News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Well the only learning curve he had was to adapt his powers like super strength and every senses being heightened. Absorbing the yellow sun just makes Kryptonians strong and everything about them enhances (healing, learning, etc...).

Silver age Superman could read books in seconds (may have been minutes) and actually absorb all those knowledge.

So if your a Kryptonian who is already trained to adapt and hone your senses, focus to do what it is required of you and you get those powers that further enhances that, then it isn't far fetch that Zod was able to control it with quickness.

Also keep in mind that only Zod was able to do it, he is a general for a reason so he may have the best adaptation and keenest focus of all the Kryptonians in that ship. Faora still had to fight with the helmet til the end.
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Comic-Con Exclusive: Guillermo del Toro’s Dark Universe Will be Separate from Other DC Projects… for Now

“I’m still working on it,” del Toro said. “Sandman doesn’t figure in the Dark Universe. We have Deadman, we have the Demon, we have Swamp Thing, we have Zatana, we have Constantine, but DC and Warners have been very clear that they are trying to keep those properties separate so when the time comes they can unite them, once they know they’re quantifiable. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern… everyone eventually will come together. Right now, they’re allowing us independence.”

And as far as the “Constantine” television show, since that character will be in the director’s movie:

“No, I had that conversation when the Constantine show was pitched. I said, ‘Do I have to have continuity with that?’ and they said, ‘No, feel free to continue the way you’re going.”

“Swamp Thing for me is my favorite superhero of all times. I always like the monsters,” he told us. “I love the Hulk,“ although he added that the television show on the Hulk is gone, maybe because they’re having so much success with Mark Ruffalo’s version in the movies. Unfortunately we weren’t able to get an answer about Neil Gaiman’s Death the High Cost of Living, which Guillermo had been shepherding since that would have to be affected by Sandman in some ways.

As far as his other projects, Guillermo is planning on focusing on the second season of “The Strain” in the last quarter of the year, then he hopes to shoot that “small movie” in February, and he’ll start pre-production (in terms of designing) on Pacific Rim 2 in three weeks with plans to shoot that in November 2015 until early 2016.

And further adding to the previous teases about the monsters vs. robots sequel that’s already out there, he told us, “We’re going to shoot part of Pacific Rim 2 in several locations so it’s not as set-driven as the first movie. We want to use locations and exteriors a lot more, and daylight. I’m trying to make a movie that feels like a direct continuation of the first one but it also brings a lot of stuff that is new.”
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I mean I get why they aren't using the tv show but I don't like it. Would be a place to cheaply do origins then pop them into a movie. Like cast the movie, have the actor make a guest spot on the tv show (arrow, flash, etc) for a few episodes.

But whatever...
Well at least they aren't leaving it out of the question, there is a chance that eventually they'll all meet up and be one united world.

But I agree, I do wish they would connect together.

Just happy that we are seeing all these shows.
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So for F4, technically it isn't based on any books because they are taking parts from different books so Kate Maras statement before was kind of misleading.

Also, Kinberg on the 4 Horsemen...

Simon Kinberg: I cannot answer your question, but they are ones we have seen before if you have read the comics. I cannot answer that. I know the answer to it, but we are still in the formal stages of figuring that out. But in truth, like everything you are developing a TV show or a movie, it could change. So I wouldn’t want to tell you one thing, and then six months from now you read somebody getting cast, oh because some focus group told them that this character was no good and it really is things change. Especially in Days of Future Past, the Quicksilver character was a young Juggernaut. When Bryan [Singer] came on, he thought the Juggeranut has already been exploited, and he didn’t think it was fresh enough. We went down the list of who is another mutant that could help Magneto escape in that sequence that could be a new visual, and he got excited about Quicksilver, because he saw this high speed photography that he wanted to use, and that became the kitchen sequence. That’s high speed photography is based on youtube clips that Bryan had seen. You just may never know, and that was a late game decision to cast young Juggernaut. There will be Four Horsemen I can tell you that.
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I still don't understand people questioning all the damage that was caused by the fighting in the movie. They are super powered beings who are fighting like dbz characters. Of course they're going to wreck a whole bunch of stuff.
To me it was just overboard for that situation word to the 9/11 comparisons. Just left a really bad taste as I watched it.

