NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

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i just... i cant w/ yall today.. :lol:

crowbarring nonfacts into a convo..

Also.. can you copy paste the article so i can read it?

i mean... you read it, right? since you have access to the


Sure thing. :lol:

Caught Between Male and Female

Dec. 6, 2013 7:03 p.m. ET
We mammals are obsessed with classifying individuals by sex. For humans, it's "She had her baby? Great. Boy or girl?" A baboon asks the same, ambling over to a newborn and prying its legs open to have a look. And the same goes for dogs, meeting and greeting by sniffing each other's privates: What kind are you?

People typically think of mammals as coming in two clear-cut sexual flavors. But, as the ambidextrous will attest, nature often abhors dichotomies.

There are species of fish in which individuals change sex opportunistically: If the sole male in a breeding group dies, the dominant female becomes male. In many species, "typical" male and female sexual behavior operates on a continuum. As for humans, about 1% of us are born "intersexual," with ambiguous genitalia. Recent research on the neurobiology of such cases moves things even further from the idea of a simple, dichotomous universe of pink and blue.

As with most mammals, the brains of humans are "sexually dimorphic," meaning that its structure and function differ by sex. For starters, male brains are typically larger, reflecting the demands of regulating a greater body mass. There are numerous subtler differences, where some brain regions differ by sex as to, for example, the average number and complexity of neurons or the levels of various chemical messengers.

These differences probably contribute to sex differences in learning, emotion and socialization. (The differences are small and variable, however. Knowing information about one of these areas in an individual's brain doesn't allow accurate prediction of the person's sex.)


In the 1990s, scientists began to compare these sexually dimorphic regions in the brains of transsexuals and the rest of humanity. Early work in this area required the examination of brains postmortem; recent studies use images of the living brain.

The results show that when individuals of Sex A—despite having the chromosomes, gonads and sex hormones of that sex—insist that they're really Sex B, the gender-affected parts of the brain typically more closely resemble what's usually seen with Sex B.

Consider an obscure brain region called the forceps minor (part of the corpus callosum, a mass of fibers that connect the brain's two hemispheres). On average, among nontranssexuals, the forceps minor of males contains parallel nerve fibers of higher density than in females. But the density in female-to-male transsexuals is equivalent to that in typical males.

As another example, the hypothalamus, a hormone-producing part of the brain, is activated in nontranssexual men by the scent of estrogen, but in women—and male-to-female transsexuals—by the scent of androgens, male-associated hormones.

Two arguments against these findings come to mind. First, sex-reassignment surgery involves treatment with cross-sex hormones that alter the brain. This is true, but the differences in the brains of transsexuals are there before hormone treatments start. Secondly, maybe these findings aren't about the sex one identifies with but are instead about the sex one is attracted to. But no, the findings are the same in transsexual individuals who are attracted to the same or to the opposite sex.

The 2013 edition of the American Psychiatric Association's hugely influential "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" recategorized transsexuals as suffering not from "gender identity disorder" (as it previously did) but from "gender dysphoria." In short, the mental disorder lies not in believing that you're a different gender but in the suffering caused by that belief.

These neurobiological findings suggest that the APA hasn't gone far enough in changing its categories. The issue isn't that sometimes people believe they are of a different gender than they actually are. Remarkably, instead, it's that sometimes people are born with bodies whose gender is different from what they actually are.
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Hey Ricky, as a finance guy I'm surprised you don't have a subscription to WSJ, should probably get on that bud.

Good stuff.

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I feel like I'm an quadroonian, native, asian and aryan.

See how convoluted that **** sound?

See how illogical that is?

Since race is a social construct, transracial identification is ALSO a social construct. Transgender identification is NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. GENDER IS NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.


Wait hold up....I'm not eem trying to lit the match again...but now YA confusing me, I thought you guys were claiming earlier that Gender was in fact a social construct, that SEX was biological and that was why no one could change their sex, but they can actually change their gender....seriously asking.
Wait hold up....I'm not eem trying to lit the match again...but now YA confusing me, I thought you guys were claiming earlier that Gender was in fact a social construct, that SEX was biological and that was why no one could change their sex, but they can actually change their gender....seriously asking.

who is "you guys"?

let me know bruh, because I can only speak for myself and what I've posted.

and what are you asking because I don't see a question in your post?
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The proJenner/antiRachel crowd bruh...

as we stand, anything that's a social construct, can in fact be changed, race being a social construct, we should be able to swap between any race we wish, because at the end of the day we are all practically identical genetically.....

