NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Chiefs bout to trade the #1 pick for Jordy Nelson
How can the Packers let not just 1 but 2 Top 5 receivers leave just like that??
I'm not giving Percy a max deal. Son can barely stay healthy. He was a little above average until AP said that he was a better athlete. Son is always out with a migraine, ankle, fever or a cold.
I'm not giving Percy a max deal. Son can barely stay healthy. He was a little above average until AP said that he was a better athlete. Son is always out with a migraine, ankle, fever or a cold.

Where are you getting this "can't stay healthy" from? Like I said earlier...Last year was the first time in his career he's missed more than two games. He doesn't practice, but who does and who cares?

And MMG...Percy isn't simply just a WR. That's what you're missing here. His value is so much more and he does more then any of those guys. Can you line CJ in the backfield? Does Larry Fitzgerald return kicks? He touches the ball way more than any of them. He had 84 touches (not including kick returns) last year before he missed the last 7 games. SEVEN games! And he was productive in every single role he played. Most dynamic player in the League. That can't just simply be juxtaposed against receivers only. He's one of a kind.

I get what your saying in regards to Percy being a jack of all trades.

But also like its been brought up what happens if he goes to a team that had multiple weapons already? Then his role is strictly WR, your not gonna have him back there returning kicks on every down and risk injury and you might throw him into the backfield every once in a while.

So that leaves his main role, WR, and I'm sorry I don't see him as a top tier WR getting top tier WR money.

I wouldn't mind him in Houston playing the slot and abusing the underneath with keeping defenses off Dre and having to respect Arian.

But not at that money.
Fair points.

And hopefully this fool realizes that all the reasons given is why Minnesota is a perfect team for him, and if I'm in Minnesota's front office, I pay the man.
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Is he really that much of a headache that the Vikings want to ship him? :lol:

Pay the man, I'm sure it'll solve a lot of problems :lol:
I think the perfect team for Percy would be New Orleans. He'd be a god damn boss over there with their offense and Drew Brees.
Not saying its gonna happen just saying that's where I could see him excelling the most. Percy would blow Sproles outa the water.
Other than Minnesota, New England would be the best fit. New Orleans and Green Bay already have Sproles and Cobb.
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Other than Minnesota, New England would be the best fit. New Orleans and Green Bay already have Sproles and Cobb.

belichick LOVES gators in general...and harvin is no exception. he loves percy. if the price is right, bill would do it if percy is down to play without a big extension prior to the season starting. he'd have to earn an extension here.
Other than Minnesota, New England would be the best fit. New Orleans and Green Bay already have Sproles and Cobb.
Denver too

I don't know. Maybe when Manning is gone. The coach or O-Coordinator has to make conscience efforts to make sure Percy gets touches. Especially if they want to utilize him out of the backfield. Manning just does his own thing.

I guess I'm looking at it in terms of optimizing Percy's value to a team. I'm sure he would do just fine on any team, but knowing how well he's performed all over the field...I'd want to use him in every way possible.

Other than Minnesota, New England would be the best fit. New Orleans and Green Bay already have Sproles and Cobb.

belichick LOVES gators in general...and harvin is no exception. he loves percy. if the price is right, bill would do it if percy is down to play without a big extension prior to the season starting. he'd have to earn an extension here.

I'm sure NE would easily part with a 2nd round pick for Percy, but they'd have to add more than that because I'm sure Minnesota, if they do have to trade him for a 2nd rounder, would prefer a pick in the second round that is much higher than what NE can give, relative to other teams.
Not to take anything away from black & decker but #18 makes WRs, trading for Percy when your gonna have to pay those 2 doesn't make sense.

They can pretty much stick anyone in the slot of resign stokes for cheap.

Denver needs a run game.

If Percy goes to NE :smh:

But I think that's a long shot too.

What about Balt or even Cleveland ?

Miami :nerd:

I don't see minny training him to the NFC.

:lol: :smh:

I'm sure the pats are tired of his antics

Ship him Houston for a 3rd rounder :nerd:
Fair points.