As said, Zod couldn't fly at the start so similar to the fight in Smallville, Supes could've just ram in to Zod and fly him to some deserted desert in Arizona and have them fight it out or back in to space for the easy win.
I still don't understand people questioning all the damage that was caused by the fighting in the movie. They are super powered beings who are fighting like dbz characters. Of course they're going to wreck a whole bunch of stuff.

superman isn't a DBZ character, if you like MOS, fine but it has nothing to do with superman, they are simply inventing a new character and using the intellectual property of superman to insure profit.

Man of steel is NOT superman.

they got basically nothing right.

the pa kent relationship was ridiculous, his death was absurd, the ridiculous fight scene, the tone, everything got wrong.

you might as well have aquman dumping plastic bottles in the ocean, or running his off shore drilling operation.
:lol: Your elaborate metaphors make me think that's how an Earth-3 Crime Syndicate comic would read. Aquaman drilling for oil, Wonder Woman a spoiled house wife, etc. :lol:

You should also check Mark Waid's reaction to MOS.
Still waiting for confirmation from that Phoenix reports. It's supposedly real close and might be announced tomorrow but there's been too many rumors that never pans out.

Dude could act so I wouldn't mind him though he is a bit crazy/weird off-screen which is kind of surprising that Disney is willing to deal with it.

Plus dude is already a well-known actor, I thought they'd do the usual and cast an up and coming actor.
Makes sense to me. Established actor, big enough name. Him being weird doesn't matter given they gave RDJR a chance and he was a bigger liability. Plus Johnny Depp is just as weird as Phoenix anyway.

Marvel hires up and comers for the other heroes but for a character they're allegedly trying to make the new focus of the MCU as they phase Stark out makes sense to go with their best shot.
I pretty much agree with Joe Quesadas take on the film

“As a comic book fan, I wanted to love that movie so much,” he said. “I wanted to love it so much, and I didn’t love it so much. Again, there are little things here and there that you could pick at and things like that, but I just think at the end of the day, Zod was the hero of the movie to me.”

“He wanted to save his race, and Superman didn’t let him,” Quesada continued. “Zod, in this particular incarnation, struck me as not necessarily an evil man, but a man of … he had a particular … he had his orders, he had a mission. He was a zealot of sorts, but he was a zealot … again, correct me if I’m wrong … but he didn’t say, ‘I want to rebuild Krypton,’ and then come back and destroy this little planet. ‘All I want is to rebuild this planet. And the only reason I’m blowing everything to bits here is because you’ve got what I want, and you’re not giving it to me. So please, give me my people, and I’ll leave.’”

I've read this it is stupid. :lol:

Dude wanted to kill all humans on Earth and replace them with Kryptonians. Zod didn't propose to get the codex and go to another planet and create their new world there. I've seen the film maybe 50 times to know this much.

Zod revealed his plans to Supes when he was in the ship, he asked him to join him. Zod did not care for any other race but his own and he has a machine to do just that and intended to use it.

Again, he showed all this to Supes.
It being a movie aside, the plot in this instance is contrived. Zod only threatened to kill all humans cuz Supes wouldn't give him a codex. In a movie where Jor-El was a better father than Pa Kent he ****** up by basically telling him not to trust Zod or simply be against him. I realize now there was very little of Supes kinda realizing this was the last of his ppl and he could've had some kinship if he approached this more rationally.

You want to rebuild your world and bring your ppl back? Fine. Here's the codex, go to Mars; End of movie.

Zod's main goal wasn't to wipe out humanity but with his ever growing impatience and his dedication he made that threat to make Supes give in. I can see why Osh is saying he didn't care about humanity. Look at the way he treated the situation in that fight. Humanity was basically collateral damage to Supes. Iquestion if he did learn anything from Pa Kent of value given his actions when he had to step up and how he lived his life up tot hat point. It also makes it worse he killed Zod in front of so many ppl. Would've been much better if he killed him in a secluded area. It really isn't a pro to spin it like they all saw Supes had no choice cuz he did.

As for the whole comics things where Supes has done wrong, killed or w/e and golden age jerk Superman who was pretty thoughtless, I think that's missing the point of the essence of Superman. Sure you probably could bring up instances from the comics in the 75+ years that might contradict somethings but overall when you think of Superman he's a hero. He's not the guy that's going to murder to save the day even if you're going with the this was a learning experience argument. Killing the way he did is pretty inexcusable.
Dumb move by DC.

I mean maybe 30 years from now they'll smarten up and have a Crisis on infinite Earths to connect all of these separate universes and have a cross over but right now it is dumb. Same with not taking advantage of connecting the tv show universe to the movies.

