News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

the crow ?!!??!?!?!


man, these studios are getting more desperate. the more these newbies eat into the hype, the more these studios think they can get away with massacre.

THANK YOU newbies for feeding into this awful frenzy and allowing these studios to get away with murder.
Someone school me on the Cosmic Cube
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

The Avengers movie drops next summer right?
....cosmic cube??? What the hell is it? And how/why can Loki change his appearance to that of others? Also, how do people from Asgard travel to Earth? Can Loki do it freely???
Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

i don't know who that guy is but he kind of looks like Jaws from the bond movies.
they're remaking The Crow?  +%#?  Brandon Lee will be rolling over in his grave if the remake turns out to be terrible.
Isn't that the dude from Boardwalk Empire??
Yeh it's that crazy feds 
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Someone school me on the Cosmic Cube
why?  is it going to be in a movie?
basically there are several cosmic cubes in the marvel universe that give the possessor extra power like time travel, teleportation, information, etc.  The catch is that each cosmic cube is a sentient being and once it matures it becomes that being.
yea exactly the beyonder I think was a cosmic cube...BUT in the Illuminati series, the beyonder is an inhuman who was exposed to the terragen gas and become something beyond inhuman. Exciting stuff.
possible spoilers....
Spoiler [+]
"Nick Fury arrives to New Mexico and talks to Professor Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) about the Tesseract (cosmic cube). And it's revealed that he's (Selvig) actually Loki." In case of any confusion, they're not implying that Selvig is Loki DURING the film, but only in this scene.
Finally!! - Marion Cottilard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt OFFICIALLY sign on to The Dark Knight Rises - Roles Revealed - NOT WHO WE ALL THOUGHT THEY WOULD PLAY

All this unfortunately means is that we have to stop believing in the rumors, especially when it comes to Nolan and Batman...everyone was wrong when it came to these 2 roles
oh man i'm more hype for the x-men first class movie than any other comic book film this year.

My first comic I ever got was uncanny x-men 277 and i've stayed with the x-men all this time...def hype.

Originally Posted by MrONegative

realtalk, I know it's fiction...but still:

lifting a nuclear submarine out of the water.....requires a lot of force. Have you ever tried to pick something up underwater


Originally Posted by Rick2345

So guys i've had this idea for a movie in my head for awhile and i shared it in the movie idea thread and i thought i might as well share it here, i'm kind of a comic book geek so this is just an idea i've had and i'm trying to develop a script and hopefully move forward with the project let me know what you guys think and comments/help would be awesome, thanks and enjoy the read.

"The Story of OMEGA"

In this Universe There is a super hero who is the equivalent of super man in his universe his name is,"OMEGA", he has super strength, super speed, invulnerability, the power of flight etc etc. But his powers are a bit different. For him to access or turn on his powers he has too charge up for about 5 seconds.

So now that you have the general idea of who he is here's the real story. On a regular summer day in Los Angeles Andrew Fields"OMEGA" walks into a bank to cash his weekly check from his job at a upper scale department store. As he walks in a man in all black clothing creeps behind him pulls down his ski mask and shoots him directly threw his skull and yells,"Everybody get the #$@! down this is a robbery!" and his 5-6 lackeys run in carrying huge guns and many duffle bags. Now although everyone is horrified at the fact that they've just witnessed a man get shot and killed and become absolutely horrified the real un-benounced tragedy is that they've not only witnessed a man get shot and killed but they also witnessed americas hero and the worlds guardian die before there eyes.

After the police and the help of your regular run of the mill super hero help stop the bank robbers, they make sure everyones safe and then take the body of "Omega" they read his license look him up and see he has criminal record and has not a blemish of any kind to his name, they also see he has no family in his records of any kind and no known girlfriend But they also see that he is a registered organ donor so they hurry as fast as possible to save what organs they can, like his heart, lungs, kidneys, liver ETC ETC. And like they do with all organs that are donated they give them to the people of the world who really need them.

Now this is where the fun begins. Just like you'd imagine the organ donor list is packed! And many people all over the US need these organs, All of them are different in that some are small, tall, fat, skinny, young, old, black, white,mexican. You name it the list is full of all different kinds of people. So my idea from here is to have random people receive one of his organs like an old lady with super speed, or a 3rd grader with flight, a regular teenager in the slums with laser vision, a depressed man in his late 30's with a sudden great knowledge of science and tech, and a cop who is shaken by the death of his partner or family member who receives more then just one power he would receive flight and super strength due to the fact that he receives more then 1 organ he gets more then one power the only thing they all have in common power wise is that they are all given the power of invulnerability. Well from here i would want them to all basically suck and do terrible until they all realize who each other is and what has happened and to form somewhat of a team with the ex cop leading the helm. And together they would fight crime against the dangers of the earth and ordinary villains and i want them to help each other get better and grow stronger but after a year of being together i would like to have the 30 something year old guy with the power of basically a super brain just turn evil and try to get everyones organs to become the supreme villain and ruler of earth during the second half of the movie and really shake things up. And only as a team will they prevail and defeat there former friend and new foe!

Sorry for the long read but thats my story/movie and any feedback on all of this would be awesome! If you didn't read well then your lose!

sounds like a solid idea but i would change that 5 second rule and instead of making it a full length film make it a TV series similar to heroes with multiple protagonist
Yeah, the Avengers is probably my most anticipated movie since Revenge of the Sith.  Good to know that they're starting already and I'm hopeful we could get some type of teaser by SDCC.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Sweet. I like how they have started filming for The Avengers. I am pretty juiced for Thor.

--I'm watching a free sneak preview of Thor this Saturday.

--Give y'all a review this weekend.

--Natalie Portman though...

--Magneto's helmet in First Class > his helmet in the first 3 X-Men movies.
--Movie looks legit. Will be watching opening weekend...
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Sweet. I like how they have started filming for The Avengers. I am pretty juiced for Thor.

--I'm watching a free sneak preview of Thor this Saturday.

--Give y'all a review this weekend.

--Natalie Portman though...


watched it yesterday. it was better than expected but a bit short. looked amazing in 3d imax. natalie portman looked smoking as usual.
remember to stay after the credits to watch the easter egg about the avengers.
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