Naked gunman kills 4 at a waffle house in nashville

I do not even think Donald Trump is actually president or has any real power. He's just a puppet to make a mockery out of all of us.

it's ignorant to assume the president has absolute power to effect real change, but a lot of people do. the role of the president is also to be the face of the government so it makes sense why he gets credit or blame for..whatever. and i mean the present in general, not trump.

having said that, the president does have a level of power and influence i think it matters who is in that position. but ever since metal gear solid 2, i've always pondered about some secret society that REALLY runs **** in this country lol. idk.

i only know of politicians who are bought by special interests who only work to keep their constituents votes and to promote some personal bs agenda under the guise of bettering the country as a whole. all of Congress needs to be swapped with young people who are up to date this includes science, tech, medicine.
FBI seized this guy's AR15 a few months back...gave it back to his Dad....who gives it back to his clearly unstable son....

Apparently this guy stole a car off a dealership lot last week.

Goes out and commits this heinous act with aforementioned weapon.

Taken into custody alive.

Crazy to think about.

Had 2 more guns on him when arrested. Cops didn't fear for their lives.
Thier is a secret society that runs the government. Ain't much of secret but the people behind it don't get easily revealed, unless your in the loop.

Free masons, illuminati, etc. I won't go deep into it but if you do your homework you'll find the truth yourself.
Off-topic but the president absolutely has the power to create significant changes, good or bad. Not necessarily directly but change nonetheless.
-Judiciary appointments: The president can appoint federal judges, which are ultimately confirmed by Congress but the WH is selecting the nominees in the first place.
-Supreme Court appointment: The president can nominate a SC judge if there is a vacancy. That's a lifelong position. Again it is ultimately Congress that has to confirm the appointment. Or block it entirely like the GOP did with Obama's nominee.
-Attorney General appointment: The president has to nominate a head of the Justice Department. The current AG is Jeff Sessions, a man who was denied a federal judge position ~30 years ago over allegations of racial discrimination. Now he's running the DOJ.

Healthcare, immigration, economy, war, ...

There's so many aspects in which the president holds significant influence, which is why it is important to pay attention. Perhaps the greatest reminder is to always remember what George Bush and VP **** Cheney did. With a lot of help from many others throughout government and the military industrial complex of course but **** Cheney was pulling a lot of the strings at the very top and he wasn't even president.
A notorious figure in the Bush administration, John Bolton, was recently picked by the current president to be his national security adviser. John Bolton is a strong supporter of war with Iran, still stands behind the Iraq war 100% to this day and has written an op-ed advocating for a pre-emptive first strike on North Korea as recently as 2016 for example. These are not inconsequential decisions.
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it's ignorant to assume the president has absolute power to effect real change, but a lot of people do. the role of the president is also to be the face of the government so it makes sense why he gets credit or blame for..whatever. and i mean the present in general, not trump.

having said that, the president does have a level of power and influence i think it matters who is in that position. but ever since metal gear solid 2, i've always pondered about some secret society that REALLY runs **** in this country lol. idk.

i only know of politicians who are bought by special interests who only work to keep their constituents votes and to promote some personal bs agenda under the guise of bettering the country as a whole. all of Congress needs to be swapped with young people who are up to date this includes science, tech, medicine.
This is some “both side are the same” BS. The president can dictate climate. Climate changes everything. That’s not debatable, that’s a fact
Thier is a secret society that runs the government. Ain't much of secret but the people behind it don't get easily revealed, unless your in the loop.

Free masons, illuminati, etc. I won't go deep into it but if you do your homework you'll find the truth yourself.

That's exactly what they want you to believe. The tin foil hatters think too hard (not saying you are one). Now there are politicians who are in the pockets of multinational banks, defense industries, corporations, but the idea of a secret cabal pulling all of the strings is meant to divert your attention away from the crooks that are right in front of you.
The way this county is ran, I wouldn't be surprised if a hero got to the hospital with life threatening injuries and they let him die because his insurance wouldn't cover the procedure.
That's exactly what they want you to believe. The tin foil hatters think too hard (not saying you are one). Now there are politicians who are in the pockets of multinational banks, defense industries, corporations, but the idea of a secret cabal pulling all of the strings is meant to divert your attention away from the crooks that are right in front of you.
I'm not gonna say your wrong, but the same day that Florida shooting happen the nsa building was attacked thier were little to no coverage on that incident. Just sayin. Ain't no conspiracy theroist but cmon. Let's not be blinded by what the media tries to feed us from the real truth or what happens when America gets attacked.
Wow. Dude is from Morton, IL... which is between Bloomington and Peoria. Drive thru there every day I went to work.
Same for people who think they know everything.
My man this is pretty much as in your face as you can get. Look at the donors, look at who owns the buildings, look at who pays for the renovations, look at the parts of America that side a particular way and their main source of income, look at who’s present during the “town hall” meetings, look at where tax breaks are given, look at who gets the government support. There’s a clear cut paper trail thats irrefutable. There is no mystery lol. The government is swayed to meet the needs of a handful of big businesses protected by the catch phrases of “trickle down economics”, “decreasing the American debt” and/or “American owned”.
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My man this is pretty much as in your face as you can get. Look at the donors, look at who owns the buildings, look at who pays for the renovations, look at the parts of America that side a particular way and their main source of income, look at who’s present during the “town hall” meetings, look at where tax breaks are given, look at who gets the government support. There’s a clear cut paper trail thats irrefutable. There is no mystery lol. The government is swayed to meet the needs of a handful of big businesses protected by the catch phrases of “trickle down economics”, “decreasing the American debt” and/or “American owned”.

Bet. Im not debating any of this. Im only saying it annoys me when people dismiss certain things that have mountains of documented evidence to back it up simply because they’re unfamiliar with the subject or it doesn’t fit into the narrative of their preconceived notions regarding world events. Some things are cut and dry some aren’t. It takes a certain level of discernment and intuitive critical thinking to figure out truth sometimes.
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My man this is pretty much as in your face as you can get. Look at the donors, look at who owns the buildings, look at who pays for the renovations, look at the parts of America that side a particular way and their main source of income, look at who’s present during the “town hall” meetings, look at where tax breaks are given, look at who gets the government support. There’s a clear cut paper trail thats irrefutable. There is no mystery lol. The government is swayed to meet the needs of a handful of big businesses protected by the catch phrases of “trickle down economics”, “decreasing the American debt” and/or “American owned”.

Their new favorite line is “Maintain our sovereignty”

That’s code for keeping White people in control
Bet. Im not debating any of this. Im only saying it annoys me when people dismiss certain things that have mountains of documented evidence to back it up simply because they’re unfamiliar with the subject of it doesn’t fit into the narrative of their preconceived notions regarding world events. Some things are cut and dry some aren’t. It takes a certain level of discernment and intuitive critical thinking to figure out truth sometimes.
I wish you held yourself to same standards you demand of others.
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