I can really see DC/WB being at fault if this superhero movie stuff ever crashes and burns :lol:
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I just don't see the point in NOT bringing over fans of one property into another property to increase profits, let alone connect a universe to tell richer stories.

Cameos and Easter eggs alone increase interest in movies. It builds hype. So why not capitalize?

Can you imagine how dumb it would be if Agents of Shield had nothing to do with the MCU?
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Would've been much better if he killed him in a secluded area. It really isn't a pro to spin it like they all saw Supes had no choice cuz he did.

Oh, my, *******, God. :smh:

:lol: maaaaan. :lol: :smh:
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It being a movie aside, the plot in this instance is contrived. Zod only threatened to kill all humans cuz Supes wouldn't give him a codex.

This isn't true. When Supes passed out in the ship and Zod spoke to him in his mind, he didn't just ask for the codex so he could leave Earth and inhabit somewhere else, he automatically showed the World Engine terraforming Earth and he demanded the codex. Zod trully believed that Jor-El wanted Earth destroyed and be the next Krypton (well he was lying of course when he said that as revealed later when he spoke to Jor-Els projection).

Supes also didn't have much of a choice when he killed Zod, again he had no idea how to stop Zod. There were no kryptonite to weaken him, he has no access to the Phantom Zone and he can't even beat him to submission or weakness him enough to or even a way to restraint him. Plus he was a newb.

And iirc there was only that one family inside that train station or whatever that place was.
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More Antman drop outs.

Comic-Con: Major Cast Exits On ‘Ant-Man’ Include Patrick Wilson

Don’t expect Patrick Wilson, Matt Gerard and Kevin Weisman to be at tomorrow’s Marvel Studios Hall H presentation at Comic-Con. That trio has dropped out of the ever morphing Ant-Man movie that has Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas and The Hobbit‘s Evangeline Lilly starring. The movie has been in some state of flux after director Edgar Wright dropped out over differences in creative vision with Marvel’s Kevin Feige, so not surprisingly there is speculation that the trio’s exit is for the same reason that Wright departed and was replaced by Peyton Reed. Marvel insiders adamantly dispute that.

We’re told by insiders that Gerard and Weisman’s characters were omitted in the newly evolved version of the script. Wilson, on the other hand, had a scheduling conflict as production on the movie got delayed, and that is why he won’t be there. Lilly is at Comic-Con to tour a childrens book and Peter Jackson’s final Hobbit installment, The Battle Of The Five Armies. We wouldn’t be surprised to see her at the Marvel panel along with Rudd, Douglas and Reed. Feige always pulls out the stops on Comic-Con, so we expect star-studded updates on Avengers: Age Of Ultron and some vamping on the imminent release Guardians Of The Galaxy. Feige is always good for a few surprises though it seems doubtful he’ll be able to bring in Joaquin Phoenix, who’ll star in Marvel’s Doctor Strange film.
I dont get the point of this movie. The game wasnt even that hard on hard mode. They have finally made a good zombie/survival horror game then they bastardize it from the gate :smh:

Watchdogs is a movie now too?
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I dont get the point of this movie. The game wasnt even that hard on hard mode. They have finally made a good zombie/survival horror game then they bastardize it from the gate :smh:

Watchdogs is a movie now too?


Yup watchdogs, along with Assassin's Creed, Warcraft, Angry Birds, Splinter Cell, another Tomb Raider.

Too bad Halo and Bioshock never materialized, with the right director and vision, both would have been :wow: :pimp:

Video Game movies are coming back in full which could be bad or good. :lol:
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It being a movie aside, the plot in this instance is contrived. Zod only threatened to kill all humans cuz Supes wouldn't give him a codex.

This isn't true. When Supes passed out in the ship and Zod spoke to him in his mind, he didn't just ask for the codex so he could leave Earth and inhabit somewhere else, he automatically showed the World Engine terraforming Earth and he demanded the codex. Zod trully believed that Jor-El wanted Earth destroyed and be the next Krypton (well he was lying of course when he said that as revealed later when he spoke to Jor-Els projection).

Supes also didn't have much of a choice when he killed Zod, again he had no idea how to stop Zod. There were no kryptonite to weaken him, he has no access to the Phantom Zone and he can't even beat him to submission or weakness him enough to or even a way to restraint him. Plus he was a newb.

And iirc there was only that one family inside that train station or whatever that place was.

That's where Clark comes in and says take the terraform world engine machine to Mars and then I'll give you the codex.

