NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Way to go Allen. Traded a key asset for crap and making your sixth man mad because you want to go after a player that you don't even need. If Rudy leaves to go overseas, this will just make me

The NBA is a business, Rudy needs to stop crying because his BFF is gone and go play ball
They can't frontload it because they don't have the capspace to frontload it. They have 9-10 million this year, so they would have to start from thebottom up. It might just be 10 mil each year though.

The NBA is a business, Rudy needs to stop crying because his BFF is gone and go play ball
With Ben Gordon heading to Detroit, Portland looking for a PG and Rudy being mad wouldn't a Kirk Hinrich for Rudy Fernandez make sense?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

With Ben Gordon heading to Detroit, Portland looking for a PG and Rudy being mad wouldn't a Kirk Hinrich for Rudy Fernandez make sense?
I'd like the look of that for both teams. But I think Rudy would want a bigger role, I think he liked his role in POR, but was seeking more.

I think Rudy would enjoy going to a small-market team to be a starter than go to a team like CHI where he won't get as much burn.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

They can't frontload it because they don't have the capspace to frontload it. They have 9-10 million this year, so they would have to start from the bottom up. It might just be 10 mil each year though.
Ah, indeed... Even still, if it's a flat $10M per, that's NOT a bad deal...
Originally Posted by CP1708

I can't think of a contract that the value goes down per year. If I'm wrong, then hey, no problem there and I'll say as much. But you bettin on Hedo makin less money as the years go by? I'd be surprised big time.

Just off hand, Matt Carroll comes to mind... Didn't Joe Johnson's contract do the same? It's been done... Like bhz said, I hadn't thought aboutthem being unable to do that because of the cap situation, but it IS possible...
And even still, a straight $10M per isn't out of the question, I wouldn't think...

As for the shots per game thing...

2009 Lakers - 44 shots/game (Kobe, Pau, Bynum); Odom took another 9...
2008 Celtics - 42 shots/game (Garnett, Pierce, Ray); Rondo another 9...
2007 Spurs - 40 shots/game (Duncan, Parker, Manu)
2006 Heat - 43 shots/game (Wade, Shaq, Walker); Jason Williams another 10...
2005 Spurs - 41 (Duncan, Parker, Manu); Glenn Robinson another 9...
2004 Piston - 40 (Billups, Rip, Sheed); Another 17 between Ben and Tayshaun...
2003 Spurs - 40 (Duncan, Parker, Jackson)
2002 Lakers - 50 (Shaq, Kobe, Fisher)
2001 Lakers - 50 (Shaq, Kobe, Fisher)

So you're looking at ~40+ shots a game from your top three for ANY championship team...

And I don't think it's a ridiculously crazy notion to believe Roy and Aldridge would see a moderate drop in their shots every night with another viablescorer in the fold, and I don't think it's crazy to think either would be absolutely OK with that... Their third scorer last year was Travis freakingOutlaw... Be serious...
Ok, like I said, if it's 10 10 etc etc, fair enough.

But if the deal calls for 12-13 mill at age 35, ya'll still down with this deal?

Rudy for Hinrich will not happen. Rudy is BELOVED in this area. They literally have adopted this guy like he's a prince or something. I don't knowif they would take Lebron for Rudy, honestly.
They would riot overKirk Hinrich whom 95 percent of these people have never even heard of.

Basketball sense wise, sounds fine by me. Rose would get Rudy the shots he needs, Kirk would be an upgrade over Blake.

Mike, was this a fair enough for you analysis of a Blazers move, or am I still dumb?
i thought Elton Brand got his contract front loaded when the heat gave him that big @%! offer a few years ago?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Ok, like I said, if it's 10 10 etc etc, fair enough.

But if the deal calls for 12-13 mill at age 35, ya'll still down with this deal?
Meh, I still don't think it's awful...

Assuming they use all their space this summer (let's say 9M, probably short-changing it a bit), and they can max out the raises (8%/year) ...

