NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

One thing is disagreeing and getting into a heated debate, hell I'm even cool with dudes schooling me on things I may not be too educated on, but when dudes have to stoop as low as to attack me on a personal level that's when they expose how corny, insecure and childish they are..

Adding TimidTebow to the list of coward NTers going for the low blows behind a computer screen.
Steezy disrespects his own wife pillow talking their personal life on here all the time.

Sharing our personal life is not disrespecting her because she's well aware of EVERYTHING I share with NT....good attempt at that reach.
Steezy disrespects his own wife pillow talking their personal life on here all the time.
but thats his place, no one elses.

personally I don't really give a **** but all that crying when someone firing shots at him is hilarious. he did this to himself

All the disrespectful **** I see about black people on this site the last thing I care about is someone firing shots about his wife. The wife he post numerous amount of pictures and sexual stories about. **** outta here
personally I don't really give a **** but all that crying when someone firing shots at him is hilarious. he did this to himself

All the disrespectful **** I see about black people on this site the last thing I care about is someone firing shots about his wife. The wife he post numerous amount of pictures and sexual stories about. **** outta here

personally I don't really give a **** but all that crying when someone firing shots at him is hilarious. he did this to himself

All the disrespectful **** I see about black people on this site the last thing I care about is someone firing shots about his wife. The wife he post numerous amount of pictures and sexual stories about. **** outta here

I've been here 6 years and have disclosed many aspects of my life, many....I use this site as a place to confide issues, milestones, good days, embarrassing moments like many other NTers do, I have no issues with dudes using some embarrassing story I've shared myself as ammo to come at me, as I have incredibly thick skin and can and have taken plenty of jokes plenty of times, but if you can't understand how just because I've posted pictures of my wife doesn't give ANY of you the right to disrespect her, then you must have some serious social issues....I can't control what YA type, but don't cry when you find yourself banned....clown me all you want, don't bring my family into it.
Ya'll need to chill. Steezy may have been on the wrong side of some debates, even may have said some incendiary things but we cannot condone people bad-mouthing his wife.

Steezy has been addressed on points where he's wrong.

Extinguish the ignorance, don't fan it.
She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
Nah, she's clearly going through an identity crisis bruh.

No way she could have other motives in pretending she's something she's not.
Based off the outrage and the roasting it comes off as though is more of an issue with a white woman claiming the black struggle....not someone of one race claiming another.
More stupidity.

If she was out here claiming a Native American tribe 100% it'd be just as offensive.

It's basically fill-in the blank. You're attempts to not be ingenuous are increasingly transparent.

This is just about her claiming to be black since you want to bring up hypotheticals. Fact is though, she was claiming to be black.
This dude Ksteezy goes in every Black related thread and spews his biased ideology about blacks as though he knows what it's like to be black. Dude is obsessed w black people. Dude needs to sit down somewhere. I wouldn't go in Hispanic related threads telling Hispanics how to think or behave. Dude speaks down to black folk in a paternalistic way as though he's superior it's the funniest ****.

Man shut up :rofl:

Biggest blob of BS I've ever I'm talking down on black people....what in the hell? :rofl:
Instead of trying to laugh things like that off and immediately deny it perhaps you should actually sit down and consider that opinion about how you come off on this forum when in these types of threads.
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She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
Nah, she's clearly going through an identity crisis bruh.

No way she could have other motives in pretending she's something she's not.
1. no doubt she is going through an identity crisis

2. the problem with her is that she didn't want to be "just" a black woman.... she wasn't gonna be black and work a random accounting job and live a normal life.... She wanted to be some kind of high and mighty, african centric, 'im more black than you' type of person. That is beyond simply "transracial"...

being "black" wasn't enough for her... she had to obtain as much political weight and get as high as she could on the black platform to solidify her power and career in the black community.......

she judged other people's blackness bruh....

even if she was full black... as a leader of the NAACP your job is to uplift our community.. not divide and pass judgement on certain people because they aren't "down"....

think about it...
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"She told me not to blow her cover about the fact that she had this secret life or alternate identity," Ezra Dolezal said Saturday. "She told not to tell anybody about Montana or her family over there. She said she was starting a new life... and this one person over there was actually going to be her black father." 

"It's kind of a slap in the face to African-Americans because she doesn't know what it's like to be black," said Ezra Dolezal, whose biological mother was white and father half-black. "She's only been African-American when it benefited her. She hasn't been through all the struggles. She's only been African-American the last few years.
statements from her adopted brother she grew up with....

What's crazy to me is how in she tells people who say she's not black that they don't understand "race" & "ethnicity". IDK how anyone can hear that and say with any confidence she is qualified to continue holding her position at the NAACP.

I mean the interview even ends with "if they're saying you're not black, what would you say in response"?

To that she replies 'people might listen to them or give them a platform that they don't deserve'.

She has a very real sense of entitlement to the position she's in and that's what's alarming to me.

She doesn't have a grasp on the actual reality of the situation.

The issue is that this is cultural appropriation. Period. It's absolutely not condonable.
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Not sure what happened in here and although I disagree with steezy, goin in on his personal business is foul.

What surprises me is there are certain "woke" black NTers that are agreeing with known sws apologist in this very thread.

I am a black male. I am a straight male. What in the hell does one have to do with the other?

And if you don't see how the narrative of trying to compare LGBT issues to black american issues in this thread while simultaneously denying it in a black themed thread is hypocritical at the least, I wouldn't wouldn't consider you "woke."
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Only thing that kinda bothers me about this is that she was being paid for speeches about her "black experience"

I realize that many people identify with a culture that is not their own. That's fine.

But she could've been real about who she is. I still think we need to embrace her and teach her rather than publicly shame her.

With parents like hers who needs enemies
She got the whole braid game on lock down. I bet my next check the next white dude she dates will be the first.
How did her husband let this bs continue[emoji]128512[/emoji]
Really makes me question the people in her life and their mind state.
No way in hell im letting her play "dress up"and dictate to other African Americans how to live.
If she wanted to really help, she could have as a "woke"white woman. It just reeks of entitlement, fantasy, money and power.
They divorced on 04

I really want to see an interview wit sumone who thought she was black looool
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