[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

You know... a 4 run lead is not insurmountable.

But this game just "feels" like it's over.
What blows is that Jerry said he was going to give David and Sheff a day off tomm with Gallardo pitching, I can't even fathom that lineup,

The game vs Pitt then 3 with the Phillies on the road is a crucial 4 game stretch....but its a bit unfair to even expect the current roster to fight for aplayoff spot. Amazing how poorly the Phillies have played this year (and the National League as a whole).
I don't know who won today (I'm watching the encore now). But I'm guessing from Mez's reaction, that we lost. Again.

Anyway, here is the post I tried to make earlier this morning. YUKU apparently ate it.


I had also included these pics too. So maybe YUKU is a Mets fan and didn't want this embarrassment posted:


NL East has turned into the NL West of the past all of a sudden.

That Fernando slip was just tough luck in bad field conditions, @%@* happens unfortunately.

...as for my reaction, he smirks for a reason
Knew the Mets were gonna find a way to win, even when they were down 5-0.

They always seem to have these types of games with the Pirates.
Feels great to be back, getting banned FTL
Great game for the Metsies, thought for sure they'd lose the way they've been playing
When are Maine or Perez coming back? Redding's gotta go. One good start, he showed some promise and that was it.

Nieve ?
I was thinking of getting tickets this week when the Dodgers came to town. But I don't want to pay 60$ to see our horrible line up.. Damn injuries!!!
Redding is probably going to keep starting until Ollie shows the Mets SOMETHING.

Maine is scheduled to make one more rehab start before joining the club, Ollie is making a rehab start today.
I can't be the only one who constantly thinks %+* is up with Minaya and Manuel. Especially Manuel.
I mean who the %%*# are they?

Manuel is at best an average Manager so why the %%*# does he seem untouchable?
Honestly, what's going on?

Not only does Manuel constantly make mistakes but it's apparent that there is something very wrong with his managing style.

Again why is he so untouchable?

btw, I also love the argument that the obese douche on the radio makes. Manuel is 15 games over .500 as the Met manager so that somehow shows that he'sgood.
Oh you think? You think with nearly a $150 million payroll 15 games is great over nearly 2 years?
POS argument if I ever heard one. Every time I hear it it tilts me.

The Mets are disgusting.
Damn, you are MAD.


Anyway... yeah, I don't really see the HUGE difference between Willie and Jerry that the media and some ppl say. People were bashing Willie but Jerry hasbasically gotten a pass for the same types of/similar situations as Willie.

Which is fine b/c you have to at least give him (Jerry) a chance to prove himself.

And the fact that Jerry has this injury-plagued club within striking distance of 1st should be reason enough to give him a pass right now.

That is what makes him "untouchable' at the moment. How can you fire a manager when he has no real team to manage?
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Damn, you are MAD.


Anyway... yeah, I don't really see the HUGE difference between Willie and Jerry that the media and some ppl say. People were bashing Willie but Jerry has basically gotten a pass for the same types of/similar situations as Willie.

Which is fine b/c you have to at least give him (Jerry) a chance to prove himself.

And the fact that Jerry has this injury-plagued club within striking distance of 1st should be reason enough to give him a pass right now.

That is what makes him "untouchable' at the moment. How can you fire a manager when he has no real team to manage?

Yeh I'm mad.

THis dude makes mistakes all the $%!@%% time. It's clear that team politics intrude on his in game decisions. Many of his decisions are completely bizarro.

How long does he need to prove himself? He's been a mediocre manager his entire career. So basically he gets a free pass this year and what then? Watch himmake idiotic decisions and pick favorites amongst the players next year?

I think he showed his true colors when he didn't even go to argue that run taken away from Church after he missed the bag.
First of all even if he knew Church missed the bag,not only is a run being taken away that is crucial to the outcomeof the game itself, but how can you not argue that call even if the run wasn't crucial?
Calling a player out on missing the bag (in a purely running the bases situation) is called so seldom and that's not even mentioning that it was a crucialrun.

He's a big reason why the Mets imploded lasts year and were mediocre this year even when many were healthy.

Who the *%%% is he?

I mean, seriously.

Is he Lasorda or Larussa or Torre, etc.

Who the *%%% is this dude?

I only care because isn't what's going on so obvious?
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Okay, So I was reading some of the blogs and I guess the mets had to deal with another event at their hotel in Pitt yesterday.


I really just couldn't stop laughing. All I was thinking while reading was the entourage episode with Turtle and Drama. Also, click on the Kevin Burkheart part in the article. The person does look like Ralph from the simpsons.
Keith was talking about getting into the elevator with the furries during the game

Keith prolly made an apperance there later himself
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