NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

Only thing that kinda bothers me about this is that she was being paid for speeches about her "black experience"

I realize that many people identify with a culture that is not their own. That's fine.

But she could've been real about who she is. I still think we need to embrace her and teach her rather than publicly shame her.

With parents like hers who needs enemies

Her parents enabled her, then had the nerve to expose her :lol: it's like being the getaway driver in a bank job, getting away with it, then running to the police.
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This situation truly shows how black people embrace and are accepting of other cultures and ethnicities but then get dragged by the same people who wouldn't even give us home loans[emoji]128512[/emoji]
We shouldn't shame her, if that's not the most laughable thing I've heard[emoji]128512[/emoji]
This woman pretended to be something she was not. She was out here straight frauding and deceiving people not only out of money but positions to actual African American Women. There are sisters that work diligently in our communities everyday to get kids on the right track and are fighting corrupt systems of oppression for all and this broad decides one day to pull a

Like I said before she could have worked in the community as a white woman. She didn't have to posture or take positions from hard working black people. I mean I just don't understand how she was able to pull this off for so long. Her husband an ex fiancée can't be this dense but I got a feeling they sold their souls.
This ish really is mind boggling[emoji]128512[/emoji]
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CBS Commentator Assumed Jay Smooth Was Co-Opting Blackness Until He Said, ‘I’m Black’
Talk about a #racetogether moment.

Posted: March 18 2015 10:24 AM

Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes tackled the subject of Starbucks’ #RaceTogether campaign on his show All in With Chris Hayes. The panel discussion included CBS Sunday Morning’s Nancy Giles and culture commentator and DJ Jay Smooth. Smooth is known for his talks on race and his in-depth knowledge of hip-hop and culture.

If you’re not familiar with Smooth, a good place to start is watching his video “On Don Lemon, Race & ‘Respectability’”:

During last night’s segment on Starbucks’ failed campaign, Giles started to make fun of how she assumed Smooth was co-opting blackness because of the way he talked and the music he listens to.

“I can’t not tease Jay about the kinda like brotha way he was trying to talk, like, ‘Hey,’ with the rap music in the background, and, like, down with the people,” Giles said.

I can’t even imagine what was going through Smooth’s head while she was talking. But he did let her know that he is definitely a rap guy.

But Giles didn’t stop there. She just kept on inserting her foot into her mouth based on her own assumptions, and teased Smooth about trying to act black.

“Yeah, I know, but it’s another interesting, funny thing about race. Like, there would be some people that would feel that you co-opted something like that, and other people might feel like that’s his background and that’s really cool, too,” Giles said. “These are conversations, you know, ‘Yo, like, ya know, yeah, if somebody takes my wallet,’ I mean, it's really interesting.”

And if there was ever a time to insert a “Well, that was awkward” gif, right now would have been that moment.

“It's also interesting because I’m actually black, but you assumed otherwise,” Smooth said.

This is the exact awkwardness that many people were trying to prove when they rallied against #RaceTogether on Twitter. Imagine if Smooth was having a #RaceTogether convo with a white barista at Starbucks, and the barista has no idea he’s black and goes on a rant about “those black people.” That would definitely make for another awkward moment, when all you were trying to do was get your macchiato.

View media item 1581684

Here is Benjamin Jealous,head of the NAACP from 2008-2013

View media item 1581688

I wonder if anyone questioned whether he was really black or not?

This is Howard University's first black president:

View media item 1581687
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Wow. She made a pure D *** out of herself. :lol:

I'm posting this in the mixed thread.
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She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
Nah, she's clearly going through an identity crisis bruh.

No way she could have other motives in pretending she's something she's not.
[thread="628804"] [/thread]
1. no doubt she is going through an identity crisis

2. the problem with her is that she didn't want to be "just" a black woman.... she wasn't gonna be black and work a random accounting job and live a normal life.... She wanted to be some kind of high and mighty, african centric, 'im more black than you' type of person. That is beyond simply "transracial"...

being "black" wasn't enough for her... she had to obtain as much political weight and get as high as she could on the black platform to solidify her power and career in the black community.......

she judged other people's blackness bruh....

even if she was full black... as a leader of the NAACP your job is to uplift our community.. not divide and pass judgement on certain people because they aren't "down"....

think about it...
My post was sarcastic and mocking the idea that she has an identity conflict.
She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
Nah, she's clearly going through an identity crisis bruh.

No way she could have other motives in pretending she's something she's not.
[thread="628804"]Naacp Leader Exposed As White Woman In Blackface/900_100#post_23554247​[/thread]
1. no doubt she is going through an identity crisis

2. the problem with her is that she didn't want to be "just" a black woman.... she wasn't gonna be black and work a random accounting job and live a normal life.... She wanted to be some kind of high and mighty, african centric, 'im more black than you' type of person. That is beyond simply "transracial"...

being "black" wasn't enough for her... she had to obtain as much political weight and get as high as she could on the black platform to solidify her power and career in the black community.......

she judged other people's blackness bruh....

even if she was full black... as a leader of the NAACP your job is to uplift our community.. not divide and pass judgement on certain people because they aren't "down"....

think about it...
My post was sarcastic and mocking the idea that she has an identity conflict.
you can't be sarcastic in a thread where people actually think that way.....
She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
Nah, she's clearly going through an identity crisis bruh.

No way she could have other motives in pretending she's something she's not.
1. no doubt she is going through an identity crisis

2. the problem with her is that she didn't want to be "just" a black woman.... she wasn't gonna be black and work a random accounting job and live a normal life.... She wanted to be some kind of high and mighty, african centric, 'im more black than you' type of person. That is beyond simply "transracial"...

being "black" wasn't enough for her... she had to obtain as much political weight and get as high as she could on the black platform to solidify her power and career in the black community.......

she judged other people's blackness bruh....

even if she was full black... as a leader of the NAACP your job is to uplift our community.. not divide and pass judgement on certain people because they aren't "down"....

think about it...
My post was sarcastic and mocking the idea that she has an identity conflict.
you can't be sarcastic in a thread where people actually think that way.....
Well after I had just finished arguing with one of those ppl I thought it was more than obvious I wasn't being serious but I shouldn't take it for granted everybody read the last few pgs.
I hope this lady doesn't do a Budd Dwyer thing...she's gotta be losing her mind right now
if she shoots herself.... would it count as black on black violence?
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Please, if anyome can post Youtube videos, post the Bugatti Beez ask Rachael interview

I was in tears :rofl:
If not just look that **** up
She lowkey look like Amber Rose
Those #askrachel tweets were classic
Neither sex nor gender are social constructs. There are indeed biological factors that influence gender identity.

Another person who hasn't done their homework.

Ever seen a brain scan on a transgender individual?

Their brains are often mapped similarly to the gender they themselves identify with, not the sex they're born as and the gender they were perceived as.

Some biological factors affect your "race" as well. Gender is a social construct in the sense that it is malleable. I mean people in the black race have similar genetic features, but it doesn't mean a genetic black race "exists". Human sexuality has a very wide spectrum, most of us don't fall on the extremes (gay vs. straight).  The same goes for how we perceive our gender. And gender attributes aren't even uniform across cultures, what may be considered feminine behavior in one culture may be considered masculine in another. How you dress? mannerisms? etc.

If society didn't shun it, i might have smashed 3 dudes by now, who knows. And I consider myself a straight man.



At least this is one of the more in your face examples of cultural appropriation where yet again the target is black ppl.
[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
Smoking Gun report published Monday reveals that Rachel Dolezal once filed a lawsuit against Howard University for discriminating against her as a white woman.


View media item 1411832
This lady was legit nuts
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