And hopefully this fool realizes that all the reasons given is why Minnesota is a perfect team for him, and if I'm in Minnesota's front office, I pay the man.

Adrian Peterson is not going to run for 2000 yards every season.

They are not going to win anything with that offense it makes no sense to tie up 10 mil a year for Percy. His "value" is so high because the Vikings have NADA.

Get some talent and youll see Percy isnt that intrigal to what the Vikes do not at that price. Not with Ponder and AP there and 0 threats on the outside.

Percy is worth more as a piece of the puzzle to a offensive juggernaut. Him having almost 90 touches that early in the season is not a positive. Not at less than 11 yards per reception.

With that said....imagine if the Vikings liked Foles...and Chip Kelly wanted Harvin...:x :x :x
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Fair points.

And hopefully this fool realizes that all the reasons given is why Minnesota is a perfect team for him, and if I'm in Minnesota's front office, I pay the man.

Adrian Peterson is not going to run for 2000 yards every season.

They are not going to win anything with that offense it makes no sense to tie up 10 mil a year for Percy. His "value" is so high because the Vikings have NADA.

Get some talent and youll see Percy isnt that intrigal to what the Vikes do not at that price. Not with Ponder and AP there and 0 threats on the outside.

Percy is worth more as a piece of the puzzle to a offensive juggernaut. Him having almost 90 touches that early in the season is not a positive. Not at less than 11 yards per reception.

With that said....imagine if the Vikings liked Foles...and Chip Kelly wanted Harvin...:x :x :x

The first point is irrelevant. It's the threat of AP that opens things up. Whether AP runs for 2,000, 3,000, 1,500, or 1,200 doesn't really matter. And if Minnesota gets their deep threat/big play WR that they want then I don't see how that devalues Percy. That is pretty much the only thing the offense is missing other than the possibility of replacing Ponder, but the book isn't closed on him yet. And them not being able to win anything with that offense is a baseless assumption. Their style isn't the norm these days, but you can definitely win football games with how well they execute what they do.

I don't think you're looking deep enough. You can't just look at a stat and presume to know it's relevance all the time. Especially in this case. Those yards per reception that average just less than 11 yards can all be pretty much attributed to yards after the catch as well. He turns quick hitters into first downs. 2 and longs into third and shorts. 3rd and goals into TD's. Packaged with AP, an extremely reliable and red zone monster like Rudolph, Percy becomes very integral for the role he plays. Probably not on other teams, but on the Minnesota Vikings, he's huge.

Agree to disagree is what it comes down to right now. It'll be interesting to see what happens next and whether Percy stays with Minnesota or goes elsewhere and how much he does contribute. Nothing will convince me otherwise though, that Minnesota shouldn't pay him. They have a window reopening if they can add a few more pieces to the team and if they lose Percy, they lose momentum for that.

I like Foles. :pimp: I'd hate to trade Percy for anyone though.
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AP doesnt open anything up if Percy is averaging less than 11 Per.

If they get a deep threat Percy will not have 62 receptions in half a season which will make him more overpaid than ever if you are paying 10 mil. Percy has to be making big plays in the passing game to justify that pay.

They can win but they are not contenders unless AP has the best run for a RB in NFL history like this past season. (my speculation of course but not baseless)

Ted Ginn and an average NFL slot receiver for half price>Percy at 10 Mil.

I can definetly agree to disagree though just clarifying my points in the context of your response.
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So it's safe to say Percy is a product of system?

Cause he went get that production on a team with more weapons :nerd:
He's not a product of the system. His talent is just optimized in Minnesota's offense. Percy will be a great player on any team, but may not be utilized the same way or as frequently.
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Fair enough.

Interesting to see what Vikings do.

Percy kept teams honest to an extent, but AP was on some not of this planet **** regardless :lol: :smh:
Wish Tampa could get somebody like Percy. Let him do work in the slot while VJax and Mike Williams stretch the field.
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