2009 - 9M
2010 - 9.72M
2011 - 10.5M
2112 - 11.34M

Puts you right at $40.5M through the first four years, so you really don't even have to max the raises out... They won't get into $12-13M in those lastcouple of years, I don't think, unless they cut the first year well short of $9M...
man.. if i'm chicago and the blazers offer rudy and outlaw for hinrich, i would do that in a heartbeat

does anyone have any info on what the 76ers might do?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Ok, like I said, if it's 10 10 etc etc, fair enough.

But if the deal calls for 12-13 mill at age 35, ya'll still down with this deal?
Meh, I still don't think it's awful...

Assuming they use all their space this summer (let's say 9M, probably short-changing it a bit), and they can max out the raises (8%/year) ...

2009 - 9M
2010 - 9.72M
2011 - 10.5M
2112 - 11.34M

Puts you right at $40.5M through the first four years, so you really don't even have to max the raises out... They won't get into $12-13M in those last couple of years, I don't think, unless they cut the first year well short of $9M...

But it's still not THE piece, which I think is CP's point. Had they made the WCF last year, then sure, it's more reasonable. But to him (and Idon't know why I'm answering for him), and I agree with him, it just seems like a lot for a guy that age. I fully understand you have to overpay todraw guys from their current team (see: Larry Hughes going to Cleveland), but it just seems like a lot to pay. Not to mention, someone who is a key player onthat team, Outlaw, may be gone, so you don't have the same makeup. And don't get me wrong, if we're proven to be fools after next year and theBlazers go to the WCF or Finals, I'll eat it publicly. Maybe even buy Chester a Turk jersey...
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

With Ben Gordon heading to Detroit, Portland looking for a PG and Rudy being mad wouldn't a Kirk Hinrich for Rudy Fernandez make sense?
Couple things, I am completely glad Sergio is gone, he was terrible to watch play. Mike D'antoni would LOVE him. Now, Portland has SteveBlake. Kirk is Blake 2.0, twice the price, but not twice as good of a player. He is only a marginal upgrade over Blake. He is much better defensively, but hecan not shoot they way Blake can. I am not a fan of this move that a lot of Blazer fans talk about.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Ok, like I said, if it's 10 10 etc etc, fair enough.

But if the deal calls for 12-13 mill at age 35, ya'll still down with this deal?

Rudy for Hinrich will not happen. Rudy is BELOVED in this area. They literally have adopted this guy like he's a prince or something. I don't know if they would take Lebron for Rudy, honestly.
They would riot over Kirk Hinrich whom 95 percent of these people have never even heard of.

Basketball sense wise, sounds fine by me. Rose would get Rudy the shots he needs, Kirk would be an upgrade over Blake.

Mike, was this a fair enough for you analysis of a Blazers move, or am I still dumb?
Why do you try so hard to make Blazer fans look so dumb? You know you are only kidding yourself, I could point out about how 75% of Laker fans arecomplete tools that go way beyond what you say Blazer fans are like... Rudy is well liked up here because he is an exciting player to watch. No single fan Iknow adores him they way you claim. All I have heard on all the Blazer forums I frequent is that the consensus is that Rudy should be traded while he still hasvalue. He does not fit in with this team. I think Hedo would be a nice ADDITION, but not the ANSWER for a TITLE.

Your telling me that a Team that has Roy, Aldridge, Hedo and Oden starting with whom ever out there at PG would not be exciting to watch? Portland finishedtied for the 2nd best record in the West in a season in which all the "experts" and all of you here on NT said they wouldn't even sniff theplayoffs. How can you try to say that thir core, of extremely young, players cannot compete for the West next season with the addition of Hedo? This is not thebaby bulls we are talking about. We have a proven Star in Roy who is one of the most clutch players in the league, a potential All-Star in Aldridge and aprospect center in Oden who still has an enormous upside of potential.