Easy way to temper Zod's enthusiasm to wipe out humanity and bring back his ppl.

Yes he did have a choice. Saying he had no idea how to stop him is a cop out. Just like you 75 years of Superman comics to point to him ******* up, there's 75 years worth of comics of him stopping strong ppl without killing them (including Zod). I mean the same time he snaps his neck he could've simply directed it in to the ground or away from ppl or blow some ice breath on his head or his use on his heat vision to stop Zod's or to distract Zod break his arm so that momentary pain would cause him to stop his heat vision or instead of holding on to Zod use his super speed to save the targeted humans or a plethora of other outs.
Would've been much better if he killed him in a secluded area. It really isn't a pro to spin it like they all saw Supes had no choice cuz he did.

Oh, my, *******, God. :smh:

:lol: maaaaan. :lol: :smh:
Yes CP, yes. There were so many other ways. I know you don't like it :lol:
More Antman drop outs.

Comic-Con: Major Cast Exits On ‘Ant-Man’ Include Patrick Wilson

Don’t expect Patrick Wilson, Matt Gerard and Kevin Weisman to be at tomorrow’s Marvel Studios Hall H presentation at Comic-Con. That trio has dropped out of the ever morphing Ant-Man movie that has Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas and The Hobbit‘s Evangeline Lilly starring. The movie has been in some state of flux after director Edgar Wright dropped out over differences in creative vision with Marvel’s Kevin Feige, so not surprisingly there is speculation that the trio’s exit is for the same reason that Wright departed and was replaced by Peyton Reed. Marvel insiders adamantly dispute that.

We’re told by insiders that Gerard and Weisman’s characters were omitted in the newly evolved version of the script. Wilson, on the other hand, had a scheduling conflict as production on the movie got delayed, and that is why he won’t be there. Lilly is at Comic-Con to tour a childrens book and Peter Jackson’s final Hobbit installment, The Battle Of The Five Armies. We wouldn’t be surprised to see her at the Marvel panel along with Rudd, Douglas and Reed. Feige always pulls out the stops on Comic-Con, so we expect star-studded updates on Avengers: Age Of Ultron and some vamping on the imminent release Guardians Of The Galaxy. Feige is always good for a few surprises though it seems doubtful he’ll be able to bring in Joaquin Phoenix, who’ll star in Marvel’s Doctor Strange film.
No drop outs. It says right in this what happened.

New writer wrote two of the actors out of the script in rewrites and the other one had conflict with his schedule since the production of Antman got pushed back.

I also I find it funny that title lists this as a major thing when I don't recognize any of the names :lol: and only recognize one face barely and another face for the wrong reasons :lol:
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Yup watchdogs, along with Assassin's Creed, Warcraft, Angry Birds, Splinter Cell, another Tomb Raider.

Too bad Halo and Bioshock never materialized, with the right director and vision, both would have been :wow: :pimp:

Video Game movies are coming back in full which could be bad or good. :lol:

Did you see what downloadable content did to games? Imagine what movies that could make 500M extra dollars could do to it? What about 1B? Game studios should be glad that they are the most profitable as is. GTA V did 800M in sales on day 1.

DLC made it so I can only bare to play 2 games a year. I used to know who was who, who worked where, who got laid off and made their own studios, who has exclusive and time-exclusive rights to what. Now I watched E3 for the first time in 5ish years and I was so underwhelmed. I admit part of it is growing up and not having the time.
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^True. The negatives would far outweigh the positives.

Also DLC's negatives far outweigh the positives it has too. Just look at the upcoming Batman game, Gamestop has exclusive DLC of Red Hood if you only preorder from them. Granted those store specific DLCs later get released, but still. :x :smh:

DLC is a cash cow for these companies.

The map packs for COD were sickening. :x :smh:
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That was just the tip of the iceberg. How many studios have been put on blast for selling DLC that was just locked disc content :smh:

I read about one game that there was no way to see the ending without the DLC. The game ends as if it was set up for a sequel but that ending was setting up the DLC.

This comic pretty much sums up the current game industry.!bmxTOm

Just swap out the last panel with (yes this is a real thing)

Props to Rockstar and Bethesda for actually putting in effort in their DLC.
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^oh snap, you visit dorkly too? :pimp: Read that last week and thought every one was true to the T. :smh:

Yeah capcom is notorious for locked disc content DLC.

Now I'm curious which game it is the one with the true ending being DLC. :nerd:
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