News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Green Lantern looks a whole lot better. I don't really know too much about Green Lantern, but, wasn't there another human before Hal Jordan?
Alan Scott but he was not a member of the Green Lantern Corp
That new Green Lantern cut:

They should fire the dude who let that first trailer out last year. Plenty of people putting this flick on block til DVD, because of that.

Looks ill though. The mask look kinda funky, but I'm down.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Green Lantern looks a whole lot better. I don't really know too much about Green Lantern, but, wasn't there another human before Hal Jordan?
Like dude said, Alan Scott.
After Hal, there was Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner.
guy gardner when he was in jsa and the antarctic jla dude was soo off the wall...def my favorite lantern...hal and kyle were to goody goody...jon was too military....alan scott too oldschool lmao.

guy gardner was like the edgier version of flash...kinda crazy though.
Guy Gardner's most lasting contribution to comics has been getting laid out flat by Batman with one punch
guy gardner when he was in jsa and the antarctic jla dude was soo off the wall...def my favorite lantern...hal and kyle were to goody goody...jon was too military....alan scott too oldschool lmao.

guy gardner was like the edgier version of flash...kinda crazy though.
I still remember All Star Batman/Robin when Batman arranged to meet Hal Jordan in a yellow room and Robin almost killed him. Miller was out of his damn mind writing that, but as a pure Batman fan, I loved it. 

Hal will always be my favorite Green Lantern though. Any guy who has the power to destroy the universe is ok in my book.
When Hal went crazy and became parallax was def. something special...because back then it was rare if not not been done for such a goody goody hero to just break and start slaughtering mofos left and right.

I mean when coast city was destroyed dude went ape but what major force did to rayner's girlfriend was sooo unsettling for me mostly because I was soo young and not used to that type of's only now I can appreciate what the writers were doing back then which was trying to mature the younger crowd through introducing true violence in comics in the 90's.
Id have to give the nod to Rayner. First GL comic I picked up had him in it.
I do like Stewart and Jordan. Gardner was okay, but I never liked him much.
the date is for captain america
 i made it dark because the pic i had from cap was missing his head
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Can't wait for a legit Deadpool movie!
supposedly its gonna be a rated R film and Ryan Reynolds says its gonna be bad-@ss, we shall see
Gon ( the little dinosaur issued from a manga and also appearing in Tekken 3 )Movie originally set to release in 2009 will release later this year or next year, I just read this online , hope it's true 
Damn man the Avengers is gonna be epic as hell. Captain America looks good from the trailer and Thor doesn't look bad,I wonder how they're gonna make this all work,gonna be fun to watch it happen thats for sure.

The Man of Steel,TDKR and The Avengers all coming out in 2012
I am going to go watch Green Lantern but honestly it looks kind of cheesy and a giant boxing glove would have been better then that machine gun.
So guys i've had this idea for a movie in my head for awhile and i shared it in the movie idea thread and i thought i might as well share it here, i'm kind of a comic book geek so this is just an idea i've had and i'm trying to develop a script and hopefully move forward with the project let me know what you guys think and comments/help would be awesome, thanks and enjoy the read.

"The Story of OMEGA"

In this Universe There is a super hero who is the equivalent of super man in his universe his name is,"OMEGA", he has super strength, super speed, invulnerability, the power of flight etc etc. But his powers are a bit different. For him to access or turn on his powers he has too charge up for about 5 seconds.

So now that you have the general idea of who he is here's the real story. On a regular summer day in Los Angeles Andrew Fields"OMEGA" walks into a bank to cash his weekly check from his job at a upper scale department store. As he walks in a man in all black clothing creeps behind him pulls down his ski mask and shoots him directly threw his skull and yells,"Everybody get the #$@! down this is a robbery!" and his 5-6 lackeys run in carrying huge guns and many duffle bags. Now although everyone is horrified at the fact that they've just witnessed a man get shot and killed and become absolutely horrified the real un-benounced tragedy is that they've not only witnessed a man get shot and killed but they also witnessed americas hero and the worlds guardian die before there eyes.

After the police and the help of your regular run of the mill super hero help stop the bank robbers, they make sure everyones safe and then take the body of "Omega" they read his license look him up and see he has criminal record and has not a blemish of any kind to his name, they also see he has no family in his records of any kind and no known girlfriend But they also see that he is a registered organ donor so they hurry as fast as possible to save what organs they can, like his heart, lungs, kidneys, liver ETC ETC. And like they do with all organs that are donated they give them to the people of the world who really need them.

Now this is where the fun begins. Just like you'd imagine the organ donor list is packed! And many people all over the US need these organs, All of them are different in that some are small, tall, fat, skinny, young, old, black, white,mexican. You name it the list is full of all different kinds of people. So my idea from here is to have random people receive one of his organs like an old lady with super speed, or a 3rd grader with flight, a regular teenager in the slums with laser vision, a depressed man in his late 30's with a sudden great knowledge of science and tech, and a cop who is shaken by the death of his partner or family member who receives more then just one power he would receive flight and super strength due to the fact that he receives more then 1 organ he gets more then one power the only thing they all have in common power wise is that they are all given the power of invulnerability. Well from here i would want them to all basically suck and do terrible until they all realize who each other is and what has happened and to form somewhat of a team with the ex cop leading the helm. And together they would fight crime against the dangers of the earth and ordinary villains and i want them to help each other get better and grow stronger but after a year of being together i would like to have the 30 something year old guy with the power of basically a super brain just turn evil and try to get everyones organs to become the supreme villain and ruler of earth during the second half of the movie and really shake things up. And only as a team will they prevail and defeat there former friend and new foe!

Sorry for the long read but thats my story/movie and any feedback on all of this would be awesome! If you didn't read well then your lose!
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