Naked gunman kills 4 at a waffle house in nashville

So this dude got bond? Set at 2 million, but a bond? For this ****? C’mon now.....

Bruhs can’t get bond for some petty drug ****, but this ******* murders 4 people and has the possibility of not being behind bars?

Dat privilege. :smh: :smh: :smh:
Yeah actually gave the scumbag bond :sick:
So this dude got bond? Set at 2 million, but a bond? For this ****? C’mon now.....

Bruhs can’t get bond for some petty drug ****, but this ******* murders 4 people and has the possibility of not being behind bars?

Dat privilege. :smh: :smh: :smh:
Smh. This country wasn't designed for people of color. Such a disrespect to people who were killed to even give that lunatic a bond. I wanna know who the judge on the case?
Same for people who think they know everything.

If anyone wants to get a true idea of how government and finance/monopoly capitalists work hand in hand to keep the world in an endless conflict and bankruptcy loop, basically since the mid-19th up to the mid 20th century, read Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigly (one of Bill Clinton's college professors). Now, while it ends in the mid-20th, you will basically get the gist of how governments, corporations and "round table groups" (Rand Corp, Bilderberg Group, etc.) work together to set and execute policies that benefit them and them alone.
If anyone wants to get a true idea of how government and finance/monopoly capitalists work hand in hand to keep the world in an endless conflict and bankruptcy loop, basically since the mid-19th up to the mid 20th century, read Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigly (one of Bill Clinton's college professors). Now, while it ends in the mid-20th, you will basically get the gist of how governments, corporations and "round table groups" (Rand Corp, Bilderberg Group, etc.) work together to set and execute policies that benefit them and them alone.

Read it in 2013. It’s a taxing read. Took me the entire year because I couldn’t just power through it. Had to fall back a couple times. I’d recommend atlas shrugged as well.
Taken alive?
Was still armed when taken?
got bond?
Parents not in jail?
Got the guns back after taken away?

....... WOW

White people:

“White privilege? My son has to take the SAT to get into college too you know”

“Poe-lease pull me over when I speed too ya know”

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So this dudes history basically screamed he should have been locked up a long time ago, but you know, being white and all has it's benefits:

From CNN:

"Reinking, who was taken into custody for carrying weapons on federal grounds (White House), told a Secret Service officer at the northeast entrance [of the White House] that he was a “sovereign citizen” who had a “right to inspect the grounds,” according to a Metropolitan Police Department incident report dated July 7, 2017."

"Most recently, police said, he visited a car dealership in the Nashville [Tenn.] suburb of Brentwood last week and somehow obtained a key fob for a BMW without providing identification. Reinking stole the car and police gave up their pursuit because it was rush hour, said Don Aaron, spokesman for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department."

"Police Department responded to a call to a public pool, according to another incident report. The pool director told the responding officer that a man in his 20s barged into the pool wearing a pink women’s housecoat, the report states. The man dove into the pool and took off the coat and swam around in his underwear. When he got out of the pool, he shouted at lifeguards that he was a man and exposed his genitals to them, the report states."
Wow! Gave up pursuit because it was rush hour.

Could've prevented the shooting but it was just a white guy in a stolen vehicle so no big deal or so they thought. :smh:
So this dudes gun license was revoked, guns taken away from him for carrying weapons on federal property. Police give guns to his dad, dad gives him his guns back.

“Don’t do anything about guns , just enforce the laws and everything will be ok” :smh:
My boy was just in a car with someone that had bows in it and couldn’t get a bond. Kept pushing court appearance back and was eventually released on time served after a little over a month cause his boy said they were his. Dude killed 4 people and someone actually set a bond. He was going to have to go underground if he got out.

It’s a crazy world.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the nra popped up to fight for the shooter’s dad to prevent him from being punished.
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I knew my damn blood was gonna boil when I came into this thread. Some people are really pieces of ****s. How was the idea of bond even floated in this case. **** this dumb earth.
Why are y'all surprised that he was given a bond? When it comes to the law, this country wasnt built for us. You can look at how these school shooters or crazy people out here just massacre people out the blue,are taken into custody without a scratch on them,due to there race. If your a Black person that's in the wrong place at the wrong time, then you could possibly lose your life if you react or move in a certain way, even if your not doing anything illegal.

That's why it's funny to see people say he should've complied and that wouldn't have happened. But someone can kill multiple people at one time,then brought in to custody with handcuffs on. Whether if the Judge was trolling in some type of way,it wasn't a good look. But most likely he could careless. This is Tennessee we're talking about here.
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