I swear most of the people talking in this thread have watched about one Blazer game total this season, and it was probably a playoff game... Its funny to hearyou all try to talk about Portland, and what the "have" and "need" like you are a fan or something or have followed them for the last 16years.
Just get behind your favorite team hard for next year, becausePortland is going to turn even more heads again this season. And a big fat
to whom ever was talking garbage about Kevin Pritchard... He completely rebuilt the WORST team in the league into a title contender in a mere 4-5years, entirely through the draft and draft day trades. So +$#! that noise.

Ok bro, you're right. I don't live here too. I don't sit and listen to all these tools here wearin their Rudy jersey's and havin his picturesin their cube. I don't see that.

And keep gassin Pritchard, someday you will call me and tell me I was right. Paul, Durant, mismanaging the Sergio trade, D Miles contract/email situation, nottrading a key contract in Lafrentz, now possibly overpaying for Hedo. You're right, dude's a genius.

And you saying they won't be exciting, who gives a @#$% about exciting, we're talking TITLE. WIN. That's it. Save exciting for the HarlemGlobetrotters. And rest assured, I have watched plenty a Blazer game. Trust. I'm not like you guys, I watch teams I can't stand just for situationssuch as these.
Couple things, I am completely glad Sergio is gone, he was terrible to watch play. Mike D'antoni would LOVE him. Now, Portland has Steve Blake. Kirk is Blake 2.0, twice the price, but not twice as good of a player. He is only a marginal upgrade over Blake. He is much better defensively, but he can not shoot they way Blake can. I am not a fan of this move that a lot of Blazer fans talk about.
Kirk is 100% the player Blake will EVER be
The Raptors are preparing to offer Hedo 5 years/ 60 mil so he might not even go to Portland after all.
I swear most of the people talking in this thread have watched about one Blazer game total this season, and it was probably a playoff game... Its funny to hear you all try to talk about Portland, and what the "have" and "need" like you are a fan or something or have followed them for the last 16 years.
so you have to be a die hard fan of a team to comment on them?

NVM CP keep the bashing up
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

The Raptors are preparing to offer Hedo 5 years/ 60 mil so he might not even go to Portland after all.
Now that is grossly overpaying for Turk
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I swear most of the people talking in this thread have watched about one Blazer game total this season, and it was probably a playoff game... Its funny to hear you all try to talk about Portland, and what the "have" and "need" like you are a fan or something or have followed them for the last 16 years.
so you have to be a die hard fan of a team to comment on them?

NVM CP keep the bashing up

Oh snap if we went thru all this all day and Hedo goes to Toronto.
Damn armchair GM's.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I swear most of the people talking in this thread have watched about one Blazer game total this season, and it was probably a playoff game... Its funny to hear you all try to talk about Portland, and what the "have" and "need" like you are a fan or something or have followed them for the last 16 years.
so you have to be a die hard fan of a team to comment on them?

NVM CP keep the bashing up
!#%@ is annoying...

Not surprising it's coming from who it's coming from though...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

With Ben Gordon heading to Detroit, Portland looking for a PG and Rudy being mad wouldn't a Kirk Hinrich for Rudy Fernandez make sense?
I'd like the look of that for both teams. But I think Rudy would want a bigger role, I think he liked his role in POR, but was seeking more.

I think Rudy would enjoy going to a small-market team to be a starter than go to a team like CHI where he won't get as much burn.
I would assume Rudy would start or, at the very least, be the sixth man on Chicago. Who would get minutes over him with Gordon gone? Salmons? That's his only real competition for minutes.
Toronto GM is the same dude that turned the suns around right? so i guess he lost his touch cause he ant done #$!@ up there
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

The Raptors are preparing to offer Hedo 5 years/ 60 mil so he might not even go to Portland after all.
Now that is grossly overpaying for Turk

BC will get fired for if this if doesn't work out.
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