Gender is also a social construct and that's why Jenner and every other transgender can in fact change genders if they wish....

I'm I following?
gotta love NT race threads

I didn't mean it in that sense.

I sincerely don't know who he is referring to because I never once stated gender was a social construct.

So I have no idea who he's lumping me in with.

I'm sincerely perplexed as to who these people are and when I never even remotely insinuated that gender was a social construct.
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I didn't mean it in that sense.

I sincerely don't know who he is referring to because I never once stated gender was a social construct.

So I have no idea who he's lumping me in with.

Sorry bro, I'm just referring to the proJenner/antiRachel crowd...thought that was your be exact it was HeliumLincoln and MasterZik who claimed Gender to be a social construct and that's why Gender =/= Sex
The proJenner/antiRachel crowd bruh...

as we stand, anything that's a social construct, can in fact be changed, race being a social construct, we should be able to swap between any race we wish, because at the end of the day we are all practically identical genetically.....

Gender is also a social construct and that's why Jenner and every other transgender can in fact change genders if they wish....

I'm I following?

The Pro-Jenner/Anti-Rachel crowd?

Well, I didn't know I was part of a team.

News to me, when do I get my jersey?

I also didn't know that I was pro-Jenner instead. I thought I simply respected the LGBT community. I don't believe I ever spoke specifically about how I felt about Jenner herself. I thought I simply admonished those who continuously feel the need to make this thread about a baseless comparison and that I wasn't going to play that game. I see ulterior motives and I'm not going to sit there and cater to folks harboring such motives.

Gender isn't a social construct IMO, there are certainly elements of social influence on gender identity, but there is evidence that individuals that are transgender have a very real biological connection to the gender they identify themselves as. Mapping transgender people's brains have allowed us to see this evidence.

Since race is a social construct, and there are very real implications of racial identity as a result of human history, history that includes the transatlantic slave trade, one cannot simply choose to shed their actual identity. They cannot just choose to take on the history associated with the race they wish to emulate.

Rachel Dolezal cannot just live the black experience by simply altering her appearance or by doing work to help the black community. It isn't that simple, she can't simulate the disparity of privilege, she can't simulate the disparity of opportunity, the disparity in incarceration rates and the disparity in wealth distribution.

Because if she were actually black, born black, who knows the actual circumstances she'd have came from. The circumstances millions of black Americans face. Circumstances including poverty, police brutality, living in communities with poor schools, poor infrastructure, poor local economies.

She didn't live that experience, hers is one of empathy and of guilt. No matter how much empathy she feels, no matter how much guilt, no matter how much confusion she has from growing up with black adopted siblings, it doesn't give her the full scope of the black experience.
Sorry bro, I'm just referring to the proJenner/antiRachel crowd...thought that was your be exact it was HeliumLincoln and MasterZik who claimed Gender to be a social construct and that's why Gender =/= Sex

I didn't know there were any crowds, just individuals. Even folks who share similar opinions do not do so in a completely uniform matter.
Care to share that study where the transgender brain was studied and they found evidence of a man possibly identifying as a female on a biological level....I'm legit interested in reading that....that would actually be fascinating.
Care to share that study where the transgender brain was studied and they found evidence of a man possibly identifying as a female on a biological level....I'm legit interested in reading that....that would actually be fascinating.

I've already shared two articles.
I drew the comparison earlier because both issues dealt with identity....not because of any ulterior motives or because I hate the LGBT community like some claimed I did, which is not the case....I Simply find both cases rather similar.

Something else I'm noticing, is the outrage because she passed off as a black woman being white?...because she lied about living struggles that only Belong to blacks?....if she identified as any other race, that perhaps didn't have such a hurtful history, would it had been more acceptable?
Something else I'm noticing, is the outrage because she passed off as a black woman being white?...because she lied about living struggles that only Belong to blacks?....if she identified as any other race, that perhaps didn't have such a hurtful history, would it had been more acceptable?
She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.
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I drew the comparison earlier because both issues dealt with identity....not because of any ulterior motives or because I hate the LGBT community like some claimed I did, which is not the case....I Simply find both cases rather similar.

Something else I'm noticing, is the outrage because she passed off as a black woman being white?...because she lied about living struggles that only Belong to blacks?....if she identified as any other race, that perhaps didn't have such a hurtful history, would it had been more acceptable?

I wasn't insinuating that you had ulterior motives, but there are some very subtle bigoted undertones with all the Caitlyn Jenner references in this thread.

