NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

White people been faking as Jews and Indians for awhile but this **** takes the cake
NAACP Leader Exposed
Jonathan Metzer
June 11, 2015

Suspicions arose Thursday evening when Rachel, along with several associates, watched game four of the NBA Finals. "I just knew something wasn't right and that pretty much confirmed it," longtime friend, Tina Williams said soon after the news broke. "We were in shock. I mean, when she thought 'Bron (LeBron James) had a 'nice-sized' penis, we knew something was wrong. We knew she wasn't one of us." Rachel Dolezal was not available for comment.

Is it possible to black for convenience? Is there a such thing as black priveledge?
There's the, "Black people can do..." and "Black people can say..." stuff? not sure that would permit buying an Afro comb 
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Is it possible to black for convenience? Is there a such thing as black priveledge?
Well a lot of "hispanics" pose as hispanics to get minority priveledges like affirmative action. You know those anglo people with last names like Rodriguez and Hernandez. Guess that would be the only priveledge.
You know I was upset at first, then I realized she's just a white women down for the cause and the media's is trying to lightweight slander and shame her.

The only people that would be more upset about a white woman running the NAACP than blacks, would be whites.
You know I was upset at first, then I realized she's just a white women down for the cause and the media's is trying to lightweight slander and shame her.

The only people that would be more upset about a white woman running the NAACP than blacks, would be whites.
Brah I feel like Ns trippin tbh...she cookin
girl has mental issues and has been sending herself hatemail to get sympathy....

this behavior isn't normal or healthy.... I don't want us to be drafting mentally unstable fat white women...
"After church rachel suggested we eat at Applebee's and there was a golden corral right that point we knew something was off"
Noooooo lmfaoooooo I literally spit my water out breh, this aint funny but the jokes got me crying
Yall know the reason for all this is because she perpetrated a fraud. She could've kept being white and still be a part of the NAACP. But nah, she went full Robert Downey Jr mode from Tropical Thunder.
The NAACP is an archaic organization with waning influence among the younger black population.

Back when Du Bois had the Crisis up and running then I could understand, but not so much now.
"I knew somethin was off when she asked me why i was boilin my ribs......when we went to the gas station to get some ice she bought a pack of malboro menthols and thats when i knew for sure"
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