that turns great while he's still playing the game at a HOF level? Because if you are, a few SB appearances by Brees, andyou'll be saying the same thing.
worst case scenario is Jets Vs Saints... I would hate that

and other matchup would be great to watch... with many storylines
Like they said on Rome is burning, this aiint Florida state vs a small school team....this is a damn playoff game with grown !@# professional athletesgettin' paid. Don't cry.
exactly ... OMG WHY IS ESPN SLURPING BRETT FAVRE AHHHH OHHH AHHHHHH ... maybe because hes been a top 5 qb at least this year and his 40 and hes on the verge ofgetting to the super bowl ... maybe manning is getting slurped because he got his record 4th MVP this year ... jesus
i dont care who comes out of the NFC in the super bowl but the jets better beat the colts. and i gotta feeling the jets will take it, karma's a %#@++
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