And no, I don't think it would be more acceptable if she identified herself as another race.

But it's an interesting question.

As a result of British Colonialism, both India and Pakistan to this day have people who believe white complexion is better than darker complexion.

Dark complexion is often stigmatized, people take cosmetic steps to get their skin to be whiter.

People often think those with dark complexion are intellectually and physically inferior.

It's quite unfortunate really. Because a lot of Pakistanis and Indians are failing to embrace their own beauty, British Colonialism brainwashed the people and to this day that ignorance prevails.

At days end, they can take steps to bleach their skin white, but they will still be Indians and Pakistanis. Their experience will be that of an Indian or a Pakistani.

Rachel Dolezal could've been asian for example, but no amount of emulation could give her the ability to properly live the asian experience.

It's not that society wouldn't accepting of her, Rachel, it's that society wouldn't be accepting of what she believes her experience is as an asian or in this instance, as a black.

People are simply not going to accept that she can properly understand how profound and unique each race's experience is in America.

She can borrow those shoes but they'll never be hers no matter how many miles she walks in them.
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She used her image as a black woman to secure "help" her secure a career and political position.

not only that, she chastised other whites for their actions in relation to not crossing the racial barrier (ie. making money off blacks)  and judged blacks on their "blackness" (the photo of the actors who married outside their race)

This is more of a symptom of childhood issues and the mindset of a pathological liar.

She judged blacks on their "blackness" bruh.... 

She's the equivalent of a closeted politician passing laws discriminating against gays

instead of using her personality to be accepted by the black community, she relied on her hair, skin, and a fake family....

relied on fake oppression (fake racist emails/noose).... she doesn't understand what it means to be black.... if she did, they she would have known she could have been accepted as a white woman who was "real" rather than as a black woman who was "fake"

.....if she really knew the black community, she would have known beforehand of the epic roasting she going through now.

nah I get it....she definitely has some deep rooted issues....maybe she does want to identify with blacks so bad and got so indulged in her lie that she had to overcompensate by going the extra mile and go as far as judging blacks for not being black enough if that makes cents...I see how that can be offensive.

So if she was walking around passing off as a Puerto Rican or Asian there really wouldn't be an outrage....because the issue is not that she's identifying as a different race, but that she's identifyng as black in particular.
I wasn't insinuating that you had ulterior motives, but there are some very subtle bigoted undertones with all the Caitlyn Jenner references in this thread.

And no, I don't think it would be more acceptable if she identified herself as another race.

But it's an interesting question.

As a result of British Colonialism, both India and Pakistan to this day have people who believe white complexion is better than darker complexion.

Dark complexion is often stigmatized, people take cosmetic steps to get their skin to be whiter.

People often think those with dark complexion are intellectually and physically inferior.

It's quite unfortunate really. Because a lot of Pakistanis and Indians are failing to embrace their own beauty, British Colonialism brainwashed the people and to this day that ignorance prevails.

At days end, they can take steps to bleach their skin white, but they will still be Indians and Pakistanis. Their experience will be that of an Indian or a Pakistani.

Rachel Dolezal could've been asian for example, but no amount of emulation could give her the ability to properly live the asian experience.

It's not that society wouldn't accepting of her, Rachel, it's that society wouldn't be accepting of what she believes her experience is as an asian or in this instance, as a black.

People are simply not going to accept that she can properly understand how profound and unique each race's experience is in America.

She can borrow those shoes but they'll never be hers no matter how many miles she walks in them.

Makes cents.
Based off the outrage and the roasting it comes off as though is more of an issue with a white woman claiming the black struggle....not someone of one race claiming another.
nah I get it....she definitely has some deep rooted issues....maybe she does want to identify with blacks so bad and got so indulged in her lie that she had to overcompensate by going the extra mile and go as far as judging blacks for not being black enough if that makes cents...I see how that can be offensive.

So if she was walking around passing off as a Puerto Rican or Asian there really wouldn't be an outrage....because the issue is not that she's identifying as a different race, but that she's identifyng as black in particular.
bruh... if she was straight and parading around as gay.... gays would be mad

if she was mexican and saying she was puerto rican.... and became a leader of a puerto rican organization... the puerto rican community would be mad..

notice that niketalk has a large black community and we are just reacting to her because her relation to our minority

also notice how the vids of the japanese girls who dress up to look black has received no negative feedback and even a few "
"... vs this chick who went much further than that with deception and judgement
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