New York State Lawmakers Reject Gay Marriage Bill

I dont why do gay people make it a big deal to get married if (to me) marriage is a religious thing.

They dont need a title or paper to state theyre a couple.

Legally I dont see a reason, just IMO.

and there are other continuing of species opinions I have but theyre pretty obvious so I dont want to get flamed....
I never expected NY to okay this. I'm pretty sure this state won't be anywhere near the forefront of passing this bill when eventually many otherstates do. Probably in the middle 5-7 years from now.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

^ to most people marriage has nothing to do with religion.
Yeah but the history of marriage dates back to religion doesn't it?
Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
sucks......but it's only a matter of time before gay marriage and marijuana use becomes legal nationwide. i've been saying it for a while.

progress is slow but inevitable.
Thank you for letting me not have to be "that guy" this time Cage...

This cat Nako and many others, have that seed of self hatred and Tomishness planted deep within their psyche. How do you preemptively turn a gay marriagethread into an attack on "socially conservative minorities"?

I'm sure that all of those Bible thumping Blacks and Latinos were the cause of similarlegislation failing in Maine as well

Forget the fact that the legislation passed through a NYS Assembly, which has a significant Black and Latino membership or that a Black Governor showed strongsupport for the Bill...there must be a way to place blame on minorities somehow...even if it has nothing to do with the core of the discussion. Right?



Senator Thomas K. Duane, the sponsor of same-sex marriage legislation, embraced Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson after she announced her support for the bill during the debate on the senate floor on Wednesday in Albany
The state's Roman Catholic bishops, who had actively lobbied against the bill, said they were pleased by the vote.
"While the Catholic Church rejects unjust discrimination against homosexual men and women, there is no question that marriage by its nature is the union of one man and one woman," Richard E. Barnes, the executive director of the New York State Catholic Conference, said in a statement.

In the end, it was not an issue that broke down along racial lines, or even religious and agnostic divisions. In fact, nine of the Senate's 11 black members voted in support of same-sex marriage.

As far as the vote, the opinion of NY'ers on the gay marriage issue was split pretty evenly, so this vote was essentially left to the whim of individualsenators.

While I don't agree with homosexuality at all, I don't see how elected officials can keep perpetrating this kind of social double standard.

At least deep south Jim Crow politicians shot from the hip. How are you going to proclaim to be pro-gay rights but against gay marriage? Word to JoeBiden...Makes no sense and shows the true character of most politicains.

At the end of the day though...fiyah buns.
Obviously some of you have no idea of how the NYS Assembly is composed. NY State is split between left and right with the left being Downstate and the rightcontrolling Upstate. You had better believe that the minority upstate flexed their muscle and got those on the fence Downstate to help.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject inschool.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is,how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, atradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

And for the record, I am not self hating and I dont hate others.
Good, as soon as you legalize gay marriage, all the gay guys are gonna try to violate your booty hole because all of you guys are so irresistible

Ignorance at it's finest.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....

Really? Is it older than the oldest religion?

That is the first time I heard that. Is it older than Judaism?
Whether gay people get married or not doesn't affect me at all so it's not for me to say whether it's bad or good. What I find curious is thatalthough NY State as a whole is generally conservative, I think it's a bit unusual that a state from a generally progressive part of the nation wouldcontinue to vote against this kind of bill.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....

Really? Is it older than the oldest religion?

That is the first time I heard that.
Im a Christian...but you dont think Ancient Egyptians, Chinese weren't married?
waaaaaaaaaaay too many Catholics in NY state for that bill to pass.

if liberal states like NY and CA ain't rockin wit da gay movement then da rainbow party has to better convey they argument to exist.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

And for the record, I am not self hating and I dont hate others.

Well I wasn't trying to give an agrument I was just stating a fact & as far as the other stuff I don't want to even get into that.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....

Really? Is it older than the oldest religion?

That is the first time I heard that. Is it older than Judaism?
It most likely is. I hope you know people have been around longer than the current religions have been around.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....

Really? Is it older than the oldest religion?

That is the first time I heard that.
Im a Christian...but you dont think Ancient Egyptians, Chinese weren't married?
Exactly. Marriage was here before Christianity. Christians just stole adopted it like theyhave with other "ideas" from different cultures/civilizations.
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Who cares about the history of it
That doesn't mean it can't represent different things to different people today.
You just deleted your argument right there IMO. Who cares about history? I do. My favorite subject in school.

But as far as it representing something different, how can others change what is ours, but accuse us of changing it for our own benefits? What I am saying is, how can people take an idea from the bible and pimp it as their own? You cant expect us to vote in favor of something we are against, plus on top of that, a tradition that was created for the people (specifically man and wife) of God.

Marriage is older than Christianity or any of today's religions....

Really? Is it older than the oldest religion?

That is the first time I heard that. Is it older than Judaism?
Rigveda by 1k
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Thank you for letting me not have to be "that guy" this time Cage...

This guy and many others, have that seed of self hatred and Tomishness planted deep within their psyche. How do you preemptively turn a gay marriage thread into an attack on "socially conservative minorities".

But i'm sure that all of those Bible thumping Blacks and Latinos were the cause of similar legislation failing in Maine as well

Forget the fact that the legislation passed through a NYS' Assembly, which has a significant Black and Latino membership or that a Black Governor showed strong support for the Bill...there must be a way to place blame on minorities somehow...even if it has nothing to do with the core of the discussion. Right?

A. I've told you several times before not to call me an Uncle Tom or self-hating. You accuse me of personal-attacks and the likes yet youalways fire the first shots. I'd like to keep this debate vaguely intelligent, so I'm going to warn you again. If you wanna debate, let's debate. leave that personal +*@% elsewhere.

B. The state in discussion is New York. New York State. The senator in question is Ruben Diaz Sr. a Black Latino minister who has taken it on himself to bethe face of the anti-gay marriage movement here in New York. He campaigned in Harlem, the Bronx, and other low income areas. He is the ONLY conservativesenator willing to speak on the topic, the rest just voted and avoided the press. He made one valid point regarding, in his opinion, more important issuesregarding the state economy and unemployment taking precednt, but that doesn't change the fact that he is, I'm sorry, a bible-thumping bigot.

nytimes article about diaz

No one is blaming minorities at all. I said the chief opponent of the legislation was a black and minority minister. Was I lying?

YOU try to turn everything into a race war. I simply stated that as a Black it upset me that politicians love to turn to the lower-income and minoritypopulations (those typically closer to their churches/temples/faiths) for help when it suits them, but when the real issues arise they're nowhere to befound.

I made the same point regarding the consitution. When it's to their benefit politicians argue, "well the fore-fathers didn't intend for it to beinterpreted literally, but for you to decipher their intent" but when they have nothing to gain from it, for example DURING THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, theargument in Congress was "oh well, Blacks weren't mentioned as equal citizens, but rather the contrary, so when they said all citizens they're notreferring to them." That is the same argument being used now, so I'm sorry Cage, Haze, and any others who can't see ANY similarities between thefights for race equality, gender equality, and now equal rights for straight and homosexual citizens, you're either being naive or willfully blind.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

As far as the vote, the opinion of NY'ers on the gay marriage issue was split pretty evenly, so this vote was essentially left to the whim of individual senators.

While I don't agree with homosexuality at all, I don't see how elected officials can keep perpetrating this kind of social double standard.

At least deep south Jim Crow politicians shot from the hip. How are you going to proclaim to be pro-gay rights but against gay marriage? Word to Joe Biden...Makes no sense and shows the true character of most politicains.

I agree with you.
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